Information on the Source of Imp8 Mag Data

Please acknowledge the original investigators and the NSSDC, who kindly provided these data, in any publication resulting from their use. For further information about imp8 and its payload, see Joe King, Availablity of IMP-8 Data for IMS Period, in IMS Source Book (edited by C. T. Russell and D. J. Southwood), pp.10-20, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1982.

Bx_GSM, By-GSM, and Bz_GSM are magnetic field components in GSM and BT is the magnetic field strength in nT. They are 1.024 min (61.44 second) averages from higher resolution data. The original PI of this investigation was N.F. Ness. For questions about the instrument or the original measurements, please contact the present PI R. P. Lepping (email:

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Last Modified: August 7,1995