Models and Analysis
(In Alphabetical Order by Project Name)
Each of the scientists or groups in the following lists is a link to an individual
Web page containing abstracts and data pertaining to each group's research.
There are also mail links on each page to ensure convenient correspondence.
Scientists that have provided data links or abstracts are presently
signified with a "
" at the end of their line. All of the other scientists
do still have mail links, and will have data and information as soon as they
are provided.
AMIE Modeling (Emery, B)

Auroral Boundaries/Particle Spectra (G. Lu)
Auroral Pulsations (McHarg, G.)
Auroral Structures (Samson, J.)
Cosmic Rays (Patterson, E.)
Cusp and Nightside Particle Spectra (Onsager, T.)
Data Assimilation to include AMIE (Knipp, D.)

Equatorail Magnetomter Data Analysis (Kikuchi, T.)
Field Line Interhemispheric Model (Melendez, D.; Richards, P.)
Global MHD-Ionosphere Model (Raeder, J.)
Global MHD Modeling (Chen, J.)
High Latitude Electric Field Modeling (Weimer, D.)
Ionospheric Conductance Modeling (Ahn, B.)
Ionospheric Modeling (Carr, S.)
Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM (Decker, D.; Anderson, D.)
IRI Ionospheric Modeling (Bilitza, D.)
IZMEM Modeling (Papitashvili, V.)
KRM modeling (Kamide, Y.)
KRM Modeling and Analysis (M. Conner)
Low Latitude E-Field Modeling (Fejer, B.)
Modeled Solar EUV Irradiance (Tobiska, K.)
Modified Magnetospheric Spec Model Plasma Density (Lambour, R.)
NCAR TIEGCM Runs (Fesen, C.)
Non-Linear Time Series Analysis of SW data (Vassiliadis, D.)
Radiation Belt Modeling (Hudson, M.)
RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run (Andrews, G; Freeman, J)

Ring Current Modeling (Chen, M.)
Ring Current Modeling (Kozyra, J.)
Solar Modeling (Linker, J.)
Solar Wind/IMF/Plasma (Crooker, N.)

Solar Wind Shock Modeling (Totten, T.)
Storm Effects (Allen, J.)
TIME GCM Runs (Crowley, G.)
University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model (Maurits, S.; Watkins, B.)
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Please send any comments or additional information to Guan Le .
Last modified: January 2, 1996