README file for IMP8 data

1) These are only our 'best' parameters. A value of 9999. means that we couldn't calculate them. If you're desperate, we can give you less accurate parameters for specific times, but caveat emptor... The parameters are based on a convected, isotropic Maxwellian model.

2) We use the convention Jan. 1 = DOY 1. Please note that the decimal year is double precision, e.g. 1994.xxxxxxx where xxxxxxx is fraction of year.

3) All velocity coordinates are in GSE, meaning +x toward Sun, +z towards the North, perpendicular to the (Earth's) ecliptic, y for a right-hand system (+y in the direction opposite to Earth's motion). Everything is in km/s. Effects due to the orbital motion of Earth are removed.

4) Thermal speed is the most probable thermal speed (i.e., the square root of [2kT/m(proton)]). To convert thermal speed to temperature in eV, multiply 0.0052 by the square of the thermal speed.

5) The angles are in degrees. Azimuth is E/W, with each meaning 'from the (E/W),' while elevation is N/S with the same meaning. For signs, positive azimuth angle means flow from the W; positive elevation angle means flow from the S. If we don't get good angles, you don't get any velocity components. The aberration in velocity due to Earth's motion around the Sun has been removed.

6) The spacecraft trajectory values (xse, yse, zse, ysm, zsm) are in units of Earth radii.

7) The field labeled "md" refers to the spacecraft mode and is probably unimportant to you.

8) For papers and presentations using these data, please acknowledge that you received them from the MIT Space Plasma Physics Group. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about any parameters.

9) Please send us a copy of papers, presentations, et cetera using these data.

10) If you have any questions, please contact

Pamela A. Milligan

Karolen I. Paularena

Dr. Alan J. Lazarus

The following data files are located in this directory (the number to the right of each name is the number of bytes in that file):