Scientists that have provided data links or abstracts are presently
signified with a "
" at the end of their line. All of the other scientists
do still have mail links, and will have data and information as soon as they
are provided.
Akebona Data (Obara, T.)
Alaska-Canada Meridian Chain Magnetometer Data (Olson, J.)
All Sky Camera Data (Roderiguez, R.)
AMIE Modeling (Emery, B.)
Antarctic Ground Magnetometer Data (Cafarella, L.)
Antarctic Magnetometer Data (Rosenberg, T.; Weatherwax, A.)
Arctic and Antarctic Magnetometer Data (Troshichev, O.)
Arecibo Incoherent Data (Sulzer, M., Zhou, Q.)
Auroral Boundaries/Particle Spectra (Lu, G.)
Auroral Pulsations (McHarg, G.)
Auroral Structures (Samson, J.)
Australian Ionosondes (Wilkinson, P.)
Boulder CO Ground Magnetometers and Spectragrams (Worthington, W.)
Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network (Boteler, D.; Coles, R.)
CANOPUS Magnetometer Data (Hughes, T.; Rostoker, G.)
CCD All sky images of aurora and airglow (Steele, D.)
Coordinator, CEDAR Storm Study/Millstone Hill Data (Buonsanto, M.)
Coordinator, Data Assimilation to include AMIE (Knipp, D.)
Cosmic Rays (Patterson, E.)
Cusp and Nightside Particle Spectra (Onsager, T.)
DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data (Hairston, M.; Heelis, R.)
DMSP Particle Data (Rich, F.)
Equatorail Magnetomter Data Analysis (Kikuchi, T.)
Fabry Perot OH winds and O (1D) winds (Wickwar, V.)
FREJA Currents (Gary, J.; Zanetti, L.)
FREJA Electric Field and Low-Frequency Wave Data (Mursula, K.)
Field Line Interhemispheric Model (Melendez, D.; Richards, P.)
Galileo Data, Low resolution B data at 3.6 AU (Kivelson, M.)
Geopotentials/mid latitude magnetometer data (Lanzerotti, L.)
Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data (Nakamura, M.; Terasawa, T.)
Geotail Electric Field Data Analysis (Cattell, C.)
Geotail Energetic Particles (Angelopoulos, V.)
Global MHD Modeling (Chen, J.)
Global MHD-Ionosphere Model (Raeder, J.)
GOES 6 & 7 Magnetometer and Energetic Particles (Singer, H.)
GPS Data at 4.2 Re (Cayton, T.)
GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps (Ho, C.; Mannucci, A.)
Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data (Friis-Christensen, E., Stauning, P.)
Greenland Imaging Riometer Data (Stauning, P.)
Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar (Dudeney, J.; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.)
High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles (Reinisch, B.; Scali, J.)
High Latitude Electric Field Modeling (Weimer, D.)
HRDI/WINDII Data Analysis (Deng, W.)
IMAGE Magnetometer Data (Luehr, H.)
IMAGE Magnetometer Data & Ground Voltages (Viljanen, A.)
IMP-8 Solar Wind Plasma (Lazarus, A.)
Interested in Developments (Altrock, R.)
Interested in Developments (Bala)
Interested in Developments (Basu, S.)
Interested in Developments (Behnke, R.)
Interested in Developments (Brueckner, G.)
Interested in Developments (Davis, C.)
Interested in Developments (Denig, W.)
Interested in Developments (de La Beaujardiere, O.)
Interested in Developments (Gosling, J.)
Interested in Developments (Hagan, M.)
Interested in Developments (Hume, E.)
Interested in Developments (Joselyn, J.)
Interested in Developments (Kroehl, H.)
Interested in Developments (Kunches, J.)
Interested in Developments (Kutiev, I.)
Interested in Developments (Luhmann, J.)
Interested in Developments (Lyons, L.)
Interested in Developments (McPherron, R.)
Interested in Developments (Mukai, T.)
Interested in Developments (Prochaska, B.)
Interested in Developments (Roberts, B.)
Interested in Developments (Robinson, R.)
Interested in Developments (Russell, C.)
Interested in Developments (Salah, J.)
Interested in Developments (Schunk, R.)
Interested in Developments (Sharber, J.)
Interested in Developments (Siscoe, G.)
Interested in Developments (Sojka, J.)
Interested in Developments (Spence, H.)
Interested in Developments (Spjeldvik, W.)
Interested in Developments (Sun, W.)
Interested in Developments (Temerin, M.)
Interested in Developments (Thomsen, M.)
Interested in Developments (Thorne, R.)
Interested in Developments (Tschan, C.)
Interested in Developments (Tsurutani, B.)
Interested in Developments (Wilkin, P.)
INTERMAGNET Data (Green, A.)
Interplanetary Scintillation Data (Detman, T.)
Ionospheric Analysis/Millstone Hill Data (Foster, J.)
Ionospheric Conductance Modeling (Ahn, B.)
Ionospheric Modeling (Carr, S.)
Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM (Anderson, D.; Decker, D.)
Ionospheric Tomography (MACE Data) (Bust, G.)
IRI Ionospheric Modeling (Bilitza, D.)
IZMEM Modeling (Papitashvili, V.)
IZMIRAN Ground Magnetometer Chain (Zaitzev, A.)
KRM modeling (Kamide, Y.)
KRM Modeling and Analysis (Conner, M.)
Lonyearbyen Magnetometer Data (Szuberla, C.)
Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data (Henderson, M.; Reeves, G.)
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers (Borovsky, J.; Hoogeveen, G., Weiss, L.)
Los Alamos Plasmaspheric-Drift Interferometer (Jacobson, A.)
Low Latitude E-Field Modeling (Fejer, B.)
Lower Thermosphere Winds (Manson, A.)
Lower Thermosphere Optical Data (Meriwether, J.)
MACCS magnetometer data (Engebreteson, M.; Hughes, J.)
MAGIC Magnetometer Data (Clauer, R.)
Mauna Loa K-Coronometer (Hundhausen, A.)
Modeled Solar EUV Irradiance (Tobiska, K.)
Modified Magnetospheric Spec Model Plasma Density (Lambour, R.)
NCAR TIEGCM Runs (Fesen, C.)
NGDC Cosmic Ray Data On-Line (Erwin, E.)
NGDC Geomagnetic On-Line Data (Morris, L.)
NGDC Ionospheric Data (Conkright, R.; O'Loughlin, K.)
NGDC Solar On-Line Data (Coffey, H.)
Non-Linear Time Series Analysis of SW data (Vassiliadis, D.)
Optical Data at Eureka 89 deg. Magnetic (McEwen, D.)
Peruvian Ionosonde Data (Calderon, C.; Valiz, O.)
Radiation Belt Modeling (Hudson, M.)
RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run (Andrews, G.; Freeman, J.)
Ring Current Modeling (Chen, M.)
Ring Current Modeling (Kozyra, J.)
SAMNET Magnetometer Data (Milling, D.; Orr, D.)
SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis (Baker, D.; Li, X.)
Satellite Anomalies Studies (Wilkinson, D.)
Solar Modeling (Linker, J.)
Solar Sector Boundaries (Watari, S.)
Solar Wind/IMF/Plasma (Crooker, N.)
Solar Wind Shock Modeling (Totten, T.)
SOLTIPS Coordinator (Dryer, M.)
Southern Hemisphere magnetometers (Fraser, B.)
Storm Effects (Allen, J.)
SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis (Baker, K.; Ruohoniemi, M.)
Thermospheric Winds, Transient Electric Fields (Miller, K.)
TIME GCM Runs (Crowley, G.)
TIROS/NOAA Particle Data (Evans, D.)
210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data (Shiokawa, K.; Yumoto, K.)
UARS Auroral Currents (Anderson, B.)
UARS/HRDI (Burrage, M.)
UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray (Frahm, R.; Sharber, J.; Winningham, D.)
UARS PEM/WINDII, Photoelectrons and Energetic Particles (Link, R.)
UARS Solar Spectra, Oxygen profile, Ozone profile (Prinz, D.)
UARS WINDII (McLandress, C.)
University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model (Maurits, S.; Watkins, B.)
VLF D-Region Measurements (Inan, U.)
WINDII Data (Shepard, G.)
YOHKOH Solar Images, Stream/CME ID and Interactions (McAllister, A.)
YOKHOH X-ray Image Data (Masuda, S.)
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Please send any comments or additional information to Guan Le .
Last modified: December 21,1995