Abstract for Modeled Data

Enclosed in a separate file are modeled data representing 1AU, full-disk EUV photon and energy fluxes (photons cm-2 s-1 delta_lambda-1 and ergs cm-2 s-1 delta_lambda-1) during the period of the SunRISE/GEM/CEDAR Nov 93 Space Weather Event. Data are provided for October 31, 1993 - November 4, 1993. Wavelength binning is ~5 nm or by discrete line. Additionally, a Postscript file is also included to show representative EUV fluxes for 5 wavelengths which contribute significantly to the photoabsorption or photoionization of the upper atmosphere during all levels of solar activity.

These modeled data are produced with the developmental version (EUV95X) of the empirical solar EUV flux model. The model has its heritage in the EUV91 model (W.K. Tobiska, JATP, v. 53, 1005, 1991) which is widely available from NSSDC or WDC. Changes from EUV91 in the current version include:

1) derived multiple linear regression coefficients using revised SOLRAD 11 fluxes (W.K. Tobiska, Solar Phys, v. 152, 207, 1994) to improve the absolute values and relative variation of the 3-5 nm bin (will be slightly revised downward prior to publication based on the work of F. Eparvier);
2) modeling of chromospheric emissions with UARS-calibrated Lyman-alpha for periods beginning June 20, 1968;
3) a predictive EUV capability using Ken Schatten's estimated F10.7 monthly values through December 30, 2003 (to be revised with his most recent estimates by the time of publication); and
4) user-friendly features such as the choice of a wavelength binning template (5 nm or 1 A) and the ability to use one's own proxy values to create empirically modeled EUV flux for a given date.

Currently, EUV91 is available in Fortran 77 format or IDL. The EUV95X version is only available in IDL at this time from W.K. Tobiska but will be available in Fortran 77 after publication and for dissemination.

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