
Ground magnetometer data was recorded at Boulder, CO (L=2.3). The data consists of 3 vector components (H, D, Z) of the geomagnetic field recorded at one-second (1 Hz) intervals. The data are recorded as variation data. The data are in nT with a resolution of 0.02 nT. Tests at the time indicated a noise level of 0.06 nT. The data were recorded with a 0.5 Hz low-pass filter. Data exists from 06:43 UT Nov 3 thru Nov 9. Timing of the data was determined with a GPS clock. Each day of data is in a separate compressed ASCII file. A description of the data format is available.

Data analysis to date consists of little more than computation of digital spectrograms. A display of these will be shortly available on the USGS Web site. The data are freely available to anyone who needs it.

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