--------------------------------------------------------- Mini-GEM Workshop Report, December 4, 1994, San Francisco --------------------------------------------------------- BOUNDARY LAYER CAMPAIGN WG1: RECONNECTION ELECTRIC FIELD AND MAGNETOPAUSE BOUNDARY NORMAL MAGNETIC FIELD A. Periods of good multi-instrument coverage of the dayside cusp region at ~13 to 16 UT, with IMF available. Scientific goal: identify separatrix and 2-dimensional flow versus time across, and in vicinity of, separatrix. Data available as of Dec. 1994 are as follows. 1. 27 Jan. 1992: Good 2-D maps from Goose Bay, some 1-D line-of sight data from Halley Bay, line-of-sight velocities and heating rates from Sondrestrom. Dayside period has stable IMF. Good period for study at 1995 Snowmass meeting. 2. 29 Mar. 1992: Detail reconnection analysis and 2-D maps (K. Baker), good Halley Bay data from which 2-D maps should be obtainable, line-of-sight velocities and heating rates from Sondrestrom. Dayside period has variable IMF conditions. Comparison of Baker results with Halley Bay data should be possible at 1995 Snowmass meeting. 3. 21 July 1992: Line-of-sight velocites and heating rates from Sondrestrom. Goose bay and Halley Bay may be available for 1995 Snowmass meeting. 4. Responsibilities: Study coordinator: Lyons Goose Bay data: Greenwald Halley Bay data: Pinnock Sondrestrom data: Blanchard B. Test separatrix identification techniques with dayside optical observations, DMSP, and radars. 1. Dates: 6-8 Jan. 1992; 14 Jan. 1994. 1992 campaign period has been extended by one day because of good AMIE results (Knipp) and clear weather at Svalbard. The Alaska group may have separatrix identification information for the Jan. 1994 period that will be presented at Snowmass. 2. Note: 6-7 Dec. 1994 has been organized to maximize possibilities for separatrix identification tests. 4. Responsibilities: Study coordinator: Maynard Optical data: Jacobsen, Smith Sondrestrom radar: Blanchard AMIE: Knipp C. Continue determinations of polar-cap convection patterns and estimates of separatrix and boundary-layer locations for intervals of relative stable IMF ("synoptic space weather maps"). 1. 27-29 Jan. 1992: reuslts for two periods with large By, one with positive Bz and one with negative Bz, have been completed. 2. 20-21 July 1992; 12-13 Jan. 1989: Excellent AMIE potential patterns have been obtained by Lu for extended periods of stable IMF during both of these campaigns. Analysis for these periods will proceed once paper on Jan. 1992 results is completed. 3. Coordination: Lu, Lyons Larry Lyons, Nelson Maynard