---------------------------------------------------------- Reports of the 6 December GEM WG Meetings in San Francisco ---------------------------------------------------------- WG2: PARTICLE ENTRY, STRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT Co-chairs: Pat Newell and Lou Lee It was agreed that our group would continue primarily in its previous role, namely as a focused debate group on selected fundamental topics. It was also decided that assigning individuals to work on these selected topics would help focus the debate. These individuals need not actually disagree on the topics, but should represent a diversity of views. There were a few brief informal presentations. Guan Le and Chris Russell, responding to previous suggestions that IMF Bz magnitude changes might trigger FTEs, presented evidence that transients in the reconnection rate are spontaneous, and not externally driven. Odile de la Beaujardiere discussed a radar observations of a dayside transient which occurred for northward IMF and appeared to move equatorward. Gerard Fasel discussed all-sky camera observations of dayside auroral transients which indicated a much greater complexity and diversity of phenomena than work hitherto has suggested. Most of the meeting was spent selecting topics to be focused on; and candidates to lead the Snowmass discussions of these topics with a brief report each. A very preliminary list was compiled. There is still plenty of time for researchers in the group or out of it to weigh in arguing for topics to be added or deleted; or suggesting discussion/debate leaders. At this early point, no one has been definitely selected (or committed to serve!). Thus input through contacting either Patrick Newell or Lou Lee could definitely alter the program which occurs in Snowmass this June. Please give your input! Very Preliminary Topics for Focused Debate, and Possible Debate Leaders: (Only 2 or 3 debate leaders will be selected on each subject. In many cases the candidates suggested may not be able to attend) 1. The Relationship Between Dayside Auroral Transients and Merging Sandholt, Lockwood, Newell, Sibeck, Fasel, Lee, Otto 2. Is Reconnection Externally Driven or Spontaneous? Le, Lockwood, de la Beaujardiere, Cowley, Southwood 3. Small-scale Structure and Turbulence at the Magnetopause Thorne,Drake,Song,Tsuratani,Anderson 4. Formation of the LLBL. Is the LLBL open or closed? Lyons,Lundin,Gosling,Nishida,Song 5. Impulsive Penetration of the Magnetopause Lundin,Woch,Lemaire,Evans,Owens,Cowley 6. The Ionosphere as a Source For Sheath and LLBL Ogilvie, Lockwood, Smith, Fuselier, Gosling, Horwitz, Krimigis 7. The Link Between Low-Altitude Satellite Measurements and Ground Measurements of Arcs Fasel, Minow, Lockwood, Newell, Sandholt 8. Is Merging Primarily Anti-Parallel or Subsolar? Is it Primarily Continuous or Dominated by Bursts? Gosling, Reiff, Newell, Sibeck, Lockwood