--------------------------------------------------------- Mini-GEM Workshop Report, December 4, 1994, San Francisco --------------------------------------------------------- MAGNETOTAIL/SUBSTORM CAMPAIGN WG2: SUBSTORM/TAIL PHENOMONOLOGY: OBSERVATIONS AND MODELS Working Group 2 met on the Sunday prior to the Fall AGU meeting to discuss magnetotail/substorm phenomenology and to explore possible model/data comparisons. The three topics that received the majority of the discussion were: (1) Where does the arc associated with the break-up phase of substorms map in the magnetotail, and can an empirical, time-dependent magnetic field model be constructed to investigate this question, (2) Where do field-aligned currents map, and (3) What further observational constraints can we put on the causes of dipolarization? On this final point, Lou Lee presented calculations suggesting that dipolarization may be caused by a steep entropy gradient that exists prior to substorm onset. As might be expected, no consensus was reached on these topics. The next task for Working Group 2 is to identify specific questions and model predictions that can be compared with available data. As mentioned above, one example of this would be the construction of an empirical, time-dependent magnetic field model to investigate the location of the break-up arc. Nikolai Tsyganenko mentioned that his current modeling efforts could perhaps be extended to address this question. Another example is the integration of a plasma sheet and a plasma sheet boundary layer model by Harlan Spence and Terry Onsager that can be compared with low-altitude particle measurements. We are particularly interested in identifying other examples where specific comparisons can be made between the predictions of various models within the GEM community and the available data. Working Group 1 has compiled an extensive set of coordinated data, including ground-based, near-Earth, and deep-tail measurements that should allow for quantitative tests of various magnetotail models. We would like to solicit requests from those in the GEM community who are interested in testing their model calculations with the available data. We can then assist in acquiring the data and in coordinating with similar comparisons being conducted by others. These comparisons will then be discussed at the summer GEM meeting. Co-chairs: Terry Onsager: onsager@gus.unh.edu Harlan Spence: spence@bu.edu