*************************** ** THE GEM MESSENGER ** *************************** Volume 14, Number 47 November 24, 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Participation in Inner Magnetosphere/Storms Assessment Challenge: Plasmasphere Discussion GEM 2004 Mini-Workshop, San Francisco Marriott, December 12, 1-6 p.m. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Margaret Chen and Dennis Gallagher Working Group 1 of the GEM Inner Magnetospheric Storms campaign will focus their session at the mini-GEM on discussing issues related to the plasmasphere as part of the IM/S challenge. The 22 April 2001 and 21-23 October 2001 storms have been selected for the challenge (for details see http://csem.engin.umich.edu/GEM_IMS/). The discussion will seek to identify specific storm challenge data sets against which plasmaspheric model results should be compared. The objective is to establish a common benchmark to enable fruitful sharing of model performance versus model sophistication, such as was done for the ring current at the last summer workshop. We invite interested participants to bring their ideas and perhaps a few supporting viewgraphs for informal discussion at this session. The challenge results will be the focus of the last full session of the IM/S campaign at the June 2005 GEM Workshop. At that time it will be important to collectively characterize the state of inner magnetospheric modeling and the requirements for further advancement in this field. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |To subscribe GEM Messengers, send an e-mail to | | with the following command in the body of your e-mail message: | | subscribe gem | |To remove yourself from the mailing list, the command is: | | unsubscribe gem | | | |To broadcast a message to the GEM community, please contact Peter Chi at | | | |Please use plain text as the format of your submission. | | | |URL of GEM Home Page: http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/Welcome.html | |Workshop Information: http://gem.rice.edu/~gem | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+