*************************** ** THE GEM MESSENGER ** *************************** Volume 15, Number 8 February 20, 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint GEM/CEDAR Meeting in Santa Fe, NM, June 27 to July 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Peterson Call for participation in a Workshop addressing Auroral Boundaries: Finding Them in Observations and Model Output Files GEM modeling has progressed to the point where investigators are comfortable tracing field lines and identifying the boundary of the open/closed field lines as the poleward auroral boundary. With the advent of AMISR and support of the large array of ground and space based instrumentation that simultaneously cover a significant fraction of the auroral oval region it makes sense to start thinking about if and how information about the instantaneous location of the poleward and equatorward auroral boundaries can be derived and used either as ground truth or validation of large scale magnetospheric codes. We are organizing a breakout session for a discussion of these issues. In the spirit of the workshop mode, and to provoke thoughtful discussion, we solicit short, less than 3 viewgraph, presentations on techniques for identifying auroral boundaries in models and data acquired from ground and space based observatories. We especially solicit short discussions on how the equatorward and poleward boundaries of the auroral oval could be identified in large-scale magnetospheric codes. We suggest, but do not require, that presenters focus on the set of well defined intervals that are the subject of special issues of AGU publications http://www.agu.org/pubs/call4/sunearth04.html: The violent Sun-Earth connection events of October-November 2003, or the April 2002 events. Please notify the organizers: Josh Semeter, jls@bu.edu and W.K. (Bill) Peterson, Bill.Peterson@lasp.colorado.edu if you plan to present in this session. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |To subscribe GEM Messengers, send an e-mail to | | with the following command in the body of your e-mail message: | | subscribe gem | |To remove yourself from the mailing list, the command is: | | unsubscribe gem | | | |To broadcast a message to the GEM community, please contact Peter Chi at | | | |Please use plain text as the format of your submission. | | | |URL of GEM Home Page: http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/Welcome.html | |Workshop Information: http://gem.rice.edu/~gem | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+