*************************** ** THE GEM MESSENGER ** *************************** Volume 17, Number 12 May 17, 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEM 2007 Breakout Sessions for a New Focus Group on the "Diffuse Aurora" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard M. Thorne and Joseph Borovsky , Focus Group Co-Chairs Diffuse precipitation of energetic electrons from the magnetosphere is a consequence of pitch-angle scattering by a variety of plasma waves. The precipitation of energetic electrons and (to a lesser extent ions) constitutes an important source of ionizing energy input to the middle atmosphere. Diffuse auroral precipitation occurs over a broad range of geomagnetic latitudes, which map along field lines from the outer radiation belts and the plasmasheet. Although the diffuse aurora is sub-visual, the net global energy input into the atmosphere is substantially larger than that associated with the localized discrete auroral arcs. The global pattern of precipitation can dramatically change the conductivity of the ionosphere, which can in turn influence the global pattern of magnetospheric convection. Diffuse auroral precipitation therefore provides a strong coupling mechanism between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, which needs to be included in the development of the GGCM. We invite contributions to three breakout sessions of a new focus group on "Diffuse Aurora" at the 2007 GEM meeting. The first two sessions will cover the current status of 1) Observations of the diffuse aurora (Wed 3:45-5:30) 2) Physical modeling of diffuse auroral processes (Th 1:30-3:15) Titles of brief contributions on each of these two topics should be sent to one of the co-chairs. We anticipate having three or four breakout sessions on various aspect of the diffuse auroral process, operative simultaneously at each summer GEM meeting for the next five years. A third breakout session this year (Th 3:45-5:30) will therefore be used for an open discussion of plans for the next 5 years. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |To subscribe GEM Messengers, send an e-mail to | | with the following command in the body of your e-mail message: | | subscribe gem | |To remove yourself from the mailing list, the command is: | | unsubscribe gem | | | |To broadcast a message to the GEM community, please contact Peter Chi at | | | |Please use plain text as the format of your submission. | | | |URL of GEM Home Page: http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/Welcome.html | |Workshop Information: http://gem.rice.edu/~gem | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+