Table of Contents ====================================================================== 1. Schedule Change for the "Modes of Magnetospheric Response" Focus Group at the GEM 2010 Summer Workshop 2. Space Radiation Climatology at the 2010 GEM Summer Workshop 3. Solicitation of Contributions to the "GGCM Methods and Modules" (reconnection micro-physics) Focus Group at the GEM 2010 Summer Workshop 4. THEMIS Science Data Analysis Software Class ====================================================================== *************************** ** THE GEM MESSENGER ** *************************** Volume 20, Number 17 June 3, 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Schedule Change for the "Modes of Magnetospheric Response" Focus Group at the GEM 2010 Summer Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Kepko (larry dot kepko at nasa dot gov) and Bob McPherron (rmcpherron at> To minimize overlap with the "First 10 Minutes" focus group the "Modes of Magnetospheric Response" has been moved to the following dates and times: Wednesday 6/23, 10:30 am - 12:15 pm, and 3:30-5:00 pm Thursday 6/24, 10:30 am - 12:15 pm Please contact us if you are interested in presenting in one of the sessions: 1. Dayside observations during sawtooth events, the role of polar cap saturation, and implications for the magnetospheric response. Specifically, are particle injections on the dayside dispersionless or dispersive? Can sawtooth observations be understood as substorms that penetrate deep into the inner magnetosphere, or do sawtooth represent a fundamentally different state of the magnetosphere? We particularly encourage participants to bring data that addresses the issue of dayside injection and/or dipolarization. 2. Non-linear coupling and the role of pre-conditioning in determining the response mode. Example topics and questions include: Systematic errors in activity indices; Seasonal effects on coupling functions; mass-loading effects on convection; The storm/substorm/SMC relationship. 3. Magnetospheric response, state of the magnetosphere, and solar wind energy transfer during the extreme solar minimum. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Space Radiation Climatology at the 2010 GEM Summer Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul O'Brien (, Geoff Reeves (, Bob Weigel (, and Reiner Friedel ( It's almost time for the GEM Summer Workshop. The Space Radiation Climatology Focus Group (FG9) will meet for three breakout sessions: two on Thursday June 24th: 1:30-3:30 and 3:30-5, and one on Friday, the 25th, 10:30-12:15. We will be discussing the past year's results in reanalysis, data assimilation, climatology models, and long-term data/analysis. One of our sessions (the first one) will be joint with the new radiation belt focus group. We already have a number of exciting talks lined up, but there's plenty of room for more. We encourage interested parties to send talk ideas to Paul O'Brien, Bob Weigel, and/or Reiner Friedel (Geoff will not be able to attend this year). If you are presenting an FG9-related poster, please sign up for the **Thursday** Poster Session and advertise on the Wiki. To view the FG9 email archive or to join the email group, go to fg9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Solicitation of Contributions to the "GGCM Methods and Modules" (reconnection micro-physics) Focus Group at the GEM 2010 Summer Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Sullivan There are still open slots in the GGCM Methods and Modules focus group sessions at the upcoming GEM Summer Workshop in Snowmass. The overarching goal of this focus group is to understand the physics of collisionless magnetic reconnection on magnetospheric length scales (100-1000 ion inertial lengths). We invite potential contributors to participate with short presentations on any topics related to the micro-scale physics of reconnection in the magnetosphere. The sessions for the focus group scheduled for the morning and afternoon of Wednesday June 23rd. Topics especially being emphasized include: 1. Scaling of reconnection with local and kinetic scale parameters in MHD, multifluid, and kinetic models. 2. Plasmoid instabilities in high-Lundquist-number current sheets 3. Dependence (or independence) of the day side reconnection rate on solar wind parameters. This is the final year of the GGCM Methods and Modules Focus Group. Looking forward, as this focus group comes to an end, a major goal for this year's sessions will be to agree on a way to present the most significant results of geophysical magnetic reconnection research to the greater GEM community and to identify a few outstanding questions to address as we plan for future focus groups centered on the multi- scale physics of reconnection in the magnetosphere. A more detailed description of the objectives of this focus group can be found at ods Potential Contributors are encouraged to contact Brian Sullivan (brian.sullivan at or Michael Shay (shay at udel dot edu). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. THEMIS Science Data Analysis Software Class ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D. G. Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at Interested in analyzing THEMIS ground- and space-based observations? The THEMIS Support Team will once again be on hand at this Summer's GEM meeting in Snowmass. On the draft agenda, the presentation is scheduled for Wednesday June 23 from 1:30 - 5:00 PM in the Sinclair Room. The presentation will highlight several important new features. But if you have specific questions concerning THEMIS software that you would like to see covered in the formal presentation or discussed one- on-one thereafter, please send them to now. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |To subscribe GEM Messengers, send an e-mail to | | | | with the following command in the body of your e-mail message: | | subscribe gem | |To remove yourself from the mailing list, the command is: | | unsubscribe gem | | | |To broadcast a message to the GEM community, please contact | | Peter Chi at | | | |Please use plain text as the format of your submission. | | | |URL of GEM Home Page: | |Workshop Information: | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+