*************************** ** THE GEM MESSENGER ** *************************** Volume 23, Number 22 August 19, 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2013 Workshop Report from Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma - Measurement, Modeling and Merging Into the GEM GGCM Focus Group ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rick Chappell, Bob Schunk and Dan Welling The focus group held four sessions at the GEM 2013 meeting in Snowmass Colorado in June. There were 30-40 participants in each of the sessions which included a session on current mysteries in measuring and modeling the effects of ion outflow, a session on modeling the magnetosphere with and without ion outflow, a general session on measurements, modeling and merged modeling and a planning session. The talks that were given are listed in the appendix below. There was an excellent interaction between the participants in all of the sessions which led to a developing interest in collaborative research activities that address the focus group goals. In particular, discussions in the planning session led to the creation of an initial schedule of cooperative modeling and measuring over the upcoming year. This schedule reflects the thoughts of those who were participating, and we are anxious for the collaborative modeling and comparisons with measurements to include the involvement of all groups that would like to be part of this effort. Modelers who were present included Bob Schunk (USU/PIC), Bill Lotko (UNH/LFM), Mike Wiltberger (NCAR/LFM), Alex Glocer (GSFC/BATS-PWOM), Dan Welling(UM/BATS), and Vahe Peroomian (UCLA/LSK). There were a variety of measurers present representing spacecraft missions such as Cluster, Polar, Akebono, Fast as well as ground-based observers. Our goal is to work toward merged ionosphere outflow and magnetosphere plasma models which can be tested against actual data for an idealized storm period initially and then followed by a couple of specifically chosen storm timeframes in which spacecraft and ground-based data can be brought together for comparison with modeling results. We are actively soliciting your participation in these modeling/measurement comparison activities. Please take a look at the schedule below and contact us regarding how you would like to participate. Schedule for Merged Modeling and Measurement Activities--2013-2014 The interleaved modeling and measurement schedule that was created in the planning session has the following steps and milestones: --Initial idealized storm auroral zone and convection pattern information is selected by the magnetospheric modelers for use as input for the ion outflow models (USU generalized polar wind PIC model and others) --August 15 --Initial idealized storm ion outflow results are available from the USU/PIC and other models for inter-comparison and for input into the magnetospheric models--October 15 --Initial runs of the magnetospheric models using ion outflow model input will be completed by the end of the calendar year. --Identification will be made of two specific event time periods in the 2000-2005 time period where Cluster, Polar, Akebono, FAST, etc satellite and ground based data are available –Selection at the Mini- GEM/AGU meeting December (Lynn Kistler has suggested three candidate periods that have been investigated by the Cluster investigators (October 24, 2002, August 18, 2003, and October 1, 2002—See Kistler et al., JGR., 115(A), 03209, doi:10.1029/2009JA014838, 2010)) --Measurement and modeling of the idealized storm results will be presented and discussed at the Yosemite MIC Chapman Conference-- February, 2014 --Run of the USU/PIC and other ion outflow models for the first of the two selected events will be completed and compared--March, 2014 --Run of magnetospheric models of first event (BATS, LFM, LSK, Ion Trajectory) using USU/PIC and other ion outflow model results as input will be completed and presented--GEM meeting, 2014 --Comparison of modeling results with each other and with measurements will be carried out--GEM meeting, 2014 --Completion and comparison of the ion outflow modeling results of the second event ion outflow--GEM meeting, 2014 Before the end of calendar year 2013, a website (related to GEM Wiki or NCAR/Google) will be developed where modeling input data and merged model results can be distributed to the Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma Merged GGCM modeling and measurement community. If you are interested in being involved in this collaborative measurement and modeling activity, please contact the modelers listed above and/or Rick Chappell at rick.chappell@vanderbilt.edu so that your research activity can added to the other elements of the focus group study. Appendix Focus Group Sessions at GEM 2013 Session 4-1: Observational and Modeling Mysteries—June 19, 10:30am, Salon D --Bob Schunk--Neutral Polar Wind Mysteries --Rick Chappell--The Low Energy Invisible Plasma Mystery --Bill Lotko--Issues, Challenges and Advances Required for Outflow and Magnetospheric Modeling --Joe Borovsky--The Plasma Cloak: Where It Comes From, How Often It Occurs, and Its Impact On Dayside Reconnection. --Dan Welling--Outflow Effects on CPCP --Naritoshi Kitamura--The Effect of Photoelectrons on the Polar Wind --Vahe Peroomian--How much outflow? (Short Talk) --Elizabeth MacDonald--Van Allen Probes Outflow Observations (Short talk) Session 4-2: The Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System With and Without Outflow--June 19, 1:30pm, Salon D --Dan Welling--Outflow versus No Outflow: Difficulties of Excluding Outflow --Schunk/Barakat--Escape of Plasma and Neutral Gas from the Earth's Upper Atmosphere --Lynn Kistler--Relationship Between Sawtooth Events and O+ in the Plasma Sheet --Richard Denton, Jonathan Krall, Joe Huba--SAMI3 Plasmasphere Simulations --Alex Glocer--Superthermal Electrons and MI Coupling in Modeling Ionospheric Outflow --Roger Varney--The Nature of Heat Flows Into the Daylit Polar Cap Ionosphere Session 4-3: General Contributions in Measurements, Modeling and Merging--June 19, 3:30pm, Salon D --Yanhua Liu--The Thickness of O+ Mediated Reconnecting Current Sheet --Dennis Gallagher--Dynamics Explorer-1 Ion Densities and Temperatures --Eric Donovan--Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection Xplorer (MEMEX) Mission --Karimabadi Homayoun--What Can We Gain By Coupling the Ionospheric Models To 3D Global Hybrid Simulations? --Vahe Peroomian--The Geoeffective Outflow of O+ During Magnetic Storms --Thomas Immel--Stormtime Enhancement of Ionospheric Plasma in the Cusp: Longitudinal Variation --Katie Garcia-Sage--Global Modeling Comparisons With and Without Outflow --Vassilis Angelopoulos Session 4-4: Focus Group Planning Session—June 20, 10:30am, Salon D --Suggestions, mini-presentations and discussion are encouraged to guide future focus group activities. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The GEM Messenger is the electronic newsletter for the | | NSF GEM Program and Workshops. | | | | Editor: Peter Chi, GEM Communications Coordinator | | E-mail: | | | | To subscribe GEM Messengers, send an e-mail message to: | | | | with the following command in the body of your e-mail: | | subscribe gem | | To remove your e-mail address from the list, the command is: | | unsubscribe gem | | | | GEM Messenger is also posted online (via NewsFeed) at | | http://heliophysics.blogspot.com and | | http://www.facebook.com/heliophysics | | | | Back issues are available at ftp://igpp.ucla.edu/scratch/gem/ | | | | URL of GEM Home Page: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki | | Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+