Table of Contents ====================================================================== 1. Call for Speakers – GEM Student Tutorials 2. Call for Applications for GEM Student Representative 3. Space Weather Journal Editor-in-Chief Search 4. AGU Honor Nominations 5. SPARC Award Nomination Request ====================================================================== *************************** ** THE GEM MESSENGER ** *************************** Volume 24, Number 4 February 25, 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Call for Speakers – GEM Student Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roxanne Katus Call for Speakers – GEM Student Tutorials GEM Student Day June 15, 2014 Portsmouth, VA Submission deadline: March 10, 2014 The GEM student representatives are currently accepting submissions for the 2014 student day tutorials. The meeting will be held on June 15, 2014 in Portsmouth, Virginia. Tutorials must focus on the listed topics at an introductory level. The list of tutorial topics is provided below. If you will be attending the meeting and would like to present a tutorial, please submit your name, student status (year, anticipated degree, institution and advisor) and the title of the talk that you would like to give. Please include a second choice tutorial topic if you have one. Submissions should be sent to: Roxanne Katus and Ian Cohen . Tutorial requests must be received by Friday March 10, 2014. Speakers will be chosen based on qualifications and demographics. Acceptance notifications will be sent by March 17, 2014. Student Tutorial Topics Solar Wind (CME and CIRs, solar wind parameters) [20 min] Outer Magnetosphere (Bow Shock, Magnetosheath, Tail Lobes, etc) [20 min] Inner Magnetosphere (Radiation Belts, Ring Current, Plasmasphere) [20 min] Ionosphere and Thermosphere (Basic Structure) [20 min] Geomagnetic Storms [15 min] Substorms [15 min] Magnetospheric Waves (understanding the data) [15 min] Inner Magnetosphere Data [15 min] Ionosphere Data [15 min] MHD models (what do we use them for, examples) [15 min] Inner Magnetosphere models (RAM, HEIDI, ect) [15 min] CCMC Modeling (What is available) [15 min] New GEM focus group: Geospace System Science [20 min] New GEM focus group: IMCEPI [20 min] New GEM focus group: Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling [20 min] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Call for Applications for GEM Student Representative ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roxanne Katus Call for Applications for GEM Student Representative Application deadline: June 1, 2014 GEM graduate students are invited to apply for the position of student representative for the 2013-2015 term. There are always two GEM student representatives with overlapping terms. Interested students should have previously attended at least one GEM summer workshop, be graduate students actively researching in a GEM field, and have at approximately two years left before finishing their degree. The GEM student representatives are responsible for organizing the student tutorial day at the GEM summer workshop, representing students at the GEM steering committee meetings, and coordinating/facilitating other professional and social activities for the GEM student community. To apply, please submit your name, student status (year/anticipated degree/institution/advisor) and one or two paragraphs describing your vision and qualifications for serving as the GEM student representative. This information will be distributed at the GEM 2014 student tutorial day on June 15, 2014. The new representative will be selected by vote during the GEM 2014 Summer Workshop. Please submit all applications to Roxanne Katus and Ian Cohen by June 1, 2014. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Space Weather Journal Editor-in-Chief Search ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Antti Pulkkinen AGU is searching for a new Editor-in-Chief for the Space Weather Journal and Quarterly. Information about the search is posted on the AGU web site at SW.pdf. Interested scientists are asked to submit a Letter of Interest by 7th March 2014, but AGU is extending this deadline two weeks. Space Weather commenced publication ten years again, in 2013. Under the expert editorship of Dr. Louis Lanzerotti, and with a focus on both the research and impacts of space weather, it has become a beloved and unique journal for the aeronomy, space science, heliospheric and solar communities. The new Editor-in-Chief will have the responsibility of selecting additional Editors, and guiding the Space Weather Journal and Quarterly into the digital future. If you might be interested in this opportunity, or know of colleagues who might be suitable, please consider submitting a Letter of Interest to AGU, or encouraging your colleagues to do so. The Search Committee for the Space Weather Editor-in-Chief will be soliciting and interviewing potential candidates over the next month or so, and would love to hear from you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. AGU Honor Nominations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim Klimchuk Please recognize your colleague by nominating them for a Union or Space Physics and Aeronomy Section honor, including: AGU Fellow Bowie Medal Fleming Medal Macelwane Medal Scarf Award Basu (International) Early Career Award Basu U.S. Early Career Award SPARC Education and Public Outreach Award Descriptions of the honors and lists of past winners can be found at: Fellows: Union Honors: Section Honors: physics-and-aeronomy/ All nominations must be made via the website at The deadline for Union honors, including AGU Fellow, is March 15, and the deadline for section honors is April 15. Show your colleagues how much they are appreciated! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. SPARC Award Nomination Request ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Martha Wawro The AGU Space Physics Aeronomy (SPA) Education and Outreach group is seeking nominations for the SPA Richard Carrington (SPARC) Education and Public Outreach award. The SPARC award was established in 2012, and is presented annually to an individual who has had a significant and outstanding impact on students’ and the public’s understanding of our science through their education and/or outreach activities. Eligible nominees must be AGU members with significant and far- reaching impact in the education of students’ or the public’s understanding of space physics and aeronomy science – exhibiting an effort that goes well beyond their particular job title. The nominations are due by April 15, 2014. More information and nominating instructions can be found at the AGU Honors Program page +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | To broadcast announcements to the GEM community, please contact | | Peter Chi, GEM Communications Coordinator, at: | | | | | | Please submit your announcements in plain text or Word document. | | | | To subscribe the GEM Messenger, send an e-mail to | | | | with the following command in the body of your e-mail message: | | subscribe gem | | To remove yourself from the mailing list, the command is: | | unsubscribe gem | | | | GEM Messenger is also posted online via newsfeed at | | and | | | | | | Back issues are available at: | | | | | | URL of GEM Home Page: | | Workshop Information: | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+