RUN: The ID for this run. Don't change this.
ctim: Set this to 'default' if you want to run with CTIM. For runs that use an empirical ionosphere conductance model this should be set to 'none'.
grid: What grid to use. There are several choices. 'generic1' is the smallest grid (approx. 500000 cells) and a good initial choice for most problems. It is also the grid of choice for very long runs and storms because the real time ratio is of the order of one. 'generic2' is very similar, except that it is of better resolution (1.2e6 cells). The 'tail1' grid emphasizes resolution in the tail. The subsolar grids emphasize resolution at the day side. 'subsolar1' has approximately 1e6 cells and 0.2 RE best dayside resolution, 'subsolar2' has about 2.5e6 cells and 0.15 RE subsolar resolution. 'storm-big1' is meant for storms where the solar wind Mach number becomes very low. In such cases the bow shock standoff distance can become large and the bow shock may hit the inflow boundary which is for the other grids located around 20 RE on the sunward side. Results then become usually meaningless. This grid puts the sunward boundary at 41 RE which should work for even very low Mach numbers (somewhat less than 2).
diffthreshold: Anomalous resistivity threshold value, normalized. Typical values lie in the range of 0.5 to 1.0. The higher the value, the less anomalous resistivity will be present.
diffconstant: Anomalous resistivity constant multiplier. Typical values are in the range of 0.001 to 0.1. Setting this to zero turns anomalous resistivity off.
outtime2d: When to output 2d MHD fields. This is a ':' separated list of integers that represent seconds relative to starttime. For positive values output will be created only at that time. Negative values define the output cadence. For example, '-300:10:60' would cause output at t=10sec, t=60sec, and every 300sec.
outtimeio: When to output ionosphere fields, same format as outtime2d.
outtime3d: When to output 3d MHD fields, same format as outtime2d. Please be careful because 3d files are big, typically 2-30 MB each.
outtimeex: A:B:C.. increase output cadence by C between A and B for all fields. A and B are in seconds relative to starttime and C is an integer multiplier.
outtimerun: This parameter determines how often to generate graphical output. Every iabs(outtimerun) seconds (realtime) a script will be run that generates plots of magnetospheric and ionospheric variables. These can then be viewed (as PDF files) while the job is still running or afterwards. The value of iabs(outtimerun) should be commensurate with the file output parameters. A typical value is -300, i.e., every 300 seconds.
outplanex: X-output planes for 2d output. This is a ':' separated list of X offset values given in RE and in MHD coordinates (x and y axis reversed). Note that the corresponding output files have this distance encoded in 0.1 of an RE. For example -6:12 produces output at XGSE=6 RE and at XGSE=-12 RE. If no x cut planes are desired use a high value outside of the box (say 10000).
outplaney: Y-output planes, same format as for outplanex.
outplanez: Z-output planes, same format as for outplanex.
starttime: UT when the run starts. Use 1967:01:01:00:00:00.0 for generic runs with no dipole tilt (see below).
endtime: UT when the run ends. The real time covered by the simulation run is the difference between endtime and starttime.
dipoltime: UT time for dipole orientation. The dipole orientation is kept fixed during the entire run at it's real value that corresponds to this UT time. The magic time '1967:01:01:00:00:00.00' can be used for an upright dipole, i.e., for this special time the dipole axis is taken to be the GSE Z axis.
alphafak: Density factor to account for SW alphas. All input densities are multiplied by this factor.
swmon: Solar wind monitor sc (wi/ac/i8/ge/fi), use 'fi' if none.
f107: The F10.7 solar flux, used as proxy for solar EUV. Tables can be found at NGDC.
mox: Xgse solar wind monitor position. The default is the sun facing boundary of the simulation.
moy: Ygse solar wind monitor position.
moz: Zgse solar wind monitor position.
io_shield_lat: Ionosphere shielding latitude. Ionosphere conductance at lower (smaller) magnetic latitudes is set to a high value to mimic shielding. This is probably most relevant during storms and can be switched off with a value of 0.0.
bnd_io_rr: The plasma density at inner boundary in cm**-3. This has a significant effect on electron precipitation. Experimentation is suggested, in particular with CTIM and for substorms and storms.
bnd_io_tt: The plasma temperature at inner bndry in eV. This has a similar effect as the density above.
sigmatrans: Determines after which timestep to begin the transition to self-consistent sigmas takes place. The simulation must always start with constant sigmas, so this value should not be smaller than about 3000. Use a very large value for constant conductivity, where the conductance is given by sig_const below.
sig_const: Constant sigma (Hall and Pedersen, in S) for startup and for runs with uniform conductance (see sigmatrans above).
sigmafak: factor to multiply all ionosphere conductances.
mape1: MI coupling factor for potential mapping. This should normally be 1.0. Setting this parameter to 0.0 eliminates the ionosphere feedback to the magnetosphere.
sig_floor: The smallest allowable conductance in S.
fak_fac_dyn: This factor multiplies with the dynamo currents (only relevant w/ctim).
sig_h_back: Nightside Hall background conductance (assumed from starlight, scattered sunlight, etc).
sig_p_back: Nightside Pedersen background conductance.
sigfac_fak: Fudge factor for discrete e-flux. Increases or decreases the flux proportionally.
sigdif_fak: Fudge factor for diffuse e-flux. Increases or decreases the flux proportionally.