1995 SNOWMASS PROGRAM BOUNDARY LAYER CAMPAIGN WG 1: RECONNECTION ELECTRIC FIELD AND MAGNETOPAUSE BOUNDARY NORMAL MAGNETIC FIELD ADDITIONAL INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO PARTICIPATE SHOULD RESPOND TO NELSON AND/OR LARRY AS SOON AS IS FEASIBLE. INPUT FROM LAST YEARS GEM CAMPAIGNS IS DESIRED, AND PLEASE LET US OF ANY GOOD EVENTS Times below are approximate and flexible I. MONDAY, JUNE 26 (10:30-12; 3:30-4:15) Periods of good multi-instrument coverage of the dayside cusp region at ~13 to 16 UT, with IMF available (27 Jan. 1992; 29 Mar. 1992; 21 July 1992) Scientific goal: Identify separatrix and 2-dimensional flow versus time across and in vicinity of separatrix. Plan: Bring data in usable format to Snowmass; present results that have been obtained and data that could be used by itself and/or in conjunction with other data, to address the above goals. Contributors: Study coordinator: Lyons Goose Bay data: Baker/Greenwald Halley Bay data: Rodger/Pinnock Sondrestrom data: Blanchard/Lyons AMIE: Gang Lu Eiscat: Mike Lockwood 29 Mar. 1992 (Good Goose and Halley Bay data; variable IMF) Baker: Goose Bay and Halley Bay study of dayside reconnection rates including motion of polar cap boundary Blanchard/Lyons: Comparisons with Sondrestrom data Lu: Large-scale AMIE potential patterns during period of reconnection measurements Lockwood: cusp transients seen by EISCAT at 9-10 UT 21 July 1992 (Good Goose and Halley Bay data; IMF?) Rodger/Pinnock: Analysis of Halley Bay data Baker: Preliminary Goose (and perhaps Halley) reconnection results Blanchard/Lyons: Comparisons with Sondrestrom data Lu: Large-scale AMIE potential patterns during period of reconnection measurements 27 Jan. 1992 (Good Goose Bay data, but little from Halley; stable IMF) Baker, Rodger/Pinnock, Blanchard/Lyons, Lu: Reminder of what is available from Goose Bay, Halley, Sondrestrom, and AMIE II: MONDAY JUNE 26 (4:15-4:25): 2-3 Aug., 1981 AMIE results during times of dayside poleward progressions (G. Lu). III: MONDAY JUNE 26 (4:25-5:00): Identification of data gathered during last year's GEM coordinated data campaigns and discussion of data campaign plans for upcoming year IV: TUESDAY JUNE 27 (8:45-10:10, 1:30-2:00) Test separatrix identification techniques with dayside optical observations, DMSP, and radars. Dates: 6-7 Jan. 1992; 14 Jan. 1994, 6-7 Dec. 1994 Plan: Bring data in usable format to Snowmass; present results that have been obtained and data that could be used by itself and/or in conjunction with other data, to address the above goals. Contributors: Study coordinator: Maynard Optical data: Jacobsen, Minnow, Smith Sondrestrom radar: Blanchard/Lyons DMSP: Hairston AMIE: Knipp Data from above dates will be discussed. V. TUESDAY JUNE 27 (2:00-2:30) Continue determinations of polar-cap convection patterns and estimates of separatrix and boundary locations for intervals of relative stable IMF. Dates: 27-29 Jan. 1992; 20-21 July 1992; 12-13 Jan. 1989 Coordination: Lu, Lyons Review of technique and intital results for 27-29 Jan.: Lyons IMF and AMIE results review for 20-21 July & 12-13 Jan.: Lu VI: TUESDAY JUNE 27 (2:30-3:00): Group summary of what we've done, where we are, and where we are going. Larry Lyons (Larry_Lyons@qmail2.aero.org; SPAN: Dirac2::Lyons) Nelson Maynard (Maynard@zircon.plh.af.mil)