Magnetotail/Substorm Campaign Working Group 1

Substorm Onset Signatures: Identification, Location, and Timing


L. Lyons and N. Maynard.

Reminder and Notification of Extension for Upcoming GEM Campaign

The upcoming GEM campaign is now officially scheduled for 10:00 AM on December 5 to 6:00 PM on December 7, 1994. This includes a full extra day with IMP in the solar wind. Dayside observations should emphasize separatrix identification techniques to whatever extent is feasible, and nightside observations should emphasize tail/substorm phenomena as during past campaigns.

Please do what you can to maximize ground-based and satellite data coverage during the period. We had very good IMF coverage during this summer's campaign, and we hopefully will have good IMF coverage from both WIND and IMP for the December campaign.

Larry Lyons and Nelson Maynard

Reports of Working Group Meeting

JHU/JPL GEOTAIL/EPIC team's contribution to Working Group 1 is maintained by Vassilis Angelopoulos ( (310)953-6000 x4630).

Last modified: December 20, 1995