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GEM will be holding its annual summer workshop at the Snowmass Conference Center in Snowmass, Colorado during June 20-25, 2010A special student program will be held on Sunday, June 20.
This year GEM held its annual summer workshop jointly with [http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page CEDAR] at the Santa Fe Convention Center in Sante Fe, New Mexico on June 26 - July 1, 2011.   
Logistical information and workshop agenda can be found at the [http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html GEM Workshop Web Site].   
* Logistical information and [http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/GEM-CEDAR-Agenda.pdf Workshop Agenda] can be found at the [http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html GEM Workshop Web Site].   
* Information about the CEDAR-GEM Student Workshop on Sunday, June 26 can be found at [[GEM Student Forum|GEM Student Forum]].
* The 2011 CEDAR-GEM Joint Workshop will hold (1) CEDAR sessions, (2) GEM Focus Group sessions, and (3) Joint CEDAR-GEM sessions.  GEM will also hold two special sessions (see below).
* The CEDAR website maintains pages for the detailed descriptions of [http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Special:CEDAR-GEM_Joint_Workshop_Proposal_List CEDAR-GEM Joint Sessions] and [http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Special:CEDAR_Workshop_Proposal_List CEDAR Sessions].
* This Wiki page contains the ''Calls for Presentations'' announced by GEM Focus Groups and other special/joint sessions as published in GEM Messenger. [Last updated: June 26, 2011] (Note: In the e-mail addresses below the symbol @ is replaced by " [at] ".)
Listed below are the call for presentations by various GEM focus groups before the Workshop. (Note: In the e-mail addresses below the symbol @ is replaced by " [at] ".)
== GGCM Metrics and Validation ==
== FG: '''Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI)''' Sessions ==
''Conveners: Aaron Ridley <ridley [at] umich.edu> and Masha Kuznetsova <Maria.M.Kuznetsova [at] nasa.gov>''
''Conveners: Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein [AT] swri.edu>, Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic [AT] stanford.edu>, Joe Borovksy <jborovsky [AT] lanl.gov>, Phil Erickson <pje [AT] haystack.mit.edu>''
A new Dst index metrics study is added to the GEM Modeling Challenge
organized by the GGCM Metrics and Validation Focus Group. Community
Coordinating Modeling Center (CCMC) is supporting the Challenge.
To participate in the Challenge please submit your model results using
the web interface prior to June 1st, 2010.
The results of the Challenge will be discussed at the GGCM Metrics and
* Session I:  (Mon 27 Jun,  4 -  6 pm)
Validation Session at the GEM 2010 Summer Workshop. Joint publication
* Session II:  (Tue 28 Jun, 10 - 12 am)
by all participants is planned. For more details, go to the Challenge
* Session III: "M-I Coupling within Plasmasphere Boundary Layer". JOINT WITH CEDAR  (Tue 28 Jun, 1:30-3:30p)
Web site: http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/GEM_metrics_08/
Please send questions, comments and suggestions to: Masha Kuznetsova
'''SECOND Call for Participation'''
(Maria.M.Kuznetsova[at]nasa.gov) and Aaron Ridley (ridley[at]umich.edu).
== GGCM Modules and Methods ==
The PMI focus group invites presentation and participation in three sessions at this year's GEM/CEDAR joint workshop.  The details and current list of speakers are given below.  Also listed below are the science topics that will be covered in presentations and discussions.
''Conveners: Brian Sullivan (bsullivan [at]artemis.sr.unh.edu); John Dorelli (john.dorelli [at] nasa.gov)and Michael Shay (shay [at] udel.edu) ''
Please e-mail us for a speaking slot as soon as possible; the sessions are filling up!
The GGCM Methods and Modules Focus Group will hold 2 sessions at the
Also, if you are interested in co-chairing any of the sessions please let us know.
upcoming GEM Summer Workshop in Snowmass (June 20-25, 2010). The
sessions will be at 10:30 and 1:30 on Wednesday.
The overarching goal of this focus group is to understand the physics
of collisionless magnetic reconnection on magnetospheric length scales
(100-1000 ion inertial lengths). We invite potential contributors to
participate with short presentations on the following topics:
1. Scaling of reconnection with local and kinetic scale parameters in
Monday  27-Jun  ROOM: CC O'Keefe+Milagro
MHD, multifluid, and kinetic models.
2. Plasmoid instabilities in high Lundquist number current sheets
16:00-18:00    Breakout 1: "Plasmaspheric Density
3. Dependence (or independence) of the dayside reconnection rate on
* Mark Moldwin    Modeling plasmaspheric density: formation, evolution, morphology.
solar wind parameters.
* Rick Chappell  Shredded plumes in the afternoon sector in OGO/ISEE data       
* Richard Denton  refilling rates in the plasmasphere   
* Pontus Brandt  LWS TRT on the plasmasphere   
* Jerry Goldstein Superposed epoch analysis of plasmaspheric density     
Tuesday 28-Jun  ROOM:    CC O'Keefe+Milagro
or any other topics of interest to the focus group. This is the final
Session Chair:  Liz MacDonald & Jerry Goldstein
year of the GGCM Methods and Modules Focus Group. Looking forward, as
this focus group comes to an end, a major goal for this year's
sessions will be to agree on a way to present the most significant
results of geophysical magnetic reconnection research to the greater
GEM community and to identify a few outstanding questions to address
as we plan for future focus groups centered on the multi-scale physics
of reconnection in the magnetosphere. A more detailed description of
the objectives of this focus group can be found at
10:00-12:00  Breakout 2: "Wave-Particle Interactions in the Plasmasphere"
Potential Contributors are encouraged to contact Brian Sullivan
* Jacob Bortnik  Wave particle interactions
(brian.sullivan [at] unh.edu) with the title of their presentation.
* Richard Denton  wave/particle instabilities, with ties to LWS FST team 
* Lauren Blum    Comparing EMIC wave obs w. plasma-based proxy: stat & case study
* Lunjin Chen    Relationship of EMIC waves to density fluctuations     
* Vania Jordanova chorus excitation by anisotropic ring current electrons
Tuesday 28-Jun  ROOM:    CC Coronado+DeVargas
== Plasma Entry and Transport into and within the Magnetotail (PET) ==
Session Chair:  Phil Erickson & Jerry Goldstein
''Conveners: Antonius Otto <ao [at] how.gi.alaska.edu>,Jay R. Johnson <jrj [at] pppl.gov>, and Simon Wing <Simon.Wing [at] jhuapl.edu>''
13:30-15:30    Breakout 3:    "M-I Coupling within the Plasmasphere Boundary Layer" (JOINT WITH CEDAR)
* Rick Chappell  Plasmapause location & structure:  PBL (msphere & ionosphere) 
* Jerry Goldstein Plasmaspheric Plumes:  3D, lumpy, evolving structures 
Large electric fields in the non-shielded inner magnetosphere 
* Phil Erickson  Ionospheric/magnetospheric PBL E-field variability     
* Pontus Brandt  Inner magnetospheric electrodynamics
* Mike Ruohoniemi New results for PBL with mid-latitude SuperDARN
1) Modeling plasmaspheric density:  formation, evolution, morphology.
Observations in support of models, and model-data comparisons. What
are the radial, MLT, and field-aligned structures?  What evidence is
there for interhemispheric asymmetries?
2) The inner magnetospheric electric field:  global modeling,
observations, and impact.
3) Plasmaspheric plume density distribution.  How well do
plasmaspheric drainage plumes map to ionospheric SED plumes moving
westward?  What is the altitude and temporal signature as we move from
low to mid to high latitudes?  What creates the "lumpy" structure
within plumes, and how does this structure evolve?  Is the plasma
inside late-storm plumes from the magnetosphere, or outflow from a
hot-ionosphere high-latitude source?  Where are the gaps in
4) PBL electric field variability.  What is the altitude dependence of
the variability and what implications does this have for field-aligned
currents and the scaling of the magnetic field mapping function /
electric field structuring?  Do we have enough empirical evidence to
make a statement and can data-guided models help?
5) Plasmapause location and structure. How do ionospheric and
magnetospheric people locate the plasmapause / PBL?  Are these
compatible?  What forms the structure seen on the PBL inner edge?
6) Wave/particle interactions and macroscale instabilities in the PBL.
Where are these located (in plasmasphere, in ducts, on plasmapause,
within plume, ..)?  Where do they have an impact on particle
trajectories through scattering or anomalous heating?
7) Conductivity control of PBL electrodynamics. How is the coupled
electric field on PBL field lines affected by ionospheric conductivity
in either or both hemispheres?
We would like to invite contributions to the PET focus group at the
Requests for speaking slots, ideas, comments, or questions:
upcoming GEM workshop in Snowmass on June 21-25, 2010.  The sessions
will be held in a workshop (NOT AGU) style in which each speaker will
be allotted time for a 2-3 slides, in order to ensure enough time for
discussion.  In order to encourage this, at least one of the slides
should deal with unresolved issues.  Speakers are encouraged to end
the presentation with outstanding questions rather than a summary of
what has/have been accomplished.  It is expected that there will be
three sessions:
(1) ion outflow effects on the plasma sheet;
(2) Constraints on plasma sheet entry and transport; and
(3) GEM challenge, northward and southward IMF.
All three sessions have been tentatively scheduled on Monday Jun 21
''Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein AT swri.edu>,  Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic AT stanford.edu>,  Joe Borovksy <jborovsky AT lanl.gov>, Phil Erickson <pje AT haystack.mit.edu>
(See http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html for the definitive schedule).
If you have not already done so, please send the title(s) and
session(s) of your contribution(s) to us at your earliest convenience
at the email addresses given above.
== Physical Processes in the Cusps: Plasma Transport and Energization ==
''Conveners: K.J. Trattner(trattner [at] mail.spasci.com), N. Omidi (omidi [at] solanasci.com) and D. Sibeck (david.g.sibeck [at] nasa.gov)''
== FG: '''Magnetic Mapping''' Sessions ==
''Conveners: Eric Donovan <edonovan [at] ucalgary.ca>, Robyn Millan <Robyn.Millan [at] dartmouth.edu>, and Elizabeth MacDonald <macdonald [at] lanl.gov>''
Presentations are solicited for the CUSP Focus Group to be held during
Magnetic mapping between different geospace regions is of critical importance to many of the GEM science challenges. Present observational programs produce simultaneous observations from disparate geospace regions that cannot be properly interpreted without addressing the mapping issue. Global models and simulations imply mappings that need to be correct in order for the models to be as useful as possible for science and prediction. Techniques for such mappings include empirical and event-based models, simulations, utilizing auroral boundaries and phenomena, magnetoseismology, and multi-point in situ particle observations. There is a pressing need for taking stock of these techniques, assessing their weaknesses and adding to their strengths, and for determining how global simulations compare with reality in terms of mapping. Although much work is being done on specific mapping techniques, this Focus Group will bring together scientists from different subdisciplines in an effort to foster an open discussion about the issues encountered when using these techniques, and to promote cross-fertilization of ideas.
the 2010 Summer GEM workshop in Snowmass Colorado. This is the last
year of the Cusp Focus Group who's main objective is to utilize
observations, modeling, and theory of the cusp and its role in
particle acceleration and plasma transport. Based on the topics in
earlier years and the discussions during the mini-workshop held during
the 2009 Fall AGU, the Focus Group addresses the following topics:
1. Plasma transport into the cusp.
This is the first year of the GEM Focus Group (FG) on Magnetic Mapping. This focus group has a five year term, and aims to deliver a review of existing mapping techniques, new metrics for assessing the validity of different techniques, quantifiable improvements of existing techniques, and provide, through community challenges, demonstrations of how those improvements will benefit GGCM, activities of other focus groups, and GEM in general.
2. Energization of ions in diamagnetic cavities.
We are holding three sessions at the upcoming GEM/CEDAR Workshop in Santa Fe:
3. Origin of waves observed in the cusp and their role in particle
Thursday,  June 30 (13:30-15:30 and 16:00-18:00) in CC Coronado/DeVargas:
scattering and acceleration.
4. Interaction of FTE's with the cusp.
* Overview of FG objectives
* Invited talks on mapping techniques/issues (E. Zesta, J. Bortnik, V. Merkin)
* Open discussion and solicited ~5 minute presentations
5. The source region of energetic ions and electrons observed in the
Friday,  July 1 (10:15-12:15) in CC Coronado/DeVargas
6. Ionospheric signatures of such processes such as Poleward Moving
* Planning for future and ongoing activities
Auroral Forms
It is the ultimate goal of the workshop to enhance our understanding
In this first Workshop for the FG, we are reserving roughly half of overall session time for open vigorous discussions, but we still have time available for shorter (<5 min) talks (we have two such requests to date). If you are interested in presenting, please contact us (the organizers): Robyn Millan, Elizabeth MacDonald, and Eric Donovan (Robyn.Millan [at] dartmouth.edu, macdonald [at] lanl.gov, edonovan [at] ucalgary.ca).
of the cusp physics, its coupling to other parts of the system such as
the bow shock, magnetopause and the ionosphere and the important role
it plays in dayside transport and energization. Observational and
== FG: '''Dayside FACs and Energy Deposition''' Sessions ==
theoretical contributions to this session are hereby solicited.
''Conveners: Delores Knipp <delores.knipp [at] gmail.com>, Stefan Eriksson <eriksson [at] lasp.colorado.edu>, Geoff Crowley <gcrowley [at] astraspace.net>,Herb Carson <herbert.c.carlson [at] gmail.com>''
We would like to invite contributions to the Dayside FAC and Energy
Deposition (FED) focus group at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR workshop in
Santa Fe on June 27-July 1, 2011.  This will be the second year in which special sessions on this topic have been held. The effort focuses on explaining the relation between enhanced dayside Poynting flux and field-aligned currents, sources of field-aligned currents in the solar wind and magnetosphere and their impacts in the ionosphere-thermosphere system. The Focus Group goals and other information are at:
Those interested in these topics are invited to attend and contribute
The FED focus group will hold two sessions. Both sessions have been tentatively scheduled on Tuesday Jun 28 (10-12 and 1:30-3:30). The sessions will cover data, theory, and modeling aspects of the following topics:
through showing a few slides and/or participation in the discussions.
Information regarding hotel reservations and travel arrangements will
be posted on the GEM website (http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem) in the near
Those wishing to give a presentation or with questions
* Dayside Poynting Flux, Joule Heating and Their Relation to Field Aligned Currents
regarding the workshop should contact the conveners:
* Particle Energy Deposition on the Dayside
''trattner [at] mail.spasci.com, omidi [at] solanasci.com or
* Dissipation of Magnetospheric Energy in the Dayside Thermosphere
david.g.sibeck [at] nasa.gov.''
* Thermospheric Density Enhancements and Traveling Atmo/Ionospheric Disturbances
* Solar Wind Drivers for Extreme Dayside Poynting Flux Events
== Near Earth Magnetosphere: Plasma, Fields and Coupling ==
The sessions will be held in a joint workshop with CEDAR.  We anticipate a full slate of presentations and want to encourage a presentation style in which each speaker will be allotted time for a 3-4 slides, in order to ensure enough time for discussion.  At least one of the slides should deal with unresolved issues.  Speakers are encouraged to end their presentation with outstanding questions that can be addressed jointly.
''Conveners: Focus Group co-chairs: Sorin Zaharia <szaharia [at] lanl.gov>,''
If you have not already done so, please send the title(s) and session(s) of your contribution(s) to us at your earliest convenience at the email addresses listed below.
''Stan Sazykin <sazykin [at] rice.edu> and Benoit Lavraud <Benoit.Lavraud [at] cesr.fr>''
The Near Earth Magnetosphere: Plasma, Fields and Coupling Focus Group
Also note that some of the Dayside FED events have been added to the GEM-CEDAR challenge events and will get additional attention in the Challenge sessions (see meeting calendar for details).
will hold 3 sessions at the upcoming GEM Summer Workshop in Snowmass
(June 20-25, 2010).
We invite potential contributors to participate with short
presentations on the following topics:
1). Effect of plasma on storm-time electric and magnetic fields
== FG: '''Near Earth Magnetosphere: Plasma, fields and coupling''' Sessions ==
2). Plasma sheet effect on ring current dynamics
''Conveners: Sorin Zaharia <szaharia [at] lanl.gov>, Stan Sazykin <sazykin [at] rice.edu> and Benoit Lavraud <Benoit.Lavraud [at] cesr.fr>''
3). Electric fields in the near-Earth magnetosphere (potential and inductive)
4). Coupling of physics-based inner magnetosphere with global magnetosphere models
The Near Earth Magnetosphere: Plasma, Fields and Coupling Focus Group will hold 2 sessions at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR Joint Workshop in Santa Fe (June 26-July 1, 2011), on Tuesday 06/28 and Wednesday 06/29, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. We invite potential contributors to participate with short presentations on topics relevant to the focus group, including theoretical, modeling and observational studies of the near-Earth magnetosphere plasma, electric and magnetic fields, as well as their interaction.
or any other topics of interest to the focus group. It is the ultimate
The main goal of the focus group is to improve physical knowledge and modeling of the near-Earth (< 10 RE) magnetosphere and its coupling with the outer magnetosphere; a more detailed description of the focus group objectives can be found at
goal of the focus group to improve physical knowledge and modeling of
the near-Earth (closer than 10 RE) magnetosphere and its coupling with
the outer magnetosphere; a more detailed description of the focus
group objectives can be found at
Potential contributors are encouraged to contact Sorin Zaharia
Potential contributors are encouraged to contact Sorin Zaharia or Stan Sazykin with the title of their presentation.
(szaharia at lanl.gov) with the title of their presentation.
== Space Radiation Climatology ==
== FG: '''Diffuse Auroral Precipitation''' Sessions ==
''Conveners: Paul O'Brien (paul.obrien [at] aero.org);Geoff Reeves (reeves [at] lanl.gov), Bob Weigel (rweigel-at-gmu.edu), and Reiner Friedel (friedel-at-lanl.gov)''
''Conveners: Richard Thorne <rmt [at] atmos.ucla.edu>''
The Diffuse Auroral Precipitation focus group will hold three breakout sessions at GEM this June in Santa Fe. This is a solicitation for participation in the sessions. Brief informal talks are encouraged covering the following three topics. Please send titles of prospective talks to the relevant session chairs with a copy to
<rmt at atmos.ucla.edu>.
It's almost time for the GEM Summer Workshop, joint with CEDAR. The
1. Observations and Origin of Pulsating Aurora
Space Radiation Climatology Focus Group (FG9) will meet for three
* June 29: 10:00-12:00 AM
breakout sessions: two on Thursday June 24th: 1:30-3:30 and 3:30-5,
* Session Chairs: Sarah Jones (sjones.04 at gmail.com); Wen Li (moonlit at atmos.ucla.edu)
and one on Friday, the 25th, 10:30-12:15. We will be discussing the
past year's results in reanalysis, data assimilation, climatology
models, and long-term data/analysis. One of our sessions (the first
one) will be joint with the new radiation belt focus group.
We already have a number of exciting talks lined up, but there's
2. Scattering Mechanisms for Diffuse Auroral Precipitation
plenty of room for more. We encourage interested parties to send talk
* June 29: 1:30-3:30 PM
ideas to Paul O'Brien, Bob Weigel, and/or Reiner Friedel (Geoff will
* Session Chairs: Binbin Ni (bbni at atmos.ucla.edu); Xin Tao (xtao at atmos.ucla.edu)
not be able to attend this year). If you are presenting an FG9-related
poster, please sign up for the **Thursday** Poster Session and
advertise on the Wiki. http://www.virbo.org/GEM_FG9_2010
To view the FG9 email archive or to join the email group, go to
3. Wrap-up Session: What have we learned?
* June 30: 10:00-12:00 AM
* Session Chair: Richard Thorne (rmt at atmos.ucla.edu)
== Diffuse Auroral Precipitation ==
''Conveners: Richard Thorne <rmt [at] atmos.ucla.edu>''
== FG: '''Modes of Magnetospheric Response''' Sessions ==
''Conveners: Larry Kepko <Larry.kepko [at] nasa.gov> and  Bob McPherron <rmcpherron [at] igpp.ucla.edu>''
To encourage mingling with the CEDAR community, the Modes of Magnetospheric Response focus group will hold only one session Monday afternoon at the upcoming joint GEM/CEDAR Workshop (June 27-July 1) in Santa Fe, NM.
This focus group has as its aim the improvement of knowledge of the physical mechanisms that provide different dynamical modes of response of the magnetotail to the solar wind. These include substorms, steady magnetospheric convection, sawtooth injection events, pseudo breakups, and poleward boundary intensifications. Possible discussion topics include: event and/or statistical studies of SMC or sawtooth events; Coupling of solar wind energy into the magnetosphere; polar cap saturation; etc. A complete description of the FG and its goals can be found at http://bit.ly/beGmTF
Interested speakers should contact Larry Kepko or Bob McPherron.
The Diffuse Aurora Focus Group plans to hold 4 breakout sessions at
the 2010 GEM meeting in Snowmass this summer. Potential contributors
are invited to contact the session chairs listed below with a title of
their talk, and prepare a brief presentation for the workshop.
'''1. Relationship between auroral phenomenology and scattering mechanisms'''
== FG: '''Plasma Entry and Transport into and within the Magnetotail (PET)''' Sessions ==
[Co-chairs, Binbin Ni (bbni[at}atmos.ucla.edu)
and Robert Michell (rmichell[at]swri.edu)]
*Monday June 21: 10:30-12:15:  
''Conveners: Antonius Otto <ao [at] how.gi.alaska.edu>, Jay R. Johnson <jrj [at] pppl.gov>, and Simon Wing <Simon.Wing [at] jhuapl.edu>''
'''2. Modulation of DA brightness by large-scale magnetospheric processes.'''
[Co-chairs, Marilia Samara
(marilia.samara[at]swri.org) and Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik[at]gmail.com )]
*Monday June 21: 1:3-3:00:
We would like to invite contributions to our final PET focus group sessions at the upcoming GEM workshop in Santa Fe on June 26 – July 1, 2011.  It is expected that there will be two sessions, both of which have been scheduled on Monday Jun 27 (See http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html for the definitive schedule).
'''3. Spatial and temporal extent and spatio-temporal occurrence of DA/scattering mechanisms'''
# Summary (01:30 – 03:30);
[Co-chairs, Toshi Nishimura
# Planning/Future vision (04:00 – 06:00)
(toshi[at]atmos.ucla.edu) and Richard Thorne (rmt[at]atmos.ucla.edu)]
*Monday June 21: 3:30-5:00:
We welcome contributions to both sessions.  We are particularly interested to hear what the magnetotail/plasma sheet researchers are interested in a future FG. Interested speaker should prepare 2-3 slides, in order to ensure enough time for discussion.  If you have not already done so, please send the title(s) and session(s) of your contribution(s) to us at your earliest convenience at the email addresses listed below. 
'''4. Importance of the DA for Geospace at the system level. Plans for next year.'''
Simon Wing (simon.wing at jhuapl.edu)
[Chair, Richard Thorne (rmt[at]atmos.ucla.edu)]
Antonius Otto (ao at how.gi.alaska.edu)
Jay Johnson (jrj at pppl.gov)
*Tuesday June 22: 10:30-12:15:
== Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI) ==
== FG: '''Radiation Belts and Wave (RBW) Modeling''' Sessions ==
''Conveners: From: Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein [at] swri.edu> and Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic [at] stanford.edu>''
''Conveners: Y Shprits <yshprits [AT] atmos.ucla.edu>, J Bortnik <jbortnik [AT] gmail.com>, S Elkington <lkingto [AT] lasp.colorado.edu>, and C Kletzing <cak [AT] delta.physics.uiowa.edu>''
The Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI) focus group will
hold several sessions at the 2010 GEM Workshop, during 20-25 June 2010.
We invite short presentations (several slides) related to any of the
1) GEM Radiation Belt and Waves challenge
PMI's broad topics:
+  Wave-Particle Interactions
The GEM Radiation Belt and Waves focus group would like to invite
modelers and data assimilators to participate in its first GEM
challenge, in which the pool of participants will be simulating a
specified set of events, using a common data set as input.
+  Plume Dynamics & Recirculation
An outline of the challenge, the rules and the relevant data are hosted on the Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory website and can be accessed at: http://virbo.org/RBW#Challenge_Data
+  Plasma Density Structure & Evolution.
The comparison of models and observations will take place at the 2011
GEM summer meeting. For the explanation of rules please contact
"Jacob Bortnik" <jbortnik AT gmail.com>, "Scot Elkington"
<elkingto AT lasp.colorado.edu>, "Paul O'Brien" <Paul.OBrien AT aero.org>, "Kletzing, Craig" <cak AT delta.physics.uiowa.edu>.
Specific topics of interest:
2) RBW schedule
*  Dynamics of energetic particles
*  Wave theory and observations
*  Simulations or models of acceleration or loss
*  Morphology and dynamics of cold plasma density
*  Global circulation of plasmaspheric plumes
*  Dayside distribution of cold plasma ions
*  Fine scale plasma structure and flow turbulence.
*  Plume plasma and magnetospheric reconnection.
or any other topic you feel would be of interest to the PMI focus
This year we will have 5 GEM sessions and 1 joint GEM cedar
session. We encourage participants to submit the titles of their
presentations to http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/~yshprits/rbw2011.html  by
June 12th. Contributed presentations will be approximately 5 min and
include no more than 3 slides. Invited presentations will be limited
to 10 min and 7 slides.  Presentations submitted after June 12 and
walk-in presentations will be limited to 1 slide. We particularly
encourage participants to submit their presentations to the Joint
with CEDAR session: Remote Sensing the Inner Magnetosphere.
If you would like to present, please e-mail your tentative title/topic
3) RBSPb event list
JGoldstein [at] swri.edu.
The RBSPb event list, page is now operational on ViRBO
http://virbo.org/RBSPb  . The web site design contains a list of storms, relevant papers, data, and figures.  We encourage participations of the RBW working group to email publication titles and data relevant to these events to virbo+RBSPb AT virbo.org.
== Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes ==
For comments/ questions please contact "Drew Turner"
<drew.lawson.turner AT gmail.com>, "Michael Hartinger"
<mhartinger AT igpp.ucla.edu>, "Weichao Tu" <Weichao.Tu AT colorado.edu>, "Yuri Shprits" <yshprits AT atmos.ucla.edu>, "Bob Weigel" <rweigel AT gmu.edu>
''Conveners: Vassilis Angelopoulos  (Vassilis[at] ucla.edu); Kazuo Shiokawa (Shiokawa [at] stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp) ; Andrei Runov (arunov [at] igpp.ucla.edu)  and Shin Ohtani  (Ohtani [at] jhuapl.edu)''
Our focus group, "Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes",
== FG: '''Ion Outflow''' Sessions==
will have 4 sessions at the upcoming GEM Workshop in Snowmass (June
20-25, 2010).  They are scheduled on June 24 (Thu) and 25 (Fri). 
We have four topical areas identified, which are:
(Session Dates: June 27 and June 29, 2011)
1. Onset timing: observations/theory/simulations (Angelopoulos)
''Conveners: Dan Welling <dwelling [at] lanl.gov>''
2. How do onset signatures propagate to near Earth and to the ground?
3. Ground-space mapping of physical processes before/during/after
The new GEM focus group on The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma-Measuring, Modeling and Merging Into the GEM GGCM will hold four joint GEM/CEDAR sessions at the upcoming meeting in Santa Fe. The conveners, Rick Chappell, Bob Schunk and Dan Welling would like to invite participation from the GEM/CEDAR community for any of the following four sessions.  The sessions will begin with a summary overview talk and will be followed by contributed workshop-style talks with discussion.  Each session will last two hours.  The topics and times of the sessions are listed below.  Please contact the session chairman for each of the four sessions to be added to the agenda for the session.
onset (Ohtani)
4. Substorm processes near transition between stretched and dipole
June 27, 2011; 1:30-3:30pm
field lines (Shiokawa)
We would like to invite you to participate, and if you have any
Measurements of Ion Outflow in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.
request or question, please contact the person of the topical area of
your interest, whose name is in the parentheses for each topic.
The description of our focus group is posted at:
The Earth's ionosphere has been shown to be a significant contributor of plasma to different particle populations of the magnetosphere.  Through a variety of energization processes, the low energy ionospheric particles are transported from low altitudes upward into the magnetosphere where they can become more energized and can help create fundamentally important regions such as the plasma sheet and ring current.  This workshop will review and discuss observations of outflow in the ionosphere and magnetosphere as a stimulus for refining existing outflow models.
(Session Chairman: Rick Chappell  rick.chappell [at] vanderbilt.edu)
== Modes of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Energy Transfer ==
''Convener: Larry Kepko (larry.kepko [at] unh.edu) and Bob McPherron (rmcpherron [at] igpp.ucla.edu)''
June 27, 2011; 4:00-6:00pm
Modeling Ionospheric Outflow
The Modes of Magnetospheric Response focus group will hold three
There is a continuous ion outflow from the Earth at high latitudes. The outflow consists of light thermal ions (H+ , He+ and O+) and energized ions (NO+, O2+, N2+, O+, N+, He+ and H+). The ion energization in the polar wind is associated with photoelectrons, hot magnetosphere electrons and ions, wave-particle interactions in the cusp and nocturnal oval at various altitudes, electromagnetic wave turbulence above the polar cap, and centrifugal acceleration. In addition, the ion outflow occurs in conjunction with magnetospheric convection, which causes the high-latitude plasma to drift into and out of the dayside ionosphere, cusp, polar cap, nocturnal auroral oval, and subauroral night-side ionosphere. Because of the complicated dynamics, various ion outflow models have been developed, including hydrodynamic (fluid), hydromagnetic, semi-kinetic, kinetic, generalized transport, and macroscopic particle-in-cell models. This workshop will identify the ionospheric outflow models that currently exist, establish the strengths and limitations of existing models, and determine the important outflow processes that need to be included in outflow models.
sessions at the upcoming GEM Workshop (June 20-25) in Snowmass, CO,
covering the following topics:
1. Dayside observations during sawtooth events, the role of polar cap
(Session Chairman:  Bob Schunk    schunk [at] cc.usu.edu)
saturation, and implications for the magnetospheric response.
Specifically, are particle injections on the dayside dispersionless or
dispersive? Can sawtooth observations be understood as substorms that
penetrate deep into the inner magnetosphere, or do sawtooth represent
a fundamentally different state of the magnetosphere? We particularly
encourage participants to bring data that addresses the issue of
dayside injection and/or dipolarization.
2. Non-linear coupling and the role of pre-conditioning in determining
the response mode. Example topics and questions include: Systematic
errors in activity indices; Seasonal effects on coupling functions;
mass-loading effects on convection; The storm/substorm/SMC
3. Magnetospheric response and solar wind energy transfer during the
June 29, 2011; 10:00-12:00 noon
extreme solar minimum.
This focus group has as its aim the improvement of knowledge of the
Geospace Generalized Circulation Models (GGCMs), invaluable tools for studying the Earth's magnetosphere, have historically neglected the ionospheric source of magnetospheric plasma.  Recently, an increased recognition of the importance of this source has spurred the magnetospheric modeling community towards finding new, innovative ways to include it in the large-scale models. This workshop will examine existing merging techniques between outflow and magnetosphere models and review recent discoveries concerning the impact ionospheric outflow has on the global magnetospheric results.
physical mechanisms that provide different dynamical modes of response
of the magnetotail to the solar wind. These include substorms, steady
magnetospheric convection, sawtooth injection events, pseudo breakups,
and poleward boundary intensifications. A complete description of the
FG and its goals can be found at http://bit.ly/beGmTF
'''Schedule Change'''
(Session Chairman:  Dan Welling  dwelling at lanl.gov)
To minimize overlap with the "First 10 Minutes" focus group the "Modes of Magnetospheric Response" has been moved to the following dates and times:
Wednesday 6/23, 10:30 am - 12:15 pm, and 3:30-5:00 pm
June 29, 2011; 1:30-3:30pm
Thursday 6/24, 10:30 am - 12:15 pm
Please contact us if you are interested in presenting in one of the sessions [''Larry Kepko (larry.kepko [at] unh.edu) and Bob McPherron (rmcpherron [at] igpp.ucla.edu)'']:
The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma: Measuring, Modeling, and Merging into the GEM GGCM focus group (or simply Outflow MMM) is a newly developed focus group aimed toward combining research of ionospheric outflow with Geospace General Circulation Models (GGCMs). The focus group has four major goals: refine existing outflow models through data-model comparisons, merge these models into the GGCMs and examine the impact on the magnetosphere, evaluate the coupled codes through data-model comparisons, and examine feedback from the magnetosphere to the ionospheric outflow. This session will summarize the Outflow MMM sessions that have taken place throughout the GEM/CEDAR meeting and work with the GEM and CEDAR communities to plan for the future of the 5-year focus group.
1. Dayside observations during sawtooth events, the role of polar cap saturation, and implications for the magnetospheric response. Specifically, are particle injections on the dayside dispersionless or dispersive? Can sawtooth observations be understood as substorms that penetrate deep into the inner magnetosphere, or do sawtooth represent a fundamentally different state of the magnetosphere? We particularly encourage participants to bring data that addresses the issue of dayside injection and/or dipolarization.
(Session Chairmen:  Rick Chappell  rick.chappell [at] vanderbilt.edu; Bob Schunk    schunk [at] cc.usu.edu; Dan Welling  dwelling [at] lanl.gov)
2. Non-linear coupling and the role of pre-conditioning in determining the response mode. Example topics and questions include: Systematic errors in activity indices; Seasonal effects on coupling functions; mass-loading effects on convection; The storm/substorm/SMC relationship.
We look forward to your participation in these joint sessions.
3. Magnetospheric response, state of the magnetosphere, and solar wind energy transfer during the extreme solar minimum.
== FG: '''Magnetosheath''' Sessions ==
== Magnetosheath Studies ==
''Conveners: Steven Petrinec <steve.petrinec [at] gmail.com> and Katariina Nykyri <nykyrik [at] erau.edu>''
''Convener: Steven Petrinec (steve.petrinec [at] gmail.com) and Katariina Nykyri (nykyrik [at] erau.edu)''
Magnetosheath focus group will hold sessions at the next GEM workshop
The Magnetosheath Focus Group will hold a 2-hour session on Tuesday, June 28 of the 2001 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop at the Santa Fe Convention Center. In addition to our pre-scheduled invited speakers (Michael Schulz and Hui Zhang) we invite participants to provide short presentations related to any of the magnetosheath focus group topics listed below. We also encourage both ionospheric and magnetospheric modelers and people using observations to participate in the development of the "GEM Magnetosheath Challenge", where the impact of specific magnetosheath conditions on magnetospheric and ionospheric dynamics is studied. Please send the title of your presentation to us by June 16th.
on 21-25th of June, 2010 in Snowmass Village Colorado. We invite short
presentations related to any of the focus group topics.
The Primary Objectives and Expected Activities of the FG:
The Primary Objectives and Expected Activities of the FG:
1. To produce more comprehensive models of large scale magnetosheath
1. To produce more comprehensive models of large scale magnetosheath flow and field patterns, and geometry of the magnetosheath region
flow and field patterns, and geometry of the magnetosheath region
2. To improve understanding of magnetosheath plasma instabilities and wave particle interactions: Spatial distribution and characteristics
3. To develop a better understanding of the effects on magnetospheric dynamics due to processes occurring in the magnetosheath and due to characteristic magnetosheath properties.
2. To improve understanding of magnetosheath plasma instabilities and
The focus group proposal with specific science questions can be found at http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/GEM_FG_MSheath_proposal.pdf .
wave particle interactions: Spatial distribution and characteristics
3. To develop a better understanding of the effects on magnetospheric
We especially encourage data-analysts utilizing in-situ spacecraft measurements from Themis and Cluster missions, theoretical modelers, global and local modelers to participate in this session. We will also entertain presentations of studies of magnetosheaths of other solar system bodies, as they relate to the terrestrial magnetosheath.
dynamics due to processes occurring in the magnetosheath and due to
characteristic magnetosheath properties.
The focus group proposal with specific science questions can be found
== FG: '''Substorm Expansion Onset: First 10 Minutes''' Sessions ==
We especially encourage data-analysts utilizing in-situ spacecraft
''Conveners: Vassilis Angelopoulos <vassilis [at] ucla.edu>, Shin Ohtani <ohtani [at] jhuapl.edu>, Kazuo Shiokawa <shiokawa [at] stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp>, Andrei Runov <arunov [at] igpp.ucla.edu>''
measurements from Themis and Cluster missions, theoretical modelers,
global and local modelers to participate in this workshop and present
your findings. We also encourage presentations of studies of
magnetosheaths around other solar system bodies, as they relate to the
terrestrial magnetosheath.
See GEM website for further details: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/
== Radiation-Belt and Waves Modeling (RBWM) ==
We would like to invite contributions to the Substorm Expansion Onset:
First 10 Minutes focus group session at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR
workshop in Santa Fe, NM on June 27-July 1, 2011. We will have four
sub-sessions to discuss the following topics
''Conveners: Yuri Shprits, UCLA (yshprits [at] atmos.ucla.edu); Scot Elkington, LASP (Scot.Elkington [at] lasp.colorado.edu); Jacob Bortnik, UCLA (jbortnik [at] atmos.ucla.edu);Craig Kletzing, U. Iowa (craig-kletzing [at] uiowa.edu)''
1. Onset timing
2. Onset signatures propagation in the magnetotail and to the ground
3. Ground-Space Mapping of Physical Processes
4. Substorm processes near transition between stretched and dipole
field lines
The Radiation-Belt and Waves Modeling (RBWM) focus group will
The workshop agenda and other information are available at
hold several sessions at the 2010 GEM Workshop, during 20-25 June 2010.
We invite short presentations (several slides) related to any of
Contributions based on data analysis, theory and modeling addressing
RBWM's broad topics:
the Focus Group topics are welcome. One of the goal of this focus
group is to complete a matrix showing correspondence of each
observation/model result to various substorm-onset physical models
whether it gives positive or negative supports of the models.  The
current version of the matrix is available at the GEM Wiki page
- Wave excitation, propagation and distribution (ULF, VLF, etc.)
We would encourage a workshop presentation style with allotted time
for maximum 3 slides in order to ensure enough time for discussions.
Please provide us with the title(s) of your contribution(s) and the
topic(s) to be addressed at your earliest convenience.
- Dynamical modeling of the radiation belts (acceleration, loss, etc.)
== FG: '''Space Radiation Climatology''' Sessions ==
- Wave-particle interactions (linear, nonlinear, non-resonant)
''Conveners: Paul O'Brien <paul.obrien [at] aero.org> and Geoff Reeves <reeves [at] lanl.gov>''
The RBWM focus group kicks off this year, and aims to achieve a first-
principles understanding of the coupled dynamic variability of the
radiation-belts, and the wave environment that controls it. A few
sample questions that are of particular interest to this focus group
- what are the physical processes responsible for wave excitation?
The Space Radiation Climatology Focus Group will hold 2 2-hour
sessions at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR Joint Workshop: 10-Noon and 1:30-
3:30 on Wednesday, June 29th.
- what are the spatiotemporal distributions of various plasma waves
This is the final year of the focus group. The sessions will be
and what are their relative roles in producing acceleration/loss?
organized around a few invited talks summarizing work over the life of  
the focus group, as well as open time for contributed talks on recent
progress and plans for future investigations. The group co-chairs
invite interested parties to contribute talks on climatological
studies, data assimilation, long-term data sets, and related topics in  
the inner magnetosphere.
- what are the roles of linear, nonlinear, and non-diffusive wave-
A focus group wiki/agenda will be maintained at
particle interactions in RB dynamics?
http://virbo.org/GEM_FG9_2011. Also, post your favorite recent and  
all-time climatology papers to the wiki!
- what are the quantitative effects of transport via interactions with
Please contact Paul O'Brien (paul.obrien at aero.org) or Geoff Reeves
ULF waves?
(reeves at lanl.gov) to schedule your contribution.
The main wiki for the focus group can be found at
- what is the role of the seed population in radiation belt dynamics?
- why do some storms produce flux increases, decreases, or no
== Joint: '''Electrodynamic Coupling of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere at Middle and Low Latitudes''' ==
''Conveners: Bela Fejer <bela.fejer [at] usu.edu>, Thomas Immel <immel [at] ssl.berkeley.edu>, Stanislav Sazykin <sazykin [at] rice.edu>, Naomi Maruyama <naomi.maruyama [at] noaa.gov>''
If you would like to learn more about this focus group, or submit a
presentation, please use the following resources:
Wiki page
Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop:
'''Electrodynamic Coupling of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere at Middle and Low Latitudes'''
We look forward to your participation
Session: Mon 27 Jun, 1330-1530
'''Radiation Belts and Wave Modeling (RBWM) session description:'''  
Room: Convention Center O'Keefe+Milagro
We will have 6 sessions this year: You can submit the title of your presentation online by following the link below to reserve a time slot during each individual session. We invite potential contributions and encourage to limit presentations to approximately 5 min.  
We would like to invite presentations and participation in this session at the GEM-CEDAR joint workshop. The session description and a list of science questions are given below. The format of the presentations is informal with several slides and we would like to encourage science discussions.
If you are interested to give a talk in the session, please let us know.
Session Description:
''Tues PM 1: RBWM 1 -- Dynamical modeling of the radiation belts (Model development, verification, validation) (Scot Elkington and Yuri Shprits)''
In the last decade, there have been many new development in understanding the electrodynamic coupling of the inner magnetosphere with the middle and low latitude I-T system. One of the great achievements was the identification and explanation of common magnetic-storm processes in plasmaspheric and ionospheric data and images, and the realization that disturbance dynamo and prompt penetration electric fields are not independent but interact with each other non-linearly. New developments continue to highlight the coupled nature of the system during quiet times as well as in response to magnetic storms. Significant gaps in our understanding still exist and lie in the need to quantify the various sources of electrodynamic variability at mid and low latitudes and the interactions and feedback between them. For instance, during quiet times, fluctuating winds in the thermosphere from sources in the lower atmosphere are likely to compete with fluctuation of magnetospheric sources, both in terms of driving winds and in imposing modest penetration electric fields. These sources of quiet-time fluctuations in the fields, render it extremely difficult to separate storm from quiet, since the background from one day to the next can be 50% of the signal. During storms the magnetospheric sources tends to dominate but lack of knowledge in the uncertainty in the quiet background can confuse interpretation of the storm response. This workshop is designed to bring together the CEDAR and GEM experts in the sources of mid and low latitude electrodynamics from the inner magnetosphere, thermospheric wind dynamo, and forcing from the lower atmosphere.
New science questions to lead discussions:
1) Response of low and mid-latitude ionosphere to penetrating magnetospheric fields vs. disturbance dynamo.
During a storm, the effects of both penetrating magnetospheric fields and disturbance dynamo fields drive changes in the ionosphere. What's typical, what's not? Does the F-layer go up or down, at what local times and for how long after storm onset? During disturbances, can the effects be reasonably separated or predicted? Do the responses depend on solar flux conditions?
2) Contribution of magnetospheric sources to quiet-time variability at low and mid latitudes.
During periods of low geomagnetic activity, the ionosphere continues to exhibit large variability. Is this due only to sources such as tropospheric forcing, or is the ionosphere more susceptible to forcing from magnetospheric sources, owing to the low ionospheric/magnetospheric densities of recent solar minimum conditions?
3) Storm-time wind dynamo electric fields in the inner magnetosphere.
The thermospheric winds that develop during geomagnetic storms drive electric fields that have a profound effect on the ionosphere. This disturbance dynamo develops after storm onset and persists for many hours after storm drivers lessen. These storm-time fields develop on magnetic L-shells that are usually occupied by cold plasma, but stripped of that during storms. What do the storm time dynamo electric fields look like from the point of view of the inner magnetosphere? Are these important for post-storm plasmaspheric dynamics?
== Joint: '''High Speed Streams and Their Geospace-Atmosphere Consequences''' Workshop ==
''Conveners: Janet Kozyra <jukozyra [at] umich.edu> Richard Thorne <rmt [at] atmos.ucla.edu>''
Date:  30 June 2011
Time:  '''Session 1'''  1330-1530 UT; '''Session 2'''  1600-1800 UT
URL for Workshop:  http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2011_Workshop:High_Speed_Stream_Driving_of_Geospace
Invitation to Participate:
Please come and participate in a multi-disciplinary discussion of the response of geospace and the atmosphere to high speed streams, both in general and as observed during the recent unusual solar minimum. All are welcome!
* Speakers (listed below) have been invited to introduce new findings, the questions they raise, and possible consequences in other geospace regions.
* We are very interested in information about additional features in geospace during high-speed streams.  Please let the conveners know if you have 1-2 slides to present that raise new issues.
* We are hoping to take advantage of the unique environment that the joint CEDAR-GEM meeting provides to identify the signatures of related processes in different regions. Please come and add your expertise to the mix in the joint workshop.
Workshop Description:
This workshop addresses the impacts of high speed streams on the development of auroral activity, radiation belt enhancements, inner magnetosphere-subauroral response, and atmospheric perturbations.  A particular sub-focus is to explore the changes in the geospace-atmosphere response in the recent unusual solar minimum interval due to the combination of strong and long-lasting high speed streams, the lowest average IMF and solar wind densities ever recorded at 1 AU, and the lowest solar EUV fluxes in three solar cycles, placing system responses into a backdrop of tenuous ionospheric densities and low conductivities.
Draft Agenda
'''30 June 2011, Session 1'''
Magnetic Activity during HSS
* 1330    Robert McPherron - Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling during high speed streams, in the recent solar minimum, and in the preceding solar minimum
* 1350    Raluca Ilie - periodicities in the solar wind and magnetosphere during HSS
* 1410    Vania Jordanova - ring current dynamics during high speed streams
* 1430    Jeff Thayer - CIR/HSS impact on the thermosphere
* 1450    Olga Verkhoglyadova ? Ionospheric TEC and thermospheric emission dynamics during HSS
* 1510    Yue Deng - Joule heating and 9-day periodicity of HSS
'''30 June 2011, Session 2'''
Radiation Belts and HSS
* 1600    Joe Borovsky - Radiation belts during weak high speed streams in 2006-2007
* 1620    Wen Li - Chorus waves seen on THEMIS during high speed streams
High Speed Stream Effects in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere & Consequences
* 1640    Sharon Vadas - Differences in propagation and dissipation of gravity waves during SC24
* 1700    John Emmert - Causes and consequences of low thermospheric densities this minimum
* 1720    Stan Solomon:  Upper atmosphere and ionosphere at Solar Minimum
Summary, Discussion, and 1-2 Slide Contributions from Participants (1740-1800)
== Joint: '''Nightside Multi-scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) Electrodynamic Coupling during Geomagnetic Disturbances''' Workshop ==
''Conveners: Michael Nicolls <michael.nicolls [at] sri.com>, Shasha Zou <shashaz [at] umich.edu>, Larry Lyons <larry [at] atmos.ucla.edu>''
Date/Time: 29 June 2011
* Session A 1000-1200
* Session B 1330-1530
Location: Eldorado Anasazi Ballroom
Web Links:
* [http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2011_Workshop:Multi_scale_MIT_coupling Workshop Description]
* Final Agenda: [[Image:MITcoupling_session_schedule_final.pdf]]
'''Call for Participation'''
We invite contributions to this joint session that will be held on Wednesday, June 29th, 10-12 am and 1:30-3:30 pm (2 2-hour sessions). We would like to encourage a workshop-style presentation with 10-15 min including discussion time. Please contact Michael Nicolls (michael.nicolls at sri.com), Shasha Zou (shashaz at umich.edu) or Larry Lyons (larry at atmos.ucla.edu) to schedule your contribution.
Description of objectives of this session:
The MIT system behaves as a complex system characterized by coupling and feedbacks, preconditioning, and memory. This system is of great interest to both the GEM and CEDAR communities and includes a variety of important topics that are common to both initiatives. Understanding the MIT during periods of geomagnetic disturbances as an integrated system as well as from perspectives of each discipline is necessary to move the area forward.
Field-aligned currents (FACs) are the essential mediator between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. FACs modify the ionospheric conductivities by increasing or depleting the ionospheric density through associated particle precipitation and evacuation processes, respectively. The modified conductivity in turn regulates the magnetospheric drivers by changing the exerting forces and electric field distributions, including generating important structured electric fields, such as Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams / Sub-Auroral Ion Drifts (SAPS/SAID). The structured ionospheric density also provides important information about the location/polarity of the FACs and the energy distribution of the precipitating particles in the case of upward FACs.
Geomagnetic disturbances targeted in this joint session include, but are not limited to, substorms, PBIs, streamers and SMCs. These geomagnetic disturbances are associated with enhanced FACs and highly structured auroral forms. The characteristics of FACs, including their 2-D horizontal distribution and their development and evolution through the course of these disturbances, have never been directly observed at sufficient temporal resolution to resolve the intricacies of their dynamics. The newly available Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) magnetometers will enable us to conduct for the first time 2-D imaging of the FACs distribution. Combined with the perpendicular currents calculated from existing models, they will be able to provide the global-scale 3-D current distribution in the ionosphere. In addition, the continental-scale THEMIS ground-based ASIs and the multi-spectral cameras will enable us to associate auroral forms with direct FAC measurements. Moreover, ground-based radars, including both coherent and incoherent scatter radars, can provide detailed information about the global convection flow and thus electric field patterns, as well as the altitude profile of electron density. Furthermore, with the increasing availability of ground-based GPS receivers, global-scale total electron content can be obtained and the effect of FACs in modifying the ionospheric electron density distribution can be readily evaluated. In the magnetosphere, the NASA THEMIS satellites enable investigation of the linkage between the physical processes in the magnetosphere and structures observed in the ionosphere and thermosphere. The effect of those geomagnetic disturbances on the thermospheric wind can also be monitored by the ground-based Fabry-Perot spectrometers. These instruments as a whole provide us with an unprecedented opportunity for imaging the MIT system in 4-D and for investigating the electrodynamic coupling of the MIT system during geomagnetic disturbances.
This joint session proposal is a call for a multi-instrument observational campaign, requiring close collaborations between both GEM and CEDAR communities. It is timely because of the availability of simultaneous observations from multiple instruments, including those mentioned above and many other instruments and models. In addition, the joint GEM/CEDAR workshop this year will provide us with an excellent opportunity to kick off this interdisciplinary research initiative and a forum for presenting results, discussing solutions and exchanging ideas.
== Joint: '''CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge''' Workshop ==
(model outputs due June 10)
''Conveners:''  Masha Kuznetsova, Ja Soon Shim, Barbara Emery, Aaron Ridley, Delores Knipp, Naomi Maruyama, Tim Fuller-Rowell, Tim Guild, Jan Sojka, Geoff Crowley
Modelers, data providers and users of space weather models are invited to participate in the CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge Workshop (Tuesday, June 28 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, and Thursday, June 30 10 am - 3:30 pm) during the 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop in Santa Fe. Details of the Challenge and instructions on how to prepare and submit model output time series can be found at CCMC, GEM and CEDAR Web sites:
The CEDAR-GEM Challenge is built upon GEM GGCM and CEDAR ETI Challenges. During the Workshop, GEM and CEDAR communities will share the experiences and lessons learned from the first rounds of the Challenges, address topics of common interest and analyze the effects of geospace model coupling on metrics results.
'''Participate in the Challenge by submitting your model results by June 10th, 2011.'''
Both CEDAR and GEM communities have recognized that due to the maturity and increasing complexity of state-of-the-art space weather models, there is a great need for a systematic and quantitative evaluation of different modeling approaches. During the last two years both GEM and CEDAR communities addressed this need by organizing and implementing comprehensive, community-wide efforts to test model predictions against observations. In the summer of 2008 the GEM GGCM Metrics and Validation Focus Group initiated a series of metrics studies (aka GGCM Modeling Challenge) focusing on the inner magnetospheric dynamics and ground magnetic field perturbations. A year later the CEDAR community initiated the IT modeling challenge called CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge. The goal of the two Challenges is to evaluate the current state of the space physics modeling capability, to facilitate interaction between research and operation communities in developing metrics for space weather models, to address the differences between various modeling approaches, to track model improvements over time, to facilitate collaboration among modelers, data providers and research communities, and provide feedback for further model improvement.
The Community Coordinating Modeling Center (CCMC) is supporting both Challenges and maintaining a web site with interactive access to model output archive and observational data used for metrics studies. In anticipation of the joint GEM-CEDAR Workshop five time intervals were included in lists of events addressed by both GEM and CEDAR Modeling Challenges:
•      December 14, 2006 12:00 UT - December 16, 00:00 UT
•      August 31, 2001 00:00 UT - September 1, 00:00 UT
• August 31, 2005 10:00 UT - September 1, 12:00 UT
• May 15, 2005 00:00 UT - May 15, 2005, 20:00 UT
• July 9, 2005 00:00 UT - July 12, 2005, 00:00 UT
Through collaboration between CEDAR and GEM Communities, by analyzing simulation results for ionosphere/thermosphere and magnetosphere models for the same set of events, we can analyze the effects of the geospace environment on the ionosphere. Many of the magnetospheric models are coupled to ionosphere-thermosphere models, so that the metrics can be conducted for both coupled and uncoupled simulations on both models.
Modelers are invited to submit simulation results for the 5 events listed above before June 10th 2011 through the interactive submission interface http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/challenges/GEM-CEDAR/.  Model output file formats for each physical parameter and measurement availability table with satellite trajectories and ground stations locations can be found at
Submissions of coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere models are especially encouraged. To study the effect of different drivers, ionosphere/thermosphere modelers are requested to perform a series of simulations for each event with different models for the ionosphere potential pattern: 1) Weimer 2005 using 15-min averages of the IMF input parameters lagged -5 to -20 min provided by the NCAR and the CCMC; 2) AMIE provided by ASTRA (Geoff Crowley); 3) Global magnetosphere models provided by the CCMC.  Please contact Barbara Emery or Masha Kuznetsova if you need assistance to get ionospheric potentials from AMIE and/or global magnetosphere models.
List of physical parameters to be used for metrics studies:
• '''Ionosphere/Thermosphere models or coupled model components:'''
- Vertical and horizontal drifts at Jicamarca (VperpN and VperpE)
- Neutral density at CHAMP orbit (Nden)
- Electron density at CHAMP orbit (Eden)
- NmF2 from LEO satellites (CHAMP and COSMIC) and ISRs
- HmF2 from LEO satellites (CHAMP and COSMIC) and ISRs
- Temperature Tn and neutral winds obtained by Fabry-Perot Spectrometer at 250 km (Arrival Heights, Antarctica; Resolute Bay, Canada)
- Ne, Te, Ti at 300 km (Millstone Hill, Sondrestrom, EISCAT, Svalbard ISRs).
- Ion vertical velocity at Sondrestrom ISR
• '''Geospace models or coupled model components:'''
- Magnetic field at geosynchronous orbit
- Ground magnetic perturbations
- Dst index
- Auroral oval position (high latitude boundary)
- Auroral oval position (low latitude boundary)
• '''Parameters along DMSP tracks:'''
- Poynting flux (Joule heating) into ionosphere along DMSP tracks
- Plasma Velocity (Vx - along track, Vy cross track, Vz - vertical)
• '''Additional time series in support of simulation results analysis:'''
- Cross polar cap potential (northern and southern hemisphere)
- Joule heating (or Poynting flux) integrated over each hemisphere in GW.
'''Tentative agenda''', suggested topics for discussions, and call for ideas/viewpoint presentations and participation in discussions:
1. Review of the first round of GEM and CEDAR Challenges results. Simulations results, observational data and reports on metrics studies for the first round of Challenges are available at the CCMC website. Comments and discussions are welcomed. Results of the first round of Challenges will be used as a benchmark for further studies.
- Introduction (M. Kuznetsova)
- Overview of the CETI Challenge results (J-S. Shim)
- GEM Dst Challange results (L. Rastaetter, D. Welling)
- Discussion
2. Effects of IT/geospace models coupling on metrics results.
- Comparison of different approaches to introducing geomagnetic activity effects into ionosphere models (A. Ridley, N. Maruyama)
- Poynting flux into the ionosphere (D. Knipp, L. Rastaetter)
- Role of ion outflows from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere.
- Discussion
3. Challenges of the model-data comparison and how to address them
- How to define the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval from simulations (Y. Zheng)
- What metrics to apply and how to calculate skill score for global (e.g., 2D time dependent) observational data. TEC metrics studies planning (B. Emery, L. Goncharenko, A. Coster)
- Methods of data preparation.
- Uncertainty analysis of model outputs (R. Schunk).
- Metrics selection for geospace model evaluation. Lessons learned. Threshold-based metrics (A. Pulkkinen)
During this session we will discuss the development of new and improvement of existing models of particle transport, scattering, and acceleration in the radiation belts.  We will discuss future plans for model inter-comparison and for comparison of models with observations.
- Discussion
4. Climatology projects for the thermosphere, ionosphere, ring current, radiation belts, and the plasma sheet (B. Emery, T. Guild) – scheduled for Tuesday June 28, 130-330 PM
''Tues PM 2: RBWM 2 -- Dynamical modeling of the radiation belts (Preparing Radiation Belt models for RBSP data) (Scot Elkington and Yuri Shprits)''
During this session we will concentrate on comparing model results with observations from RBSP and other missions such as ORBITALS, ERG, and BARREL.
5. General discussion on GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenges. Planning of future activities
''Wed AM 2: RBWM 3 -- Wave-particle interactions (Particle scattering and transport) (Scot Elkington and Yuri Shprits)''
We will discuss quasi-liner and non-liner pitch-angle, energy, and radial scattering and will discuss other potentially important acceleration and loss mechanisms operating in the radiation belts.  
Please contact conveners if you would like to present your viewpoint (no more than 3 slides) on topics listed above, and/or would like to suggest additional topics for discussion.
''Wed PM 1: RBWM 4 -- Wave excitation, propagation, and distribution (ULF) (Jacob Bortnik and Craig Kletzing)''
We will discuss excitation, propagation and distribution of ULF waves. We would like to invite contributions concerning modeling and observations.
== Joint: '''Nonlinear Plasma Effects in Auroral/Subauroral Plasmas''' Sessions ==
''Wed PM 2: RBWM 5 -- Wave excitation, propagation and distribution (VLF) (Jacob Bortnik and Craig Kletzing)''
We will discuss excitation, propagation and distribution of VLF waves. We would like to invite contributions concerning modeling and observations.
''Conveners: Evgeny Mishin <Evgeny.Mishin [at] hanscom.af.mil> and Anatoly Streltsov <anatoly.v.streltsov [at] dartmouth.edu>''
''Thur AM 2: RBWM 6 -- Planning session (Jacob Bortnik, Scot Elkington, Craig Kletzing, and Yuri Shprits)''
We will discuss future plans of model development, validation, and verification. We will discuss potential future GEM challenges and will outline a plan for future GEM meetings.
We would like to announce a tentative Program of the "Nonlinear Plasma
Effects in Auroral/Subauroral Plasmas" workshop at the upcoming GEM-
CEDAR workshop in Santa Fe on June 27-July 1, 2011.
== Dayside FACs and Energy Deposition--Dayside FED ==
The objective of this workshop is to make an assessment of the
contribution of nonlinear plasma processes to the dynamics of the
magnetosphere-ionosphere system with the emphasis on their effects on
the energy transport and release in the ionosphere and magnetosphere
at auroral and subauroral latitudes.
''Delores Knipp (delores.knipp [at] gmail.com); Stefan Eriksson (eriksson [a]t lasp.colorado.edu), Geoff Crowley (gcrowley [at] astraspace.net), Ramon Lopez (rlopez [at] uta.edu)''
Nonlinear Plasma Effects in Auroral/Subauroral Plasmas
(CC Kearney)  
We would like to invite contributions to the Dayside FAC and Energy
Monday, June 27, 1600-1800
Deposition (FED) focus group at the upcoming GEM workshop in Snowmass
on June 21-25, 2010This new focus group is organizing to explain
# J.-P. StMaurice "A renormalized theory of the nonlinear evolution of Farley-Buneman waves and its implications for the transport properties of the turbulent E region."
the relation between enhanced dayside Poynting flux and field-aligned
# M. Oppenheim: "3D PIC Simulations of Farley-Buneman Turbulence Demonstrate Anomalous Electron Heating”.
currents, sources of field-aligned currents in the solar wind and
# Y. Dimant: "Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling through E-Region Turbulence: Anomalous Conductivites and Plasma Heating."  
magnetosphere and their impacts in the ionosphere-thermosphere system.
# D. Hysell "Stochastic calculus and Farley Buneman wave phase speed saturation"
The GF goals and other information are at:
Tuesday, June 28, 1000-1200
# N. Singh "Kinetic Features of Large-Scale Alfven Wave Propagation in the Auroral Plasma".
# A.V. Streltsov "Multi-Scale, Multi-Fluid, Nonlinear Coupling Between the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere at High Latitudes”.
# E.V. Mishin "Plasma Physics of Sub-Auroral Ion Drifts: A turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer"
The FED focus group will hold two sessions at the upcoming GEM
== Special: '''Response of the Magnetosphere to High-Speed Streams''' Sessions  (Sunday before the Workshop) ==
Workshop (June 20-25) in Snowmass, covering data, theory, modeling
aspects of the following topics:
- Dayside Poynting Flux, Joule Heating and Their Relation to Field Aligned Currents
''Convener: Mike Liemohn <liemohn [at] umich.edu>''
- Particle Energy Deposition on the Dayside
- Dissipation of Magnetospheric Energy in the Dayside Thermosphere
On the Sunday before the joint GEM-CEDAR Workshop, there will be a day of sessions at the Eldorado Hotel's Sunset Ballroom.  There is no extra registration fee, but we ask that you note your intention to attend either via the GEM registration page or with an email to Mike Liemohn.
- Thermospheric Density Enhancements and Traveling Atmo/Iono- spheric Disturbances
This day of talks and discussion is centered on the phenomena of high-speed stream (HSS) passages past Earth's magnetosphere.  These times represent a unique opportunity because the streams often repeat their geomagnetic activity cycle for several solar rotations, providing a natural laboratory for geospace researchers to understand the physical processes of solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling.  In addition, the geomagnetic activity resulting from these solar structures exhibits systematic responses within geospace.  This special day is devoted to exploring the causes and consequences of the systematic geomagnetic response during high-speed streams. Of special interest is the comparison of what happens during HSS times with what occurs during other quiet and active times driven by other solar wind structures.
- Solar Wind Drivers for Extreme Dayside Poynting Flux Events
This day is sponsored by the NASA Living With a Star Program, through one of their Focused Science Topic (FST) Teams.  Now in the FST's final year, this event represents the culmination of the group's activities toward understanding near-Earth particle energization in the near-Earth space environment, focusing on the nightside plasma sheet, ring current, and radiation belts.  The FST team chose high-speed streams as a central theme for our group-wide effort, narrowing this down to a few selected events for intense analysis.
We will discuss the types of NSF GEM investigations to bring this
This 1-day special event will include presentations from investigators in the FST team as well as many from researchers beyond the group.  Everyone is welcome to come for the day, hear the talks, and participate in the ongoing discussions (within each session and at the end of the day's agenda).
forward toward a conclusion by 2012.
The sessions will be held in a workshop (NOT AGU) style in which each
We ask that those planning to attend this special Sunday session to please click the button for this on the GEM registration pageThis will allow for an accurate count for ordering break-time refreshments.
speaker will be allotted time for a 3-4 slides, in order to ensure
enough time for discussion.  At least one of the slides should deal
with unresolved issuesSpeakers are encouraged to end their
presentation with outstanding questions that could provide a basis for
a session at next year's joint GEM-CEDAR meeting.
Both sessions have been tentatively scheduled on Monday Jun 21
We look forward to seeing you there!
(See http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html for the definitive schedule).
If you have not already done so, please send the title(s) and
session(s) of your contribution(s) to us at your earliest convenience
at the email addresses listed below.
Delores Knipp (delores.knipp [at] gmail.com)
9:00 - 10:30:  Session 1 on HSS global magnetospheric processes
10:30 - 11:00:  Break
11:00 - 12:30:  Session 2 on HSS near tail/inner mag processes (non RB)
12:30 -  2:00:  Lunch (on your own)
2:00 -  3:30:  Session 3 on radiation belts during HSS
3:30 -  4:00:  Break
4:00 -  5:00:  Session 3 part II
5:00 -  6:00:  Open discussion, summary, and future plans
Stefan Eriksson (eriksson [a]t lasp.colorado.edu)
Session 1:  addresses solar wind-magnetosphere coupling during high-speed streams, in particular examining the energy transfer efficiency and mass and energy flow processes.
Geoff Crowley (gcrowley [at] astraspace.net)
Session 2:  focuses on the flow of mass and energy through the magnetosphere during high-speed streams, in particular focusing on the nightside plasma sheet and near-Earth non-relativistic plasma populations.
Ray Lopez (rlopez [at] uta.edu)
Session 3:  examines radiation belt processes during high-speed streams, addressing both the acceleration mechanisms and the loss processes for these high-energy particles in near-Earth space.
== [Special breakout session] Comparative Planetary Magnetospheric Physics ==
== Special: Pre-Focus Group Planning Session on '''Magnetic Reconnection''' ==
Conveners: ''Larry Kepko (larry dot kepko at nasa dot gov) and Mike Liemohn (liemohn at umich dot edu)''
''Conveners: Paul Cassak <Paul.Cassak [at] mail.wvu.edu>, John Dorelli, and Brian Sullivan''
We invite all interested GEM attendees to participate in a special "comparative planetary magnetospheric physics" breakout session at the upcoming GEM workshop on Tuesday from 3:30-5:00 pm. The focus will be on how to utilize the knowledge gained from examining similar physical processes in the different systems to further the goals of GEM. These processes include MI coupling, dayside interactions, solar wind energy coupling, etc., and span the entirety of the GEM focus areas. We do not anticipate formal presentations. Rather, this is an open forum for discussion. Please bring your thinking caps!
GEM will also have two related plenary session tutorials, one by Margaret Kivelson, "Learning about Earth's plasma processes from studies of other magnetospheres," on Tuesday morning and a second by Jim Slavin, "Reconnection in planetary magnetic tails," on Thursday morning.
We would like to announce a pre-focus group planning meeting for a GEM session on magnetic reconnection to be held at the upcoming GEM meeting in Santa Fe.  We encourage any and all community members interested in helping to formulate the scope and direction for an upcoming proposal for a focus group to attend.  Ideal directions for a focus group incorporate a close interaction between observers, theorists, and/or global modelers.  Suggestions for leadership and science focus are encouraged.  The session is planned for Tuesday, June 28th, from 1:30-3:30pm.  Please email us at Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu with any questions or comments.  People not planning on attending that have ideas are encouraged to email their comments in advance.

Latest revision as of 07:18, 11 July 2011

CEDAR-GEM2011 banner.jpg

This year GEM held its annual summer workshop jointly with CEDAR at the Santa Fe Convention Center in Sante Fe, New Mexico on June 26 - July 1, 2011.

  • Logistical information and Workshop Agenda can be found at the GEM Workshop Web Site.
  • Information about the CEDAR-GEM Student Workshop on Sunday, June 26 can be found at GEM Student Forum.
  • The 2011 CEDAR-GEM Joint Workshop will hold (1) CEDAR sessions, (2) GEM Focus Group sessions, and (3) Joint CEDAR-GEM sessions. GEM will also hold two special sessions (see below).
  • The CEDAR website maintains pages for the detailed descriptions of CEDAR-GEM Joint Sessions and CEDAR Sessions.
  • This Wiki page contains the Calls for Presentations announced by GEM Focus Groups and other special/joint sessions as published in GEM Messenger. [Last updated: June 26, 2011] (Note: In the e-mail addresses below the symbol @ is replaced by " [at] ".)

FG: Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI) Sessions

Conveners: Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein [AT] swri.edu>, Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic [AT] stanford.edu>, Joe Borovksy <jborovsky [AT] lanl.gov>, Phil Erickson <pje [AT] haystack.mit.edu>

  • Session I: (Mon 27 Jun, 4 - 6 pm)
  • Session II: (Tue 28 Jun, 10 - 12 am)
  • Session III: "M-I Coupling within Plasmasphere Boundary Layer". JOINT WITH CEDAR (Tue 28 Jun, 1:30-3:30p)

SECOND Call for Participation

The PMI focus group invites presentation and participation in three sessions at this year's GEM/CEDAR joint workshop. The details and current list of speakers are given below. Also listed below are the science topics that will be covered in presentations and discussions.

Please e-mail us for a speaking slot as soon as possible; the sessions are filling up!

Also, if you are interested in co-chairing any of the sessions please let us know.


Monday 27-Jun ROOM: CC O'Keefe+Milagro

16:00-18:00 Breakout 1: "Plasmaspheric Density

  • Mark Moldwin Modeling plasmaspheric density: formation, evolution, morphology.
  • Rick Chappell Shredded plumes in the afternoon sector in OGO/ISEE data
  • Richard Denton refilling rates in the plasmasphere
  • Pontus Brandt LWS TRT on the plasmasphere
  • Jerry Goldstein Superposed epoch analysis of plasmaspheric density

Tuesday 28-Jun ROOM: CC O'Keefe+Milagro

Session Chair: Liz MacDonald & Jerry Goldstein

10:00-12:00 Breakout 2: "Wave-Particle Interactions in the Plasmasphere"

  • Jacob Bortnik Wave particle interactions
  • Richard Denton wave/particle instabilities, with ties to LWS FST team
  • Lauren Blum Comparing EMIC wave obs w. plasma-based proxy: stat & case study
  • Lunjin Chen Relationship of EMIC waves to density fluctuations
  • Vania Jordanova chorus excitation by anisotropic ring current electrons

Tuesday 28-Jun ROOM: CC Coronado+DeVargas

Session Chair: Phil Erickson & Jerry Goldstein

13:30-15:30 Breakout 3: "M-I Coupling within the Plasmasphere Boundary Layer" (JOINT WITH CEDAR)

  • Rick Chappell Plasmapause location & structure: PBL (msphere & ionosphere)
  • Jerry Goldstein Plasmaspheric Plumes: 3D, lumpy, evolving structures

Large electric fields in the non-shielded inner magnetosphere

  • Phil Erickson Ionospheric/magnetospheric PBL E-field variability
  • Pontus Brandt Inner magnetospheric electrodynamics
  • Mike Ruohoniemi New results for PBL with mid-latitude SuperDARN


1) Modeling plasmaspheric density: formation, evolution, morphology. Observations in support of models, and model-data comparisons. What are the radial, MLT, and field-aligned structures? What evidence is there for interhemispheric asymmetries?

2) The inner magnetospheric electric field: global modeling, observations, and impact.

3) Plasmaspheric plume density distribution. How well do plasmaspheric drainage plumes map to ionospheric SED plumes moving westward? What is the altitude and temporal signature as we move from low to mid to high latitudes? What creates the "lumpy" structure within plumes, and how does this structure evolve? Is the plasma inside late-storm plumes from the magnetosphere, or outflow from a hot-ionosphere high-latitude source? Where are the gaps in understanding?

4) PBL electric field variability. What is the altitude dependence of the variability and what implications does this have for field-aligned currents and the scaling of the magnetic field mapping function / electric field structuring? Do we have enough empirical evidence to make a statement and can data-guided models help?

5) Plasmapause location and structure. How do ionospheric and magnetospheric people locate the plasmapause / PBL? Are these compatible? What forms the structure seen on the PBL inner edge?

6) Wave/particle interactions and macroscale instabilities in the PBL. Where are these located (in plasmasphere, in ducts, on plasmapause, within plume, ..)? Where do they have an impact on particle trajectories through scattering or anomalous heating?

7) Conductivity control of PBL electrodynamics. How is the coupled electric field on PBL field lines affected by ionospheric conductivity in either or both hemispheres?


Requests for speaking slots, ideas, comments, or questions:

Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein AT swri.edu>, Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic AT stanford.edu>, Joe Borovksy <jborovsky AT lanl.gov>, Phil Erickson <pje AT haystack.mit.edu>

FG: Magnetic Mapping Sessions

Conveners: Eric Donovan <edonovan [at] ucalgary.ca>, Robyn Millan <Robyn.Millan [at] dartmouth.edu>, and Elizabeth MacDonald <macdonald [at] lanl.gov>

Magnetic mapping between different geospace regions is of critical importance to many of the GEM science challenges. Present observational programs produce simultaneous observations from disparate geospace regions that cannot be properly interpreted without addressing the mapping issue. Global models and simulations imply mappings that need to be correct in order for the models to be as useful as possible for science and prediction. Techniques for such mappings include empirical and event-based models, simulations, utilizing auroral boundaries and phenomena, magnetoseismology, and multi-point in situ particle observations. There is a pressing need for taking stock of these techniques, assessing their weaknesses and adding to their strengths, and for determining how global simulations compare with reality in terms of mapping. Although much work is being done on specific mapping techniques, this Focus Group will bring together scientists from different subdisciplines in an effort to foster an open discussion about the issues encountered when using these techniques, and to promote cross-fertilization of ideas.

This is the first year of the GEM Focus Group (FG) on Magnetic Mapping. This focus group has a five year term, and aims to deliver a review of existing mapping techniques, new metrics for assessing the validity of different techniques, quantifiable improvements of existing techniques, and provide, through community challenges, demonstrations of how those improvements will benefit GGCM, activities of other focus groups, and GEM in general.

We are holding three sessions at the upcoming GEM/CEDAR Workshop in Santa Fe:

Thursday, June 30 (13:30-15:30 and 16:00-18:00) in CC Coronado/DeVargas:

  • Overview of FG objectives
  • Invited talks on mapping techniques/issues (E. Zesta, J. Bortnik, V. Merkin)
  • Open discussion and solicited ~5 minute presentations

Friday, July 1 (10:15-12:15) in CC Coronado/DeVargas

  • Planning for future and ongoing activities

In this first Workshop for the FG, we are reserving roughly half of overall session time for open vigorous discussions, but we still have time available for shorter (<5 min) talks (we have two such requests to date). If you are interested in presenting, please contact us (the organizers): Robyn Millan, Elizabeth MacDonald, and Eric Donovan (Robyn.Millan [at] dartmouth.edu, macdonald [at] lanl.gov, edonovan [at] ucalgary.ca).

FG: Dayside FACs and Energy Deposition Sessions

Conveners: Delores Knipp <delores.knipp [at] gmail.com>, Stefan Eriksson <eriksson [at] lasp.colorado.edu>, Geoff Crowley <gcrowley [at] astraspace.net>,Herb Carson <herbert.c.carlson [at] gmail.com>

We would like to invite contributions to the Dayside FAC and Energy Deposition (FED) focus group at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR workshop in Santa Fe on June 27-July 1, 2011. This will be the second year in which special sessions on this topic have been held. The effort focuses on explaining the relation between enhanced dayside Poynting flux and field-aligned currents, sources of field-aligned currents in the solar wind and magnetosphere and their impacts in the ionosphere-thermosphere system. The Focus Group goals and other information are at:


The FED focus group will hold two sessions. Both sessions have been tentatively scheduled on Tuesday Jun 28 (10-12 and 1:30-3:30). The sessions will cover data, theory, and modeling aspects of the following topics:

  • Dayside Poynting Flux, Joule Heating and Their Relation to Field Aligned Currents
  • Particle Energy Deposition on the Dayside
  • Dissipation of Magnetospheric Energy in the Dayside Thermosphere
  • Thermospheric Density Enhancements and Traveling Atmo/Ionospheric Disturbances
  • Solar Wind Drivers for Extreme Dayside Poynting Flux Events

The sessions will be held in a joint workshop with CEDAR. We anticipate a full slate of presentations and want to encourage a presentation style in which each speaker will be allotted time for a 3-4 slides, in order to ensure enough time for discussion. At least one of the slides should deal with unresolved issues. Speakers are encouraged to end their presentation with outstanding questions that can be addressed jointly.

If you have not already done so, please send the title(s) and session(s) of your contribution(s) to us at your earliest convenience at the email addresses listed below.

Also note that some of the Dayside FED events have been added to the GEM-CEDAR challenge events and will get additional attention in the Challenge sessions (see meeting calendar for details).

FG: Near Earth Magnetosphere: Plasma, fields and coupling Sessions

Conveners: Sorin Zaharia <szaharia [at] lanl.gov>, Stan Sazykin <sazykin [at] rice.edu> and Benoit Lavraud <Benoit.Lavraud [at] cesr.fr>

The Near Earth Magnetosphere: Plasma, Fields and Coupling Focus Group will hold 2 sessions at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR Joint Workshop in Santa Fe (June 26-July 1, 2011), on Tuesday 06/28 and Wednesday 06/29, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. We invite potential contributors to participate with short presentations on topics relevant to the focus group, including theoretical, modeling and observational studies of the near-Earth magnetosphere plasma, electric and magnetic fields, as well as their interaction.

The main goal of the focus group is to improve physical knowledge and modeling of the near-Earth (< 10 RE) magnetosphere and its coupling with the outer magnetosphere; a more detailed description of the focus group objectives can be found at


Potential contributors are encouraged to contact Sorin Zaharia or Stan Sazykin with the title of their presentation.

FG: Diffuse Auroral Precipitation Sessions

Conveners: Richard Thorne <rmt [at] atmos.ucla.edu>

The Diffuse Auroral Precipitation focus group will hold three breakout sessions at GEM this June in Santa Fe. This is a solicitation for participation in the sessions. Brief informal talks are encouraged covering the following three topics. Please send titles of prospective talks to the relevant session chairs with a copy to <rmt at atmos.ucla.edu>.

1. Observations and Origin of Pulsating Aurora

  • June 29: 10:00-12:00 AM
  • Session Chairs: Sarah Jones (sjones.04 at gmail.com); Wen Li (moonlit at atmos.ucla.edu)

2. Scattering Mechanisms for Diffuse Auroral Precipitation

  • June 29: 1:30-3:30 PM
  • Session Chairs: Binbin Ni (bbni at atmos.ucla.edu); Xin Tao (xtao at atmos.ucla.edu)

3. Wrap-up Session: What have we learned?

  • June 30: 10:00-12:00 AM
  • Session Chair: Richard Thorne (rmt at atmos.ucla.edu)

FG: Modes of Magnetospheric Response Sessions

Conveners: Larry Kepko <Larry.kepko [at] nasa.gov> and Bob McPherron <rmcpherron [at] igpp.ucla.edu>

To encourage mingling with the CEDAR community, the Modes of Magnetospheric Response focus group will hold only one session Monday afternoon at the upcoming joint GEM/CEDAR Workshop (June 27-July 1) in Santa Fe, NM.

This focus group has as its aim the improvement of knowledge of the physical mechanisms that provide different dynamical modes of response of the magnetotail to the solar wind. These include substorms, steady magnetospheric convection, sawtooth injection events, pseudo breakups, and poleward boundary intensifications. Possible discussion topics include: event and/or statistical studies of SMC or sawtooth events; Coupling of solar wind energy into the magnetosphere; polar cap saturation; etc. A complete description of the FG and its goals can be found at http://bit.ly/beGmTF

Interested speakers should contact Larry Kepko or Bob McPherron.

FG: Plasma Entry and Transport into and within the Magnetotail (PET) Sessions

Conveners: Antonius Otto <ao [at] how.gi.alaska.edu>, Jay R. Johnson <jrj [at] pppl.gov>, and Simon Wing <Simon.Wing [at] jhuapl.edu>

We would like to invite contributions to our final PET focus group sessions at the upcoming GEM workshop in Santa Fe on June 26 – July 1, 2011. It is expected that there will be two sessions, both of which have been scheduled on Monday Jun 27 (See http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html for the definitive schedule).

  1. Summary (01:30 – 03:30);
  2. Planning/Future vision (04:00 – 06:00)

We welcome contributions to both sessions. We are particularly interested to hear what the magnetotail/plasma sheet researchers are interested in a future FG. Interested speaker should prepare 2-3 slides, in order to ensure enough time for discussion. If you have not already done so, please send the title(s) and session(s) of your contribution(s) to us at your earliest convenience at the email addresses listed below.

Simon Wing (simon.wing at jhuapl.edu) Antonius Otto (ao at how.gi.alaska.edu) Jay Johnson (jrj at pppl.gov)

FG: Radiation Belts and Wave (RBW) Modeling Sessions

Conveners: Y Shprits <yshprits [AT] atmos.ucla.edu>, J Bortnik <jbortnik [AT] gmail.com>, S Elkington <lkingto [AT] lasp.colorado.edu>, and C Kletzing <cak [AT] delta.physics.uiowa.edu>

1) GEM Radiation Belt and Waves challenge

The GEM Radiation Belt and Waves focus group would like to invite modelers and data assimilators to participate in its first GEM challenge, in which the pool of participants will be simulating a specified set of events, using a common data set as input.

An outline of the challenge, the rules and the relevant data are hosted on the Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory website and can be accessed at: http://virbo.org/RBW#Challenge_Data

The comparison of models and observations will take place at the 2011 GEM summer meeting. For the explanation of rules please contact "Jacob Bortnik" <jbortnik AT gmail.com>, "Scot Elkington" <elkingto AT lasp.colorado.edu>, "Paul O'Brien" <Paul.OBrien AT aero.org>, "Kletzing, Craig" <cak AT delta.physics.uiowa.edu>.

2) RBW schedule

This year we will have 5 GEM sessions and 1 joint GEM cedar session. We encourage participants to submit the titles of their presentations to http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/~yshprits/rbw2011.html by June 12th. Contributed presentations will be approximately 5 min and include no more than 3 slides. Invited presentations will be limited to 10 min and 7 slides. Presentations submitted after June 12 and walk-in presentations will be limited to 1 slide. We particularly encourage participants to submit their presentations to the Joint with CEDAR session: Remote Sensing the Inner Magnetosphere.

3) RBSPb event list

The RBSPb event list, page is now operational on ViRBO http://virbo.org/RBSPb . The web site design contains a list of storms, relevant papers, data, and figures. We encourage participations of the RBW working group to email publication titles and data relevant to these events to virbo+RBSPb AT virbo.org.

For comments/ questions please contact "Drew Turner" <drew.lawson.turner AT gmail.com>, "Michael Hartinger" <mhartinger AT igpp.ucla.edu>, "Weichao Tu" <Weichao.Tu AT colorado.edu>, "Yuri Shprits" <yshprits AT atmos.ucla.edu>, "Bob Weigel" <rweigel AT gmu.edu>

FG: Ion Outflow Sessions

(Session Dates: June 27 and June 29, 2011)

Conveners: Dan Welling <dwelling [at] lanl.gov>

The new GEM focus group on The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma-Measuring, Modeling and Merging Into the GEM GGCM will hold four joint GEM/CEDAR sessions at the upcoming meeting in Santa Fe. The conveners, Rick Chappell, Bob Schunk and Dan Welling would like to invite participation from the GEM/CEDAR community for any of the following four sessions. The sessions will begin with a summary overview talk and will be followed by contributed workshop-style talks with discussion. Each session will last two hours. The topics and times of the sessions are listed below. Please contact the session chairman for each of the four sessions to be added to the agenda for the session.

June 27, 2011; 1:30-3:30pm

Measurements of Ion Outflow in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.

The Earth's ionosphere has been shown to be a significant contributor of plasma to different particle populations of the magnetosphere. Through a variety of energization processes, the low energy ionospheric particles are transported from low altitudes upward into the magnetosphere where they can become more energized and can help create fundamentally important regions such as the plasma sheet and ring current. This workshop will review and discuss observations of outflow in the ionosphere and magnetosphere as a stimulus for refining existing outflow models. (Session Chairman: Rick Chappell rick.chappell [at] vanderbilt.edu)

June 27, 2011; 4:00-6:00pm

Modeling Ionospheric Outflow

There is a continuous ion outflow from the Earth at high latitudes. The outflow consists of light thermal ions (H+ , He+ and O+) and energized ions (NO+, O2+, N2+, O+, N+, He+ and H+). The ion energization in the polar wind is associated with photoelectrons, hot magnetosphere electrons and ions, wave-particle interactions in the cusp and nocturnal oval at various altitudes, electromagnetic wave turbulence above the polar cap, and centrifugal acceleration. In addition, the ion outflow occurs in conjunction with magnetospheric convection, which causes the high-latitude plasma to drift into and out of the dayside ionosphere, cusp, polar cap, nocturnal auroral oval, and subauroral night-side ionosphere. Because of the complicated dynamics, various ion outflow models have been developed, including hydrodynamic (fluid), hydromagnetic, semi-kinetic, kinetic, generalized transport, and macroscopic particle-in-cell models. This workshop will identify the ionospheric outflow models that currently exist, establish the strengths and limitations of existing models, and determine the important outflow processes that need to be included in outflow models.

(Session Chairman: Bob Schunk schunk [at] cc.usu.edu)

June 29, 2011; 10:00-12:00 noon

Geospace Generalized Circulation Models (GGCMs), invaluable tools for studying the Earth's magnetosphere, have historically neglected the ionospheric source of magnetospheric plasma. Recently, an increased recognition of the importance of this source has spurred the magnetospheric modeling community towards finding new, innovative ways to include it in the large-scale models. This workshop will examine existing merging techniques between outflow and magnetosphere models and review recent discoveries concerning the impact ionospheric outflow has on the global magnetospheric results.

(Session Chairman: Dan Welling dwelling at lanl.gov)

June 29, 2011; 1:30-3:30pm

The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma: Measuring, Modeling, and Merging into the GEM GGCM focus group (or simply Outflow MMM) is a newly developed focus group aimed toward combining research of ionospheric outflow with Geospace General Circulation Models (GGCMs). The focus group has four major goals: refine existing outflow models through data-model comparisons, merge these models into the GGCMs and examine the impact on the magnetosphere, evaluate the coupled codes through data-model comparisons, and examine feedback from the magnetosphere to the ionospheric outflow. This session will summarize the Outflow MMM sessions that have taken place throughout the GEM/CEDAR meeting and work with the GEM and CEDAR communities to plan for the future of the 5-year focus group.

(Session Chairmen: Rick Chappell rick.chappell [at] vanderbilt.edu; Bob Schunk schunk [at] cc.usu.edu; Dan Welling dwelling [at] lanl.gov)

We look forward to your participation in these joint sessions.

FG: Magnetosheath Sessions

Conveners: Steven Petrinec <steve.petrinec [at] gmail.com> and Katariina Nykyri <nykyrik [at] erau.edu>

The Magnetosheath Focus Group will hold a 2-hour session on Tuesday, June 28 of the 2001 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop at the Santa Fe Convention Center. In addition to our pre-scheduled invited speakers (Michael Schulz and Hui Zhang) we invite participants to provide short presentations related to any of the magnetosheath focus group topics listed below. We also encourage both ionospheric and magnetospheric modelers and people using observations to participate in the development of the "GEM Magnetosheath Challenge", where the impact of specific magnetosheath conditions on magnetospheric and ionospheric dynamics is studied. Please send the title of your presentation to us by June 16th.

The Primary Objectives and Expected Activities of the FG:

1. To produce more comprehensive models of large scale magnetosheath flow and field patterns, and geometry of the magnetosheath region

2. To improve understanding of magnetosheath plasma instabilities and wave particle interactions: Spatial distribution and characteristics

3. To develop a better understanding of the effects on magnetospheric dynamics due to processes occurring in the magnetosheath and due to characteristic magnetosheath properties.

The focus group proposal with specific science questions can be found at http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/GEM_FG_MSheath_proposal.pdf .

We especially encourage data-analysts utilizing in-situ spacecraft measurements from Themis and Cluster missions, theoretical modelers, global and local modelers to participate in this session. We will also entertain presentations of studies of magnetosheaths of other solar system bodies, as they relate to the terrestrial magnetosheath.

FG: Substorm Expansion Onset: First 10 Minutes Sessions

Conveners: Vassilis Angelopoulos <vassilis [at] ucla.edu>, Shin Ohtani <ohtani [at] jhuapl.edu>, Kazuo Shiokawa <shiokawa [at] stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp>, Andrei Runov <arunov [at] igpp.ucla.edu>

We would like to invite contributions to the Substorm Expansion Onset: First 10 Minutes focus group session at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR workshop in Santa Fe, NM on June 27-July 1, 2011. We will have four sub-sessions to discuss the following topics

1. Onset timing 2. Onset signatures propagation in the magnetotail and to the ground 3. Ground-Space Mapping of Physical Processes 4. Substorm processes near transition between stretched and dipole field lines

The workshop agenda and other information are available at http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/

Contributions based on data analysis, theory and modeling addressing the Focus Group topics are welcome. One of the goal of this focus group is to complete a matrix showing correspondence of each observation/model result to various substorm-onset physical models whether it gives positive or negative supports of the models. The current version of the matrix is available at the GEM Wiki page (http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawikiwiki/index.php/FG12._Substorm_Expansion_Onset:_The_First_10_Minutes).

We would encourage a workshop presentation style with allotted time for maximum 3 slides in order to ensure enough time for discussions. Please provide us with the title(s) of your contribution(s) and the topic(s) to be addressed at your earliest convenience.

FG: Space Radiation Climatology Sessions

Conveners: Paul O'Brien <paul.obrien [at] aero.org> and Geoff Reeves <reeves [at] lanl.gov>

The Space Radiation Climatology Focus Group will hold 2 2-hour sessions at the upcoming GEM-CEDAR Joint Workshop: 10-Noon and 1:30- 3:30 on Wednesday, June 29th.

This is the final year of the focus group. The sessions will be organized around a few invited talks summarizing work over the life of the focus group, as well as open time for contributed talks on recent progress and plans for future investigations. The group co-chairs invite interested parties to contribute talks on climatological studies, data assimilation, long-term data sets, and related topics in the inner magnetosphere.

A focus group wiki/agenda will be maintained at http://virbo.org/GEM_FG9_2011. Also, post your favorite recent and all-time climatology papers to the wiki!

Please contact Paul O'Brien (paul.obrien at aero.org) or Geoff Reeves (reeves at lanl.gov) to schedule your contribution. The main wiki for the focus group can be found at http://virbo.org/GEMFG9

Joint: Electrodynamic Coupling of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere at Middle and Low Latitudes

Conveners: Bela Fejer <bela.fejer [at] usu.edu>, Thomas Immel <immel [at] ssl.berkeley.edu>, Stanislav Sazykin <sazykin [at] rice.edu>, Naomi Maruyama <naomi.maruyama [at] noaa.gov>

Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop: Electrodynamic Coupling of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere at Middle and Low Latitudes

Session: Mon 27 Jun, 1330-1530

Room: Convention Center O'Keefe+Milagro

We would like to invite presentations and participation in this session at the GEM-CEDAR joint workshop. The session description and a list of science questions are given below. The format of the presentations is informal with several slides and we would like to encourage science discussions.

If you are interested to give a talk in the session, please let us know.

Session Description:

In the last decade, there have been many new development in understanding the electrodynamic coupling of the inner magnetosphere with the middle and low latitude I-T system. One of the great achievements was the identification and explanation of common magnetic-storm processes in plasmaspheric and ionospheric data and images, and the realization that disturbance dynamo and prompt penetration electric fields are not independent but interact with each other non-linearly. New developments continue to highlight the coupled nature of the system during quiet times as well as in response to magnetic storms. Significant gaps in our understanding still exist and lie in the need to quantify the various sources of electrodynamic variability at mid and low latitudes and the interactions and feedback between them. For instance, during quiet times, fluctuating winds in the thermosphere from sources in the lower atmosphere are likely to compete with fluctuation of magnetospheric sources, both in terms of driving winds and in imposing modest penetration electric fields. These sources of quiet-time fluctuations in the fields, render it extremely difficult to separate storm from quiet, since the background from one day to the next can be 50% of the signal. During storms the magnetospheric sources tends to dominate but lack of knowledge in the uncertainty in the quiet background can confuse interpretation of the storm response. This workshop is designed to bring together the CEDAR and GEM experts in the sources of mid and low latitude electrodynamics from the inner magnetosphere, thermospheric wind dynamo, and forcing from the lower atmosphere.

New science questions to lead discussions:

1) Response of low and mid-latitude ionosphere to penetrating magnetospheric fields vs. disturbance dynamo.

During a storm, the effects of both penetrating magnetospheric fields and disturbance dynamo fields drive changes in the ionosphere. What's typical, what's not? Does the F-layer go up or down, at what local times and for how long after storm onset? During disturbances, can the effects be reasonably separated or predicted? Do the responses depend on solar flux conditions?

2) Contribution of magnetospheric sources to quiet-time variability at low and mid latitudes.

During periods of low geomagnetic activity, the ionosphere continues to exhibit large variability. Is this due only to sources such as tropospheric forcing, or is the ionosphere more susceptible to forcing from magnetospheric sources, owing to the low ionospheric/magnetospheric densities of recent solar minimum conditions?

3) Storm-time wind dynamo electric fields in the inner magnetosphere.

The thermospheric winds that develop during geomagnetic storms drive electric fields that have a profound effect on the ionosphere. This disturbance dynamo develops after storm onset and persists for many hours after storm drivers lessen. These storm-time fields develop on magnetic L-shells that are usually occupied by cold plasma, but stripped of that during storms. What do the storm time dynamo electric fields look like from the point of view of the inner magnetosphere? Are these important for post-storm plasmaspheric dynamics?

Joint: High Speed Streams and Their Geospace-Atmosphere Consequences Workshop

Conveners: Janet Kozyra <jukozyra [at] umich.edu> Richard Thorne <rmt [at] atmos.ucla.edu>

Date: 30 June 2011

Time: Session 1 1330-1530 UT; Session 2 1600-1800 UT

URL for Workshop: http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2011_Workshop:High_Speed_Stream_Driving_of_Geospace

Invitation to Participate:

Please come and participate in a multi-disciplinary discussion of the response of geospace and the atmosphere to high speed streams, both in general and as observed during the recent unusual solar minimum. All are welcome!

  • Speakers (listed below) have been invited to introduce new findings, the questions they raise, and possible consequences in other geospace regions.
  • We are very interested in information about additional features in geospace during high-speed streams. Please let the conveners know if you have 1-2 slides to present that raise new issues.
  • We are hoping to take advantage of the unique environment that the joint CEDAR-GEM meeting provides to identify the signatures of related processes in different regions. Please come and add your expertise to the mix in the joint workshop.

Workshop Description:

This workshop addresses the impacts of high speed streams on the development of auroral activity, radiation belt enhancements, inner magnetosphere-subauroral response, and atmospheric perturbations. A particular sub-focus is to explore the changes in the geospace-atmosphere response in the recent unusual solar minimum interval due to the combination of strong and long-lasting high speed streams, the lowest average IMF and solar wind densities ever recorded at 1 AU, and the lowest solar EUV fluxes in three solar cycles, placing system responses into a backdrop of tenuous ionospheric densities and low conductivities.

Draft Agenda

30 June 2011, Session 1

Magnetic Activity during HSS

  • 1330 Robert McPherron - Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling during high speed streams, in the recent solar minimum, and in the preceding solar minimum
  • 1350 Raluca Ilie - periodicities in the solar wind and magnetosphere during HSS
  • 1410 Vania Jordanova - ring current dynamics during high speed streams
  • 1430 Jeff Thayer - CIR/HSS impact on the thermosphere
  • 1450 Olga Verkhoglyadova ? Ionospheric TEC and thermospheric emission dynamics during HSS
  • 1510 Yue Deng - Joule heating and 9-day periodicity of HSS

30 June 2011, Session 2

Radiation Belts and HSS

  • 1600 Joe Borovsky - Radiation belts during weak high speed streams in 2006-2007
  • 1620 Wen Li - Chorus waves seen on THEMIS during high speed streams

High Speed Stream Effects in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere & Consequences

  • 1640 Sharon Vadas - Differences in propagation and dissipation of gravity waves during SC24
  • 1700 John Emmert - Causes and consequences of low thermospheric densities this minimum
  • 1720 Stan Solomon: Upper atmosphere and ionosphere at Solar Minimum

Summary, Discussion, and 1-2 Slide Contributions from Participants (1740-1800)

Joint: Nightside Multi-scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) Electrodynamic Coupling during Geomagnetic Disturbances Workshop

Conveners: Michael Nicolls <michael.nicolls [at] sri.com>, Shasha Zou <shashaz [at] umich.edu>, Larry Lyons <larry [at] atmos.ucla.edu>

Date/Time: 29 June 2011

  • Session A 1000-1200
  • Session B 1330-1530

Location: Eldorado Anasazi Ballroom

Web Links:

Call for Participation

We invite contributions to this joint session that will be held on Wednesday, June 29th, 10-12 am and 1:30-3:30 pm (2 2-hour sessions). We would like to encourage a workshop-style presentation with 10-15 min including discussion time. Please contact Michael Nicolls (michael.nicolls at sri.com), Shasha Zou (shashaz at umich.edu) or Larry Lyons (larry at atmos.ucla.edu) to schedule your contribution.

Description of objectives of this session:

The MIT system behaves as a complex system characterized by coupling and feedbacks, preconditioning, and memory. This system is of great interest to both the GEM and CEDAR communities and includes a variety of important topics that are common to both initiatives. Understanding the MIT during periods of geomagnetic disturbances as an integrated system as well as from perspectives of each discipline is necessary to move the area forward.

Field-aligned currents (FACs) are the essential mediator between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. FACs modify the ionospheric conductivities by increasing or depleting the ionospheric density through associated particle precipitation and evacuation processes, respectively. The modified conductivity in turn regulates the magnetospheric drivers by changing the exerting forces and electric field distributions, including generating important structured electric fields, such as Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams / Sub-Auroral Ion Drifts (SAPS/SAID). The structured ionospheric density also provides important information about the location/polarity of the FACs and the energy distribution of the precipitating particles in the case of upward FACs.

Geomagnetic disturbances targeted in this joint session include, but are not limited to, substorms, PBIs, streamers and SMCs. These geomagnetic disturbances are associated with enhanced FACs and highly structured auroral forms. The characteristics of FACs, including their 2-D horizontal distribution and their development and evolution through the course of these disturbances, have never been directly observed at sufficient temporal resolution to resolve the intricacies of their dynamics. The newly available Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) magnetometers will enable us to conduct for the first time 2-D imaging of the FACs distribution. Combined with the perpendicular currents calculated from existing models, they will be able to provide the global-scale 3-D current distribution in the ionosphere. In addition, the continental-scale THEMIS ground-based ASIs and the multi-spectral cameras will enable us to associate auroral forms with direct FAC measurements. Moreover, ground-based radars, including both coherent and incoherent scatter radars, can provide detailed information about the global convection flow and thus electric field patterns, as well as the altitude profile of electron density. Furthermore, with the increasing availability of ground-based GPS receivers, global-scale total electron content can be obtained and the effect of FACs in modifying the ionospheric electron density distribution can be readily evaluated. In the magnetosphere, the NASA THEMIS satellites enable investigation of the linkage between the physical processes in the magnetosphere and structures observed in the ionosphere and thermosphere. The effect of those geomagnetic disturbances on the thermospheric wind can also be monitored by the ground-based Fabry-Perot spectrometers. These instruments as a whole provide us with an unprecedented opportunity for imaging the MIT system in 4-D and for investigating the electrodynamic coupling of the MIT system during geomagnetic disturbances.

This joint session proposal is a call for a multi-instrument observational campaign, requiring close collaborations between both GEM and CEDAR communities. It is timely because of the availability of simultaneous observations from multiple instruments, including those mentioned above and many other instruments and models. In addition, the joint GEM/CEDAR workshop this year will provide us with an excellent opportunity to kick off this interdisciplinary research initiative and a forum for presenting results, discussing solutions and exchanging ideas.

Joint: CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge Workshop

(model outputs due June 10)

Conveners: Masha Kuznetsova, Ja Soon Shim, Barbara Emery, Aaron Ridley, Delores Knipp, Naomi Maruyama, Tim Fuller-Rowell, Tim Guild, Jan Sojka, Geoff Crowley

Modelers, data providers and users of space weather models are invited to participate in the CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge Workshop (Tuesday, June 28 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, and Thursday, June 30 10 am - 3:30 pm) during the 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop in Santa Fe. Details of the Challenge and instructions on how to prepare and submit model output time series can be found at CCMC, GEM and CEDAR Web sites:




The CEDAR-GEM Challenge is built upon GEM GGCM and CEDAR ETI Challenges. During the Workshop, GEM and CEDAR communities will share the experiences and lessons learned from the first rounds of the Challenges, address topics of common interest and analyze the effects of geospace model coupling on metrics results.

Participate in the Challenge by submitting your model results by June 10th, 2011.

Both CEDAR and GEM communities have recognized that due to the maturity and increasing complexity of state-of-the-art space weather models, there is a great need for a systematic and quantitative evaluation of different modeling approaches. During the last two years both GEM and CEDAR communities addressed this need by organizing and implementing comprehensive, community-wide efforts to test model predictions against observations. In the summer of 2008 the GEM GGCM Metrics and Validation Focus Group initiated a series of metrics studies (aka GGCM Modeling Challenge) focusing on the inner magnetospheric dynamics and ground magnetic field perturbations. A year later the CEDAR community initiated the IT modeling challenge called CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge. The goal of the two Challenges is to evaluate the current state of the space physics modeling capability, to facilitate interaction between research and operation communities in developing metrics for space weather models, to address the differences between various modeling approaches, to track model improvements over time, to facilitate collaboration among modelers, data providers and research communities, and provide feedback for further model improvement.

The Community Coordinating Modeling Center (CCMC) is supporting both Challenges and maintaining a web site with interactive access to model output archive and observational data used for metrics studies. In anticipation of the joint GEM-CEDAR Workshop five time intervals were included in lists of events addressed by both GEM and CEDAR Modeling Challenges:

• December 14, 2006 12:00 UT - December 16, 00:00 UT

• August 31, 2001 00:00 UT - September 1, 00:00 UT

• August 31, 2005 10:00 UT - September 1, 12:00 UT

• May 15, 2005 00:00 UT - May 15, 2005, 20:00 UT

• July 9, 2005 00:00 UT - July 12, 2005, 00:00 UT

Through collaboration between CEDAR and GEM Communities, by analyzing simulation results for ionosphere/thermosphere and magnetosphere models for the same set of events, we can analyze the effects of the geospace environment on the ionosphere. Many of the magnetospheric models are coupled to ionosphere-thermosphere models, so that the metrics can be conducted for both coupled and uncoupled simulations on both models.

Modelers are invited to submit simulation results for the 5 events listed above before June 10th 2011 through the interactive submission interface http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/challenges/GEM-CEDAR/. Model output file formats for each physical parameter and measurement availability table with satellite trajectories and ground stations locations can be found at




Submissions of coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere models are especially encouraged. To study the effect of different drivers, ionosphere/thermosphere modelers are requested to perform a series of simulations for each event with different models for the ionosphere potential pattern: 1) Weimer 2005 using 15-min averages of the IMF input parameters lagged -5 to -20 min provided by the NCAR and the CCMC; 2) AMIE provided by ASTRA (Geoff Crowley); 3) Global magnetosphere models provided by the CCMC. Please contact Barbara Emery or Masha Kuznetsova if you need assistance to get ionospheric potentials from AMIE and/or global magnetosphere models.

List of physical parameters to be used for metrics studies:

Ionosphere/Thermosphere models or coupled model components:

- Vertical and horizontal drifts at Jicamarca (VperpN and VperpE)

- Neutral density at CHAMP orbit (Nden)

- Electron density at CHAMP orbit (Eden)

- NmF2 from LEO satellites (CHAMP and COSMIC) and ISRs

- HmF2 from LEO satellites (CHAMP and COSMIC) and ISRs

- Temperature Tn and neutral winds obtained by Fabry-Perot Spectrometer at 250 km (Arrival Heights, Antarctica; Resolute Bay, Canada)

- Ne, Te, Ti at 300 km (Millstone Hill, Sondrestrom, EISCAT, Svalbard ISRs).

- Ion vertical velocity at Sondrestrom ISR

Geospace models or coupled model components:

- Magnetic field at geosynchronous orbit

- Ground magnetic perturbations

- Dst index

- Auroral oval position (high latitude boundary)

- Auroral oval position (low latitude boundary)

Parameters along DMSP tracks:

- Poynting flux (Joule heating) into ionosphere along DMSP tracks

- Plasma Velocity (Vx - along track, Vy cross track, Vz - vertical)

Additional time series in support of simulation results analysis:

- Cross polar cap potential (northern and southern hemisphere) - Joule heating (or Poynting flux) integrated over each hemisphere in GW.

Tentative agenda, suggested topics for discussions, and call for ideas/viewpoint presentations and participation in discussions:

1. Review of the first round of GEM and CEDAR Challenges results. Simulations results, observational data and reports on metrics studies for the first round of Challenges are available at the CCMC website. Comments and discussions are welcomed. Results of the first round of Challenges will be used as a benchmark for further studies.

- Introduction (M. Kuznetsova)

- Overview of the CETI Challenge results (J-S. Shim)

- GEM Dst Challange results (L. Rastaetter, D. Welling)

- Discussion

2. Effects of IT/geospace models coupling on metrics results.

- Comparison of different approaches to introducing geomagnetic activity effects into ionosphere models (A. Ridley, N. Maruyama)

- Poynting flux into the ionosphere (D. Knipp, L. Rastaetter)

- Role of ion outflows from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere.

- Discussion

3. Challenges of the model-data comparison and how to address them

- How to define the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval from simulations (Y. Zheng)

- What metrics to apply and how to calculate skill score for global (e.g., 2D time dependent) observational data. TEC metrics studies planning (B. Emery, L. Goncharenko, A. Coster)

- Methods of data preparation.

- Uncertainty analysis of model outputs (R. Schunk).

- Metrics selection for geospace model evaluation. Lessons learned. Threshold-based metrics (A. Pulkkinen)

- Discussion

4. Climatology projects for the thermosphere, ionosphere, ring current, radiation belts, and the plasma sheet (B. Emery, T. Guild) – scheduled for Tuesday June 28, 130-330 PM

5. General discussion on GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenges. Planning of future activities

Please contact conveners if you would like to present your viewpoint (no more than 3 slides) on topics listed above, and/or would like to suggest additional topics for discussion.

Joint: Nonlinear Plasma Effects in Auroral/Subauroral Plasmas Sessions

Conveners: Evgeny Mishin <Evgeny.Mishin [at] hanscom.af.mil> and Anatoly Streltsov <anatoly.v.streltsov [at] dartmouth.edu>

We would like to announce a tentative Program of the "Nonlinear Plasma Effects in Auroral/Subauroral Plasmas" workshop at the upcoming GEM- CEDAR workshop in Santa Fe on June 27-July 1, 2011.

The objective of this workshop is to make an assessment of the contribution of nonlinear plasma processes to the dynamics of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system with the emphasis on their effects on the energy transport and release in the ionosphere and magnetosphere at auroral and subauroral latitudes.

Nonlinear Plasma Effects in Auroral/Subauroral Plasmas PROGRAM

(CC Kearney)

Monday, June 27, 1600-1800

  1. J.-P. StMaurice "A renormalized theory of the nonlinear evolution of Farley-Buneman waves and its implications for the transport properties of the turbulent E region."
  2. M. Oppenheim: "3D PIC Simulations of Farley-Buneman Turbulence Demonstrate Anomalous Electron Heating”.
  3. Y. Dimant: "Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling through E-Region Turbulence: Anomalous Conductivites and Plasma Heating."
  4. D. Hysell "Stochastic calculus and Farley Buneman wave phase speed saturation"

Tuesday, June 28, 1000-1200

  1. N. Singh "Kinetic Features of Large-Scale Alfven Wave Propagation in the Auroral Plasma".
  2. A.V. Streltsov "Multi-Scale, Multi-Fluid, Nonlinear Coupling Between the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere at High Latitudes”.
  3. E.V. Mishin "Plasma Physics of Sub-Auroral Ion Drifts: A turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer"

Special: Response of the Magnetosphere to High-Speed Streams Sessions (Sunday before the Workshop)

Convener: Mike Liemohn <liemohn [at] umich.edu>

On the Sunday before the joint GEM-CEDAR Workshop, there will be a day of sessions at the Eldorado Hotel's Sunset Ballroom. There is no extra registration fee, but we ask that you note your intention to attend either via the GEM registration page or with an email to Mike Liemohn.

This day of talks and discussion is centered on the phenomena of high-speed stream (HSS) passages past Earth's magnetosphere. These times represent a unique opportunity because the streams often repeat their geomagnetic activity cycle for several solar rotations, providing a natural laboratory for geospace researchers to understand the physical processes of solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling. In addition, the geomagnetic activity resulting from these solar structures exhibits systematic responses within geospace. This special day is devoted to exploring the causes and consequences of the systematic geomagnetic response during high-speed streams. Of special interest is the comparison of what happens during HSS times with what occurs during other quiet and active times driven by other solar wind structures.

This day is sponsored by the NASA Living With a Star Program, through one of their Focused Science Topic (FST) Teams. Now in the FST's final year, this event represents the culmination of the group's activities toward understanding near-Earth particle energization in the near-Earth space environment, focusing on the nightside plasma sheet, ring current, and radiation belts. The FST team chose high-speed streams as a central theme for our group-wide effort, narrowing this down to a few selected events for intense analysis.

This 1-day special event will include presentations from investigators in the FST team as well as many from researchers beyond the group. Everyone is welcome to come for the day, hear the talks, and participate in the ongoing discussions (within each session and at the end of the day's agenda).

We ask that those planning to attend this special Sunday session to please click the button for this on the GEM registration page. This will allow for an accurate count for ordering break-time refreshments.

We look forward to seeing you there!

9:00 - 10:30: Session 1 on HSS global magnetospheric processes 10:30 - 11:00: Break 11:00 - 12:30: Session 2 on HSS near tail/inner mag processes (non RB) 12:30 - 2:00: Lunch (on your own) 2:00 - 3:30: Session 3 on radiation belts during HSS 3:30 - 4:00: Break 4:00 - 5:00: Session 3 part II 5:00 - 6:00: Open discussion, summary, and future plans

Session 1: addresses solar wind-magnetosphere coupling during high-speed streams, in particular examining the energy transfer efficiency and mass and energy flow processes.

Session 2: focuses on the flow of mass and energy through the magnetosphere during high-speed streams, in particular focusing on the nightside plasma sheet and near-Earth non-relativistic plasma populations.

Session 3: examines radiation belt processes during high-speed streams, addressing both the acceleration mechanisms and the loss processes for these high-energy particles in near-Earth space.

Special: Pre-Focus Group Planning Session on Magnetic Reconnection

Conveners: Paul Cassak <Paul.Cassak [at] mail.wvu.edu>, John Dorelli, and Brian Sullivan

We would like to announce a pre-focus group planning meeting for a GEM session on magnetic reconnection to be held at the upcoming GEM meeting in Santa Fe. We encourage any and all community members interested in helping to formulate the scope and direction for an upcoming proposal for a focus group to attend. Ideal directions for a focus group incorporate a close interaction between observers, theorists, and/or global modelers. Suggestions for leadership and science focus are encouraged. The session is planned for Tuesday, June 28th, from 1:30-3:30pm. Please email us at Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu with any questions or comments. People not planning on attending that have ideas are encouraged to email their comments in advance.