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*Tuesday June 22: 10:30-12:15:
*Tuesday June 22: 10:30-12:15:
== Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions ==
== Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI) ==
''Conveners: From: Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein [at] swri.edu> and Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic [at] stanford.edu>''
''Conveners: From: Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein [at] swri.edu> and Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic [at] stanford.edu>''
The Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI) focus group will
hold several sessions at the 2010 GEM Workshop, during 20-25 June 2010.
We invite short presentations (several slides) related to any of the
PMI's broad topics:
+  Wave-Particle Interactions
+  Plume Dynamics & Recirculation
+  Plasma Density Structure & Evolution.
Specific topics of interest:
*  Dynamics of energetic particles
*  Wave theory and observations
*  Simulations or models of acceleration or loss
*  Morphology and dynamics of cold plasma density
*  Global circulation of plasmaspheric plumes
*  Dayside distribution of cold plasma ions
*  Fine scale plasma structure and flow turbulence.
*  Plume plasma and magnetospheric reconnection.
or any other topic you feel would be of interest to the PMI focus
If you would like to present, please e-mail your tentative title/topic
JGoldstein [at] swri.edu.
== Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes ==
== Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes ==

Revision as of 15:02, 12 May 2010



GEM will be holding its annual summer workshop at the Snowmass Conference Center in Snowmass, Colorado during June 20-25, 2010. A special student program will be held on Sunday, June 20.

Logistical information and workshop agenda can be found at the GEM Workshop Web Site.

Listed below are the call for presentations by various GEM focus groups before the Workshop. (Note: In the e-mail addresses below the symbol @ is replaced by " [at] ".)

GGCM Metrics and Validation

Conveners: Aaron Ridley <ridley [at] umich.edu> and Masha Kuznetsova <Maria.M.Kuznetsova [at] nasa.gov>

A new Dst index metrics study is added to the GEM Modeling Challenge organized by the GGCM Metrics and Validation Focus Group. Community Coordinating Modeling Center (CCMC) is supporting the Challenge. To participate in the Challenge please submit your model results using the web interface prior to June 1st, 2010.

The results of the Challenge will be discussed at the GGCM Metrics and Validation Session at the GEM 2010 Summer Workshop. Joint publication by all participants is planned. For more details, go to the Challenge Web site: http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/GEM_metrics_08/

Please send questions, comments and suggestions to: Masha Kuznetsova (Maria.M.Kuznetsova[at]nasa.gov) and Aaron Ridley (ridley[at]umich.edu).

GGCM Modules and Methods

Conveners: Brian Sullivan (bsullivan [at]artemis.sr.unh.edu); John Dorelli (john.dorelli [at] nasa.gov)and Michael Shay (shay [at] udel.edu)

The GGCM Methods and Modules Focus Group will hold 2 sessions at the upcoming GEM Summer Workshop in Snowmass (June 20-25, 2010). The sessions will be at 10:30 and 1:30 on Wednesday.

The overarching goal of this focus group is to understand the physics of collisionless magnetic reconnection on magnetospheric length scales (100-1000 ion inertial lengths). We invite potential contributors to participate with short presentations on the following topics:

1. Scaling of reconnection with local and kinetic scale parameters in MHD, multifluid, and kinetic models.

2. Plasmoid instabilities in high Lundquist number current sheets

3. Dependence (or independence) of the dayside reconnection rate on solar wind parameters.

or any other topics of interest to the focus group. This is the final year of the GGCM Methods and Modules Focus Group. Looking forward, as this focus group comes to an end, a major goal for this year's sessions will be to agree on a way to present the most significant results of geophysical magnetic reconnection research to the greater GEM community and to identify a few outstanding questions to address as we plan for future focus groups centered on the multi-scale physics of reconnection in the magnetosphere. A more detailed description of the objectives of this focus group can be found at

http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawikiwiki/index.php/FG2._GGCM_Modules_and_Meth ods

Potential Contributors are encouraged to contact Brian Sullivan (brian.sullivan [at] unh.edu) with the title of their presentation.

Bow Shock Phenomena and their Magnetospheric Impacts

Conveners: N. Omidi <omidi [at] solanasci.com>, D. Sibeck <david.g.sibeck [at] nasa.gov>

Plasma Entry and Tranport into and within the Magnetotail (PET)

Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection

Conveners: Jean Berchem <jberchem [at] igpp.ucla.edu>, Nick Omidi <omidi [at] solanasci.com>

Physical Processes in the Cusps: Plasma Transport and Energization

Conveners: K.J. Trattner, N. Omidi and D. Sibeck

Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, Electrodynamics and Transport (MICET) (No session)

(The MICET Focus Group officially ended in 2008.)

Near Earth Magnetosphere: Plasma, Fields and Coupling

Conveners: Focus Group co-chairs: Sorin Zaharia <szaharia [at] lanl.gov>, Stan Sazykin <sazykin [at] rice.edu> and Benoit Lavraud <Benoit.Lavraud [at] cesr.fr>

Space Radiation Climatology

Conveners: Paul O'Brien (paul.obrien [at] aero.org) and Geoff Reeves (reeves [at] lanl.gov)

Diffuse Auroral Precipitation

Conveners: Richard Thorne <rmt [at] atmos.ucla.edu>

The Diffuse Aurora Focus Group plans to hold 4 breakout sessions at the 2010 GEM meeting in Snowmass this summer. Potential contributors are invited to contact the session chairs listed below with a title of their talk, and prepare a brief presentation for the workshop.

1. Relationship between auroral phenomenology and scattering mechanisms [Co-chairs, Binbin Ni (bbni[at}atmos.ucla.edu) and Robert Michell (rmichell[at]swri.edu)]

  • Monday June 21: 10:30-12:15:

2. Modulation of DA brightness by large-scale magnetospheric processes. [Co-chairs, Marilia Samara (marilia.samara[at]swri.org) and Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik[at]gmail.com )]

  • Monday June 21: 1:3-3:00:

3. Spatial and temporal extent and spatio-temporal occurrence of DA/scattering mechanisms [Co-chairs, Toshi Nishimura (toshi[at]atmos.ucla.edu) and Richard Thorne (rmt[at]atmos.ucla.edu)]

  • Monday June 21: 3:30-5:00:

4. Importance of the DA for Geospace at the system level. Plans for next year. [Chair, Richard Thorne (rmt[at]atmos.ucla.edu)]

  • Tuesday June 22: 10:30-12:15:

Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI)

Conveners: From: Jerry Goldstein <jgoldstein [at] swri.edu> and Maria Spasojevic <mariaspasojevic [at] stanford.edu>

The Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI) focus group will hold several sessions at the 2010 GEM Workshop, during 20-25 June 2010.

We invite short presentations (several slides) related to any of the PMI's broad topics:

+ Wave-Particle Interactions

+ Plume Dynamics & Recirculation

+ Plasma Density Structure & Evolution.

Specific topics of interest:

  • Dynamics of energetic particles
  • Wave theory and observations
  • Simulations or models of acceleration or loss
  • Morphology and dynamics of cold plasma density
  • Global circulation of plasmaspheric plumes
  • Dayside distribution of cold plasma ions
  • Fine scale plasma structure and flow turbulence.
  • Plume plasma and magnetospheric reconnection.

or any other topic you feel would be of interest to the PMI focus group.

If you would like to present, please e-mail your tentative title/topic to:

JGoldstein [at] swri.edu.

Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes

Conveners: Vassilis Angelopoulos (Vassilis[at] ucla.edu); Kazuo Shiokawa (Shiokawa [at] stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp) ; Andrei Runov (arunov [at] igpp.ucla.edu) and Shin Ohtani (Ohtani [at] jhuapl.edu)

Our focus group, "Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes", will have 4 sessions at the upcoming GEM Workshop in Snowmass (June 20-25, 2010). They are scheduled on June 24 (Thu) and 25 (Fri).

We have four topical areas identified, which are:

1. Onset timing: observations/theory/simulations (Angelopoulos)

2. How do onset signatures propagate to near Earth and to the ground? (Runov)

3. Ground-space mapping of physical processes before/during/after onset (Ohtani)

4. Substorm processes near transition between stretched and dipole field lines (Shiokawa)

We would like to invite you to participate, and if you have any request or question, please contact the person of the topical area of your interest, whose name is in the parentheses for each topic.

The description of our focus group is posted at: http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawikiwiki/index.php/FG12._Substorm_Expansion_Onset:_The_First_10_Minutes

Modes of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Energy Transfer

Convener: Larry Kepko <larry.kepko [at] unh.edu>