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'''Detailed Schedule'''
'''Detailed Schedule'''
Below is a detailed session schedule with names of tentative speakers provided by Focus Group Leaders. The information here serves as a rough guide for those who wish to know the most updated session plans. Due to the dynamic nature of the Workshop, Focus Groups may continue to revise their agenda as needed.
Below is a detailed session schedule with names of tentative speakers provided by Focus Group Leaders and Research Area Coordinators. The information here serves as a rough guide for those who wish to know the most updated session plans. Due to the dynamic nature of the Workshop, Focus Groups may continue to revise their agenda as needed.
'''GEM Student Day''': See [http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/2017GEMSummerWorkshopAgenda.pdf Sunday Agenda] provided by the Workshop Coordinator.
'''GEM Student Day''': See [http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/2017GEMSummerWorkshopAgenda.pdf Sunday Agenda] provided by the Workshop Coordinator.
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* '''GEM business''' by ''Jacob Bortnik and Paul Cassak''
* '''GEM business''' by ''Jacob Bortnik and Paul Cassak''
* '''MIC tutorial''' by ''Bob Lysak'' -- E&M coupling of the magnetosphere with the ionosphere and atmosphere
* 0815-0900: '''MIC tutorial''' by ''Bob Lysak'' -- E&M coupling of the magnetosphere with the ionosphere and atmosphere (Student Introducer: Evan Tyler)
* '''GSM tutorial''' by ''Binzheng Zhang''
* 0900-0945: '''GSM tutorial''' by ''Binzheng Zhang'' (Student Introducer: Spencer Hatch)
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
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Location: Amphitheater
Location: Amphitheater
"Systems Science Progress 1"
1. Katie Raymer
2. Stephen Browett
3. Mikhail Sitnov
4. Kateriina Nykiri
5. Joe Borovsky
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
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We want to stress that these sessions will be run in an informal nature; we will not be asking for any formal presentations from participants. Instead, we solicit the community to contribute with informal slides, figures, and/or plots to stress key points on any of the above topics. We hope that this session will inspire audience interaction and open discussion and/or debate. If you would like to contribute in these sessions, please just show up with any material you have and join us in going with the flow of the discussion!
We want to stress that these sessions will be run in an informal nature; we will not be asking for any formal presentations from participants. Instead, we solicit the community to contribute with informal slides, figures, and/or plots to stress key points on any of the above topics. We hope that this session will inspire audience interaction and open discussion and/or debate. If you would like to contribute in these sessions, please just show up with any material you have and join us in going with the flow of the discussion!
1. Misha Sitnov, "Dipolarization front dissipation regions"
2. Andrei Runov, "Earthward vs. tailward NENL ejecta properties"
3. Joachim Birn, "Energetic Particle Signatures Downtail of the Reconnection Site"
4. Heli Hietala, "Asymmetric boundary conditions for tail reconnection and finite width flow channel”
5. Chih-Ping Wang, "ARTEMIS events of bursty flows in mid-tail"
==== [FG] ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications ====
==== [FG] ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications ====
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Location: Portsmouth IV-V
Location: Portsmouth IV-V
* '''Agency reports''' by ''M. Wiltberger, P. Shepson (NSF), H. Singer (NOAA)''
'''Agency reports:'''
* 0815-0830: ''Paul Shepson'' (NSF AGS Division Director)
* 0830-0845: ''Janet Kozyra'' (NASA HQ Heliophysics Program Scientist)
* 0845-0900: ''Howard Singer'' (NOAA SWPC Chief Scientist)
* 0900-0915: ''Michael Wiltberger'' (NSF GEM Program Director)
* '''Mission update: Van Allen Probes''' by ''M. Gkioulidou''
0915-0945: '''Mission Updates:'''
* NASA/MMS: ''Michael Shay''
* '''Mission update: THEMIS''' by ''V. Angelopoulos''
* NASA/Van Allen Probes: ''Matina Gkioulidou''
* NASA/THEMIS: ''Vassilis Angelopoulos''
* '''Mission update: FIREBIRD''' by ''D. Klumpar''
* NSF/FIREBIRD: ''Dave Klumpar''
* USAF/DSX: ''James McCollough''
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
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Location: Holley Ballroom
Location: Holley Ballroom
'''Dayside Kinetics Challenge Session'''
The southward IMF event on 2015-11-18 01:50-03:00 UT, featuring an MMS-Geotail magnetopause conjunction with SuperDARN radar observations has been set as the challenge event. During this challenge we analyze the various dayside phenomena (magnetic reconnection, FTEs, magnetosheath waves, etc). We aim to conduct comparisons between (i) observations and models with different levels of kinetic physics; (ii) different models; (iii) in situ and remote observations. You can find more information at: https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/GEM/Dayside_Kinetic_Processes/Dayside_Kinetic_Challenge/Introduction.php
In this session, we will have several presentations of the observations made throughout the magnetosphere during this event, as well as on the preliminary simulations. We encourage both modelers and data analysts to attend and participate in the discussions and decisions on the next steps of the challenge.
*Overview: Heli Hietala
**Observation team
**Modeling teams registered so far
***Ilja Honkonen (particle assisted MHD)
***Yuxi Chen et al. (MHD with embedded PIC, MHD-EPIC)
***Yu Lin et al. (global hybrid-PIC)
#Solar wind: Rishi Mistry
#Statistics of past analogous events: Andrew Dimmock
#Ground-based observations: Toshi Nishimura/Ying Zou
#Tail dynamics: Christine Gabrielse
#MMS magnetosheath anisotropies, waves, jet: Xochitl Blanco-Cano
#MMS magnetopause parallel electric fields and waves: Tori Wilder
#MMS minor ions: Steve Petrinec
#MHD run: Ilja Honkonen
#MHD-EPIC run: Yuxi Chen
#Local PIC simulation of the magnetopause reconnection: Colby Haggerty
*Discussion on next steps
==== [FG] Geospace Systems Science ====
==== [FG] Geospace Systems Science ====
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Location: Port VI-VIII
Location: Port VI-VIII
“Systems Science Progress 2”
1. Dan Welling + Brian Walsh
2. Shin Ohtani
“Periodic Events in the Magnetosphere”
1. Lynn Kistler
2. Bob McPherron
3. Joe Borovsky
==== [FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions ====
==== [FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions ====
Location: Amphitheater
Location: Amphitheater
* Inner magnetosphere plasma variations and coupling to ionosphere
#Cristian Ferradas: Temporal evolution of ion spectral structures during a geomagnetic storm
#Chao Yue: The characteristic pitch angle distributions of 1 eV to 600 keV protons near the equator based on Van Allen Probes observantions
#Philip Fernandes: Global distribution of O+/H+ ratio based on Van Allen Probes observantions
#Thiago Brito: Particle tracing modeling of ion fluxes at geosynchronous orbit during substorms
#George Khazanov: Role of MI coupling processes in the formation of superthermal electron precipitations and electric conductance change
#Yiqun Yu: Modeling efforts on the auroral conductance
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
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First event: 2016 Oct 13-15 ICME event. The concept for the challenge is that modelers would run at least two versions of their code, one with an "old" conductance specification and another with a "new" specification.  At this session, we will decide on common settings between model runs and specific data-model comparisons that all teams should conduct.
First event: 2016 Oct 13-15 ICME event. The concept for the challenge is that modelers would run at least two versions of their code, one with an "old" conductance specification and another with a "new" specification.  At this session, we will decide on common settings between model runs and specific data-model comparisons that all teams should conduct.
Additional speaker(s):
Additional speaker(s):<br>
George Khazanov
Vania Jordanova<br>
Ryan McGranaghan (slides presented by MM&V co-chairs)<br>
George Khazanov<br>
Burcu Kosar<br>
Bob Robinson (slides presented by MM&V co-chairs)<br>
==== [FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere ====
==== [FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere ====
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Location: Amphitheater
Location: Amphitheater
* Wave dynamics in the inner magnetosphere
#Mykhaylo Shumko: Microburst Scale Size Derived From a Bouncing Packet Observed with FIREBIRD-II
#Kyungguk Min: Ion Bernstein instability as a possible source for O+ harmonic waves
#Anthony Saikin: A statistical examination of favorable plasma conditions concerning inner magnetosphere EMIC wave excitation
#Zhaoguo He: Multiple satellites observation of magnetic dip event during the substorm on October 10 2013
#Sam Bingham: Van Allen Probe Observations of Source and Seed Electrons, and Whistler Mode Chorus Wave Growth During ICME and CIR Driven Storms
#Run Shi: Statistical relation between low frequency hiss and convective electron injection
=== 1530-1700: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1530-1700: Splinter Sessions ===
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Location: Amphitheater
Location: Amphitheater
*Discussion on Spacecraft Charging Challenge
**Lutz Rastaetter
**Vania Jordanova
**Raluca Ilie
**Colby Lemon
**Alex Glocer
== Wednesday, June 21 ==
== Wednesday, June 21 ==
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Location: Portsmouth IV-V
Location: Portsmouth IV-V
* '''MPS tutorial''' by ''Anton Artmeyev'' -- Earth magnetotail current sheet: observations vs. model
* '''MPS tutorial''' by ''Anton Artmeyev'' -- Earth magnetotail current sheet: observations vs. model (Student introducer: Arlo Johnson)
* '''IMAG tutorial''' by ''Christine Gabrielse''
* '''IMAG tutorial''' by ''Christine Gabrielse'' -- Magnetotail dipolarization and its effects on the inner magnetosphere (Student introducer: Arya Afshari)
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
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Location: Port VI-VIII
Location: Port VI-VIII
*Chair: Barbara Giles  Scribe: Shasha Zou
#Overview of the Working Group Goals
#'''Barbara Giles:''' MMS Measurements/Opportunities for Ionospheric Outflow into the Plasma Sheet
#'''Rick Chappell:''' MMS Measurements of Lobal and Polar Wind outflow into the Plasma Sheet
#'''Naritoshi Kitamura:''' Measurements from the March 4-8, 2016 Storm
#'''Lynn Kistler:''' When do we need to consider the solar wind as a source for oxygen in the magnetosphere?
#'''Dan Welling:''' Magnetospheric Modeling including Ionospheric Outflow
#'''Jichun Zhang:''' Ionospheric outflow variations observed by MMS during the 23 June 2015 intense storm
#'''Matina Gkioulidou:''' Low-energy (<keV) O+ ion outflow into the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations
#'''Andrew Menz:''' The role of convection in the buildup of the ring current pressure during the 17 March 2013 storm
==== [FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms ====
==== [FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms ====
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* '''Drew Turner''' MMS Injections
* '''Drew Turner''' MMS Injections
* '''Douglas Cramer''' Substorm Simulations
* '''Douglas Cramer''' Substorm Simulations
* '''Christine Gabrielse''' Riometer injections
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
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Location: Amphitheater
Location: Amphitheater
* '''Kyle Murphy''' Event Discussion
* '''Kyle Murphy''' Substorm Event Discussion
* '''Toshi Nishimura''' Event Discussion
* '''Toshi Nishimura''' Substorm Event Discussion
* '''Tetsuo Motoba''' Event Discussion
* '''Tetsuo Motoba''' Substorm Event Discussion
* '''Robert McPherron''' Substorm Simulations
* '''Mostafa El-Alaoui''' Substorm Simulations
* '''Mostafa El-Alaoui''' Substorm Simulations
* '''Robert McPherron''' Substorm Simulations
=== 1530-1700: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1530-1700: Splinter Sessions ===
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* '''Steve Morley''' Measures of model prediction quality based on the log accuracy ratio
* '''Steve Morley''' Measures of model prediction quality based on the log accuracy ratio
* '''Grant Stephens''' Latest developments and findings of the TS07D model
* '''Grant Stephens''' Latest developments and findings of the TS07D model
* '''Thiago Brito''' Improving magnetic field models by fitting to in-situ data
* '''Homayon Aryan''' Application of whistler wave distribution models in radiation belt simulation models: CIMI simulations
* '''Homayon Aryan''' Application of whistler wave distribution models in radiation belt simulation models: CIMI simulations
* '''Kevin Pham''' Quantifying the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons during a Rapid Dropout Event
* '''Kevin Pham''' Quantifying the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons during a Rapid Dropout Event
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* ''Solene Lejosne'': A statistical study of the duration of SAPS-like features based on Van Allen Probes ExB/B^2 measurements
* ''Solene Lejosne'': A statistical study of the duration of SAPS-like features based on Van Allen Probes ExB/B^2 measurements
* ''Sebastian De Pascuale'': Using the RAM-SCB plasmasphere model (RAM-CPL) to simulate erosion and refilling, and comparison with an empirical model based on Van Allen Probes density measurements
* ''Sebastian De Pascuale'': Using the RAM-SCB plasmasphere model (RAM-CPL) to simulate erosion and refilling, and comparison with an empirical model based on Van Allen Probes density measurements
* ''Jonathan Krall'': Convection-Dominated Inner Magnetosphere Plasma Transport
==== [FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms ====
==== [FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms ====
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* '''Shin Ohtani''' TBD
* '''Shin Ohtani''' TBD
* '''Misha Sitnov''' Substorm magnetic field modeling
* '''Misha Sitnov''' Substorm magnetic field modeling
* '''Larry Lyons''' Storm-time substoms
* '''Larry Lyons''' Storm-time substorms
* '''Christine Gabrielse''' Streamer and flow
* '''Christine Gabrielse''' Streamer and flow
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Location: Portsmouth IV-V
Location: Portsmouth IV-V
* '''SWMI tutorial''' by ''Stephen Eriksson'' -- New insights from MMS observations on magnetic field reconnection in a large guide magnetic field along the Earth's flank magnetopause
* '''SWMI tutorial''' by ''Stephen Eriksson'' -- New insights from MMS observations on magnetic field reconnection in a large guide magnetic field along the Earth's flank magnetopause (Student introducer: Leng Ying Khoo)
* '''MIC tutorial''' by ''Yiqun Yu'' -- Global modeling of the magnetosphere-ionosphere electrodynamic coupling: overview and challenges
* '''MIC tutorial''' by ''Yiqun Yu'' -- Global modeling of the magnetosphere-ionosphere electrodynamic coupling: overview and challenges (Student introducer: Dong Lin)
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions ===
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==== [FG] Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere ====
==== [FG] Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere ====
Location: Holley Ballroom
'''''For a FULL SUMMARY of the sessions, click to download'' (Word doc)-->[http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawikiwiki/images/5/56/GEM_2017_Dipolarization_Session_Full_Summary.doc]'''
'''Location: Holley Ballroom'''
'''SESSION 1: Scene Setting and Panel Discussion''' (Audience participation encouraged!)
'''Intro:''' Drew Turner
<br>Andrei Runov
<br>Shin Ohtani
<br>Dick Wolf
<br>Xinlin Li
<br>Bob McPherron
<br>Misha Sitnov
<br>Joachim Birn
'''Panel Discussion Questions:'''
<br>1. How do you define dipolarization?
<br>2. Is there a difference between small- and large-scale dipolarization?
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  a. If there is a difference, how do the two types compare/contrast?
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  b. If there is a difference, do the two types impact the inner magnetosphere differently? (Or similarly?)  Specifically, on injections/particles?
<br>3. How are current models doing at modeling dipolarizations (small and/or large scale)? Should they be modeled differently?
<br>4. What key observations are required to constrain/test current models?
==== [FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling ====
==== [FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling ====
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Location: Amphitheater
Location: Amphitheater
*Chair: Shasha Zou  Scribe: Barbara Giles
#Overview of Ionospheric Outflow & Ionospheric Boundary Goals
#'''Shasha Zou:''' Observations of Ion Upflows
#'''Poorya Hosseini:''' Ground-based Magnetospheric Wave Measurements in Ionosphere
#'''Jacob Bortnik:''' Modeling Plasmasphere Dynamics—A Neural Network Approach
#'''Jonathan Krall:''' Plasmasphere Modeling
#'''Ralluca Ilie:'''  Observations of Nitrogen Ions in the Ionospheric Outflow
#'''Spencer Hatch:''' Stormtime Alfvénic Ion Outflow & Electron Precipitation
#'''Robert Allen:''' Polar O6+ observations
#'''Naritoshi Kitamura:''' Measurements from the March 4-8, 2016 Storm
#'''Lynn Kistler:''' The ESCAPE mission
#Session Summary and Open Discussion of Plans
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions ===
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Location: Holley Ballroom
Location: Holley Ballroom
'''SESSION 2: Panel Discussion Continued''' (Audience participation encouraged!)
<br>Andrei Runov
<br>Shin Ohtani
<br>Dick Wolf
<br>Xinlin Li
<br>Bob McPherron
<br>Misha Sitnov
<br>Joachim Birn
'''Panel Discussion Questions:'''
<br>1. How do you define dipolarization?
<br>2. Is there a difference between small- and large-scale dipolarization?
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  a. If there is a difference, how do the two types compare/contrast?
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  b. If there is a difference, do the two types impact the inner magnetosphere differently? (Or similarly?)  Specifically, on injections/particles?
<br>3. How are current models doing at modeling dipolarizations (small and/or large scale)? Should they be modeled differently?
<br>4. What key observations are required to constrain/test current models?
==== [FG] Modeling Methods and Validation ====
==== [FG] Modeling Methods and Validation ====
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Location: Port VI-VIII
Location: Port VI-VIII
''General Validation Session''
- model verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge
- data verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge
- resources for model-data comparison and validation
- discussion of best practices for model-data comparison and validation
Speakers: <br>
Howard Singer <br>
Seth Claudepierre <br>
Dan Weimer <br>
Jason Shuster <br>
Alexa Halford <br>
Gabor Facsko <br>
Yari Collado-Vega <br>
Lutz Rastaetter <br>
==== [FG] Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction ====
==== [FG] Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction ====
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Location: Amphitheater
Location: Amphitheater
'''Dayside Kinetics Contributed Science Session'''
*Review of FG goals
*Contributed talks
#'''Sun Hee Lee:''' Comprehensive Case Study of Magnetosheath Pressure Pulses and Rapid Magnetopause/Bow shock Motion
#'''Boyi Wang:''' 2D optical observation of dayside diffuse aurora brightening associated with magnetosheath high-speed jets
#'''Miles Bengtson (Katariina Nykyri):''' Global Perspective on Substorm Onset and Trigger
#'''Daniel Graham:''' THOR mission
#'''David Mackler:''' Case study of plasma turbulence observed by MMS in the magnetosheath
#'''Seth Dorfman:''' First Satellite Measurement of the ULF Wave Growth Rate in the Ion Foreshock
#'''Terry Liu:''' Fermi acceleration of electrons inside foreshock transient cores
#'''Eunjin Choi:''' PIC simulation of the Velocity Shear Instability: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
*Discuss plans for future FG activities
(transition to joint Magnetopause phenomena -session with the Reconnection FG)
=== 1530-1700: Splinter Sessions ===
=== 1530-1700: Splinter Sessions ===
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Location: Holley Ballroom
Location: Holley Ballroom
'''SESSION 3: Contributed Discussion Points'''
<br> Workshop (Non-AGU) style
<br> (Some talks may fall into Session 2)
<br>'''1. Sheng Tian:''' “Poynting flux at the PSBL in conjunction with the ground aurora: dipolarization at L~6”
<br>'''2. Grant Stephens:''' “Magnetotail thinning and dipolarization during substorms: Empirical picture”
<br>'''3. Katie Garcia-Sage:''' "Global MHD Simulations in the Context of Magnetotail Stability Theory"
<br>'''4. Don Mitchell:''' “Ion injections inside geosynchronous orbit: charge- (not mass) dependent (quasi-) adiabatic acceleration”
<br>'''5. Kareem Sorathia:''' "Ion Transport and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: High-Resolution MHD - Test-Particle Simulations"
<br>'''6. Tetsuo Motoba:''' “Response of energetic particles to dipolarization within GEO”
<br>'''7. Andrei Runov:''' “Ion distributions within dipolarizing flux bundles (DFBs) in the near-Earth plasma sheet and the tail-dipole transition region”
<br>'''8. Yiqun Yu:''' “Effects of bursty bulk flows on large-scale current systems”
<br>'''9. Xiangning Chu:''' “Different temporal and spatial scales between fast flows, substorms, and substorm current wedge”
<br>'''10. Bob McPherron:''' “Formation of the substorm current wedge as seen in simulation and data”
==== [FG] Modeling Methods and Validation ====
==== [FG] Modeling Methods and Validation ====
Location: Port VI-VIII
''General Validation Session''
- model verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge
- data verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge
- resources for model-data comparison and validation
- discussion of best practices for model-data comparison and validation
Speakers: <br>
Howard Singer <br>
Seth Claudepierre <br>
Yari Collado-Vega <br>
Gabor Fascko
==== [FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction ====
==== [FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction ====
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Location: Portsmouth IV-V
Location: Portsmouth IV-V
* '''Student tutorial'''
* 0815-0830: '''GEM student prizes'''
* 0830-0915: '''Student tutorial''' by ''Eric Donovan''
* '''Student rewards'''
* 0915-0930: GEM meeting conclusion, free time for meetings and collaboration
=== 1000-1030: Plenary Session ===
=== 1000-1030: Plenary Session ===

Latest revision as of 17:40, 26 November 2024

Detailed Schedule

Below is a detailed session schedule with names of tentative speakers provided by Focus Group Leaders and Research Area Coordinators. The information here serves as a rough guide for those who wish to know the most updated session plans. Due to the dynamic nature of the Workshop, Focus Groups may continue to revise their agenda as needed.

GEM Student Day: See Sunday Agenda provided by the Workshop Coordinator.

Poster Sessions will be held at Portsmouth I-III Admiral & Terrace Portsmouth Foyer during 18:00 - 21:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. Poster titles can be found in the spreadsheet provided by the Workshop Coordinator.

All other information about the 2017 GEM Summer Workshop can be found at the GEM Workshop Coordinator site.


Monday, June 19

0800-1000: Plenary Session

Location: Portsmouth IV-V

  • GEM business by Jacob Bortnik and Paul Cassak
  • 0815-0900: MIC tutorial by Bob Lysak -- E&M coupling of the magnetosphere with the ionosphere and atmosphere (Student Introducer: Evan Tyler)
  • 0900-0945: GSM tutorial by Binzheng Zhang (Student Introducer: Spencer Hatch)

1030-1215: Splinter Sessions

[FG] Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances

Location: Holley Ballroom

Recent progress on observations and modeling of magnetotail:

1. Anton Artemyev, "Hot ion flows originating from the distant X-line: ARTEMIS observations from lunar orbit to ~-200 RE"

2. Stefan Keihas, "Flow distribution in mid-tail observed by ARTEMIS"

3. Lei Cheng, "Global Hybrid Simulation of Alfvenic Waves Associated with Magnetotail Reconnection and Fast Flows"

4. San Lu, "Ion temperature distribution"

5. Misha Sitnov

6. Chih-Ping Wang, "Connection between mid-tail and high-latitude ionosphere"

[FG] ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications

Location: Port VI-VIII

UMEA Update and plans, general discussion of ULF wave modeling and observations

  • 1. Michael Hartinger -- UMEA update
  • 2. Toshi Nishimura -- PFISR measurements during the 2 May 2017 HGSO event
  • 3. Xueling Shi -- A Survey of Ionospheric ULF Wave Signatures in SuperDARN Data: Occurrence Statistics and Driving Mechanisms
  • 4. Tetsuo Motoba -- Dayside Auroral Pulsations
  • 5. Brian Kress and Rob Redmon -- Newly Available GOES 8-16 Particle and Magnetic Field Measurements
  • 6. Dick Wolf -- Theory of magnetospheric buoyancy waves

[FG] Geospace Systems Science

Location: Amphitheater

"Systems Science Progress 1"

1. Katie Raymer

2. Stephen Browett

3. Mikhail Sitnov

4. Kateriina Nykiri

5. Joe Borovsky

1330-1500: Splinter Sessions

[FG] (Joint) Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances + Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere

Location: Holley Ballroom

In these joint sessions, we will be focusing on the connections between magnetic reconnection, dipolarization events, and plasmoids in Earth’s magnetotail. The first session will kick off with a short (~20 min) introduction by Prof. Vassilis Angelopoulos covering a very brief review of the system and how each of these three FGs are related. Then, we will take the remaining time in the sessions to move into an open discussion on the following questions/topics:

  1. The role of various instability processes in the original onset and perpetuation of reconnection in the magnetotail (Session 1)
  2. Comparing and contrasting the qualities of earthward vs. tailward jets of reconnection in the magnetotail (dipolarizing flux bundles / bubbles vs. plasmoids). Comparing and contrasting the qualities of dipolarizing flux bundles/bubbles/plasmoids between near-Earth and mid-tail. (Sessions 1 and 2)
  3. The forces driving the spatiotemporal evolution of dipolarizing flux bundles / bubbles and plasmoids and how they both interact with the ambient plasma through which they are moving (e.g., can they themselves trigger additional reconnection???) (Session 2)
  4. Definitions and concepts and what various subsets of the community mean when they say things like dipolarization front; magnetotail dipolarization; extended X-line; X-line motion; plasmoid; etc. Basically, are we all speaking the same language here? (wrap-up activity at the end of the Session 2 if we have any time)

We want to stress that these sessions will be run in an informal nature; we will not be asking for any formal presentations from participants. Instead, we solicit the community to contribute with informal slides, figures, and/or plots to stress key points on any of the above topics. We hope that this session will inspire audience interaction and open discussion and/or debate. If you would like to contribute in these sessions, please just show up with any material you have and join us in going with the flow of the discussion!

1. Misha Sitnov, "Dipolarization front dissipation regions"

2. Andrei Runov, "Earthward vs. tailward NENL ejecta properties"

3. Joachim Birn, "Energetic Particle Signatures Downtail of the Reconnection Site"

4. Heli Hietala, "Asymmetric boundary conditions for tail reconnection and finite width flow channel”

5. Chih-Ping Wang, "ARTEMIS events of bursty flows in mid-tail"

[FG] ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications

Location: Port VI-VIII

ULF wave interactions with the radiation belt and ring current populations

  • 1. Rualdo Soto-Chavez -- Generation of Pc5-ULF wave by the drift-mirror instability
  • 2. Zhiyang Xia -- Eigenmode analysis of compressional poloidal modes in a self-consistent magnetic field
  • 3. Mark Engebretson -- Statistical study of the upper frequency cutoff of helium band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
  • 4. Alexander Drozdov -- Radial diffusion and EMIC waves in the long-term simulation and in the case study
  • 5. Seth Claudepierre -- Global MHD simulations driven by idealized Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind
  • 6. Michael Hartinger -- Radiation belt response to large scale, monochromatic ULF waves: LANL-GEO observations

[FG] 3D Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Its Impact on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupled System

Location: Amphitheater


1530-1700: Splinter Sessions

[FG] (Joint) Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances + Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere

Location: Holley Ballroom

See the description for the first PM session

[FG] (Joint) ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications + Modeling Methods and Validation

Location: Port VI-VIII

ULF wave modeling, including CCMC modeling challenge

  • 1. Lutz Rastaetter -- CCMC ULF wave modeling challenge update and challenge events
  • 2. Scot Elkington -- ULF wave activity and diffusion coefficients during QARBM challenge events
  • 3. Katariina Nykyri -- KHI challenge events
  • 4. All -- Open Discussion of Challenge Events
  • 5. Doga Ozturk -- Effects of Increased Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure on the Coupled M-I system under different IMF By
  • 6. Kazue Takahashi -- Cavity mode Van Allen Probe observations
  • 7. Bob Lysak -- Cavity mode models
  • 8. Tom Elsden -- The Theoretical Foundation of 3D Alfven Resonances: Time Dependent Solutions

[FG] 3D Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Its Impact on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupled System

Location: Amphitheater


Tuesday, June 20

0815-1000: Plenary Session

Location: Portsmouth IV-V

Agency reports:

  • 0815-0830: Paul Shepson (NSF AGS Division Director)
  • 0830-0845: Janet Kozyra (NASA HQ Heliophysics Program Scientist)
  • 0845-0900: Howard Singer (NOAA SWPC Chief Scientist)
  • 0900-0915: Michael Wiltberger (NSF GEM Program Director)

0915-0945: Mission Updates:

  • NASA/MMS: Michael Shay
  • NASA/Van Allen Probes: Matina Gkioulidou
  • NASA/THEMIS: Vassilis Angelopoulos
  • NSF/FIREBIRD: Dave Klumpar
  • USAF/DSX: James McCollough

1030-1215: Splinter Sessions

[FG] (Joint) Modeling Methods and Validation + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction

Location: Holley Ballroom

Dayside Kinetics Challenge Session

The southward IMF event on 2015-11-18 01:50-03:00 UT, featuring an MMS-Geotail magnetopause conjunction with SuperDARN radar observations has been set as the challenge event. During this challenge we analyze the various dayside phenomena (magnetic reconnection, FTEs, magnetosheath waves, etc). We aim to conduct comparisons between (i) observations and models with different levels of kinetic physics; (ii) different models; (iii) in situ and remote observations. You can find more information at: https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/GEM/Dayside_Kinetic_Processes/Dayside_Kinetic_Challenge/Introduction.php

In this session, we will have several presentations of the observations made throughout the magnetosphere during this event, as well as on the preliminary simulations. We encourage both modelers and data analysts to attend and participate in the discussions and decisions on the next steps of the challenge.

  • Overview: Heli Hietala
    • Introduction
    • Observation team
    • Modeling teams registered so far
      • Ilja Honkonen (particle assisted MHD)
      • Yuxi Chen et al. (MHD with embedded PIC, MHD-EPIC)
      • Yu Lin et al. (global hybrid-PIC)
  • Observations
  1. Solar wind: Rishi Mistry
  2. Statistics of past analogous events: Andrew Dimmock
  3. Ground-based observations: Toshi Nishimura/Ying Zou
  4. Tail dynamics: Christine Gabrielse
  5. MMS magnetosheath anisotropies, waves, jet: Xochitl Blanco-Cano
  6. MMS magnetopause parallel electric fields and waves: Tori Wilder
  7. MMS minor ions: Steve Petrinec
  • Simulations
  1. MHD run: Ilja Honkonen
  2. MHD-EPIC run: Yuxi Chen
  3. Local PIC simulation of the magnetopause reconnection: Colby Haggerty
  • Discussion on next steps

[FG] Geospace Systems Science

Location: Port VI-VIII

“Systems Science Progress 2”

1. Dan Welling + Brian Walsh

2. Shin Ohtani

“Periodic Events in the Magnetosphere”

1. Lynn Kistler

2. Bob McPherron

3. Joe Borovsky

[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions

Location: Amphitheater

  • Inner magnetosphere plasma variations and coupling to ionosphere
  1. Cristian Ferradas: Temporal evolution of ion spectral structures during a geomagnetic storm
  2. Chao Yue: The characteristic pitch angle distributions of 1 eV to 600 keV protons near the equator based on Van Allen Probes observantions
  3. Philip Fernandes: Global distribution of O+/H+ ratio based on Van Allen Probes observantions
  4. Thiago Brito: Particle tracing modeling of ion fluxes at geosynchronous orbit during substorms
  5. George Khazanov: Role of MI coupling processes in the formation of superthermal electron precipitations and electric conductance change
  6. Yiqun Yu: Modeling efforts on the auroral conductance

1330-1500: Splinter Sessions

[FG] Modeling Methods and Validation

Location: Holley Ballroom

Planning session for the Ionospheric Conductance Challenge

First event: 2016 Oct 13-15 ICME event. The concept for the challenge is that modelers would run at least two versions of their code, one with an "old" conductance specification and another with a "new" specification. At this session, we will decide on common settings between model runs and specific data-model comparisons that all teams should conduct.

Additional speaker(s):
Vania Jordanova
Ryan McGranaghan (slides presented by MM&V co-chairs)
George Khazanov
Burcu Kosar
Bob Robinson (slides presented by MM&V co-chairs)

[FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere

Location: Port VI-VIII

This session will be an open forum for discussion of topics about reconnection in the magnetosphere. It may include discussion from any topic relevant to the focus group as interest dictates. Please contact Brian Walsh <bwalsh at bu.edu> with questions.

[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions

Location: Amphitheater

  • Wave dynamics in the inner magnetosphere
  1. Mykhaylo Shumko: Microburst Scale Size Derived From a Bouncing Packet Observed with FIREBIRD-II
  2. Kyungguk Min: Ion Bernstein instability as a possible source for O+ harmonic waves
  3. Anthony Saikin: A statistical examination of favorable plasma conditions concerning inner magnetosphere EMIC wave excitation
  4. Zhaoguo He: Multiple satellites observation of magnetic dip event during the substorm on October 10 2013
  5. Sam Bingham: Van Allen Probe Observations of Source and Seed Electrons, and Whistler Mode Chorus Wave Growth During ICME and CIR Driven Storms
  6. Run Shi: Statistical relation between low frequency hiss and convective electron injection

1530-1700: Splinter Sessions

[FG] (Joint) Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances + Modeling Methods and Validation

Location: Holley Ballroom

Modeling challenge event: 48 hr of prolonged northward IMF interval from 13 Feb to 14 Feb 2014

Different global MHD models (LFM, OpenGGCM, BATS-R-US, and GUMICS) will be presented.

The models will be compared with ARTEMIS observations in mid-tail and with ionosphere observations from SuperDARN, DMSP, SWARM, AMPERE, and ground magnetometers.

We will address three science questions: (1) What processes cause the 10 to 30 min perturbations in the mid-tail plasma sheet? (2) How does the mid-tail configuration response to changes in IMF By? (3) How is the coupling between the ionosphere and mid-tail?

[FG] (Joint) Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms + ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction

Location: Port VI-VIII

Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling processes associated with localized disturbances caused by dayside kinetic phenomena

  • 1. Peter Chi -- Magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to a localized disturbance: The macroscopic view
  • 2. Hui Zhang -- Magnetospheric ULF waves generated by foreshock transients
  • 3. Hui Zhang -- Modeling challenges in simulating HFA geoeffects
  • 4. Boyi Wang -- Optical signatures of dayside ULF waves during magnetosheath high-speed jets
  • 5. Katariina Nykyri -- The effect of magnetosheath seed spectrum on KH evolution and associated mass transport
  • 6. Kyle Murphy -- A statistical study of discrete ULF wave power observed by GOES

[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions

Location: Amphitheater

  • Discussion on Spacecraft Charging Challenge
    • Lutz Rastaetter
    • Vania Jordanova
    • Raluca Ilie
    • Colby Lemon
    • Alex Glocer

Wednesday, June 21

0815-1000: Plenary Session

Location: Portsmouth IV-V

  • MPS tutorial by Anton Artmeyev -- Earth magnetotail current sheet: observations vs. model (Student introducer: Arlo Johnson)
  • IMAG tutorial by Christine Gabrielse -- Magnetotail dipolarization and its effects on the inner magnetosphere (Student introducer: Arya Afshari)

1030-1215: Splinter Sessions

[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling

Location: Holley Ballroom

Session 1: “Observations of radiation belt processes”

  • Xinlin Li Long term perspective on out belt electrons: Van Allen Probes era with previous two solar cycles
  • Simon Wing Untangling solar wind drivers of radiation belt: an information theoretical approach
  • Alex Boyd Peaks in Phase Space Density: When, Where and for How Long?
  • Zheng Xiang Understanding the Mechanisms of Radiation Belt Dropouts Observed by Van Allen Probes
  • Nikita Aseev New signatures of ultrarelativistic electron loss in the heart of the Earth's radiation belts
  • Yuri Shprits Observations of Electron Precipitation by ELFIN-L Instrument Suite on Lomonosov Spacecraft
  • David Malaspina Statistics of Low Frequency Hiss
  • Dave Hartley Estimating Plasmasphere Electron Densities from Observations of Plasmaspheric Hiss
  • Drew Turner The phase coherency scales of individual chorus elements and the greater chorus active region observed by Van Allen Probes and MMS
  • Mark Engebretson EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes

[FG] Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere (M3I2) and Its Effects -- Plasma Sheet, Ring Current, Substorm Dynamics

Location: Port VI-VIII

  • Chair: Barbara Giles Scribe: Shasha Zou
  1. Overview of the Working Group Goals
  2. Barbara Giles: MMS Measurements/Opportunities for Ionospheric Outflow into the Plasma Sheet
  3. Rick Chappell: MMS Measurements of Lobal and Polar Wind outflow into the Plasma Sheet
  4. Naritoshi Kitamura: Measurements from the March 4-8, 2016 Storm
  5. Lynn Kistler: When do we need to consider the solar wind as a source for oxygen in the magnetosphere?
  6. Dan Welling: Magnetospheric Modeling including Ionospheric Outflow
  7. Jichun Zhang: Ionospheric outflow variations observed by MMS during the 23 June 2015 intense storm
  8. Matina Gkioulidou: Low-energy (<keV) O+ ion outflow into the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations
  9. Andrew Menz: The role of convection in the buildup of the ring current pressure during the 17 March 2013 storm

[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms

Location: Amphitheater

  • Yan Song Formation of Aurora
  • Robert McPherron Earthward Flows
  • Eric Donovan STEVE
  • Drew Turner MMS Injections
  • Douglas Cramer Substorm Simulations
  • Christine Gabrielse Riometer injections

1330-1500: Splinter Sessions

[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling

Location: Holley Ballroom

Session 2: “Modeling of local processes and transport”

  • Yuri Shprits Identifying the dominant loss mechanisms for multi-MeV electrons
  • Theodore Sarris Investigating the association between the rates of radial transport and electron flux oscillations
  • Lunjin Chen Excitation of magnetosonic waves in a dipole field
  • Jacob Bortnik The relation between Langmuir and Whistler waves in the laboratory, simulations, and space
  • Dedong Wang Effect of Highly Oblique Chorus Waves in the Evolution of Electrons in the Earth's Radiation Belts
  • Jay Albert Diffusion by highly oblique whistlers
  • Xiangrong Fu Generation of Highly Oblique Lower-band Chorus via Nonlinear Three-wave Resonance
  • Liheng Zheng Fokker-Planck simulation of nonlinear EMIC wave-particle interactions
  • Ivan Vasko Diffusive scattering of electrons by Time Domain Structures in the inner magnetosphere

[FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere

Location: Port VI-VIII

This session will be a continuation of the open forum from Tuesday. We also would like to spend some time discussing community interest in proposing a new reconnection focus group. Discussion on topics for the next group to address are invited, as this is a grass roots effort. Please contact Yi-Hsin Liu <Yi-Hsin.Liu at Dartmouth.edu> with questions.

[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms

Location: Amphitheater

  • Kyle Murphy Substorm Event Discussion
  • Toshi Nishimura Substorm Event Discussion
  • Tetsuo Motoba Substorm Event Discussion
  • Robert McPherron Substorm Simulations
  • Mostafa El-Alaoui Substorm Simulations

1530-1700: Splinter Sessions

[FG] (Joint) Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling + Modeling Methods and Validation

Location: Holley Ballroom

Session 3: “Global modeling, metrics and validation”, joint with “Modeling Methods and Validation” FG

  • Steve Morley Measures of model prediction quality based on the log accuracy ratio
  • Grant Stephens Latest developments and findings of the TS07D model
  • Thiago Brito Improving magnetic field models by fitting to in-situ data
  • Homayon Aryan Application of whistler wave distribution models in radiation belt simulation models: CIMI simulations
  • Kevin Pham Quantifying the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons during a Rapid Dropout Event
  • Zhao Li Simulated prompt acceleration of multi-MeV electrons by the 17 March 2015 interplanetary shock
  • Jean-Francois Ripoll Global validation of reduced Fokker Planck computations of the radiation belts dynamics
  • Qianli Ma Diffusive transport of several hundred keV electrons in the Earth’s slot region
  • Alexander Drozdov The long-term VERB code simulation with parametrized EMIC waves

[FG] Storm-Time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection

Location: Port VI-VIII

This SIMIC Focus Group session follows up on previous topics, particularly on the SAPS challenge, but also more broadly anything relevant to the group. The tentative session agenda is as follows, and we welcome discussions of recent achievements and open/unsolved problems that remain.

  • Bharat Kunduri: A statistical study of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) observed by the mid-latitude SuperDARN radars
  • Yiqun Yu: Self-consistent electric field modeling in the RAM-SCB-E model
  • Binzheng Zhang: Effects of electrojet turbulence on SAPS
  • Cristian Ferradas: Temporal evolution of ion spectral structures near the inner edge of the plasma sheet during a geomagnetic storm: Van Allen Probes observations and modeling results
  • Solene Lejosne: A statistical study of the duration of SAPS-like features based on Van Allen Probes ExB/B^2 measurements
  • Sebastian De Pascuale: Using the RAM-SCB plasmasphere model (RAM-CPL) to simulate erosion and refilling, and comparison with an empirical model based on Van Allen Probes density measurements
  • Jonathan Krall: Convection-Dominated Inner Magnetosphere Plasma Transport

[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms

Location: Amphitheater

  • James Weygand dB/dt SEC
  • Robert McPherron Substorm onsets in the SML Index
  • Shin Ohtani TBD
  • Misha Sitnov Substorm magnetic field modeling
  • Larry Lyons Storm-time substorms
  • Christine Gabrielse Streamer and flow

Thursday, June 22

0815-1000: Plenary Session

Location: Portsmouth IV-V

  • SWMI tutorial by Stephen Eriksson -- New insights from MMS observations on magnetic field reconnection in a large guide magnetic field along the Earth's flank magnetopause (Student introducer: Leng Ying Khoo)
  • MIC tutorial by Yiqun Yu -- Global modeling of the magnetosphere-ionosphere electrodynamic coupling: overview and challenges (Student introducer: Dong Lin)

1030-1215: Splinter Sessions

[FG] Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere

For a FULL SUMMARY of the sessions, click to download (Word doc)-->[1]

Location: Holley Ballroom

SESSION 1: Scene Setting and Panel Discussion (Audience participation encouraged!)

Intro: Drew Turner

Andrei Runov
Shin Ohtani
Dick Wolf
Xinlin Li
Bob McPherron
Misha Sitnov
Joachim Birn

Panel Discussion Questions:
1. How do you define dipolarization?
2. Is there a difference between small- and large-scale dipolarization?
    a. If there is a difference, how do the two types compare/contrast?
    b. If there is a difference, do the two types impact the inner magnetosphere differently? (Or similarly?)  Specifically, on injections/particles?
3. How are current models doing at modeling dipolarizations (small and/or large scale)? Should they be modeled differently?
4. What key observations are required to constrain/test current models?

[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling

Location: Port VI-VIII

Session 4: “New challenge results and plans”

  • Sapna Shekhar Statistical study of spatial extent of Relativistic Electron Precipitation with NOAA POES
  • Jinxing Li Langmuir waves modulated by rising-tone chorus waves: Van Allen Probe Observations
  • Chao Yue The characteristic response of whistler mode waves to interplanetary shocks
  • Sam Bingham Van Allen Probe Observations of Whistler Growth, Source, Seed, and Relativistic Electrons During ICME and CIR storms
  • Anthony Saikin A statistical examination of favorable plasma conditions concerning inner magnetosphere EMIC wave excitation
  • Irina Zhelavskaya Empirical modeling of the plasmasphere dynamics using neural networks
  • Xiangning Chu A neural network model of three-dimensional dynamic electron density in the inner magnetosphere
  • Suk-Bin Kang Relativistic electron flux dropout due to field line curvature on 1 June 2013
  • Wen Li Quantitative Simulation of the GEM Challenge Events During Radiation Belt Enhancements

[FG] Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere (M3I2) and Its Effects -- Plasma Sheet, Ring Current, Substorm Dynamics

Location: Amphitheater

  • Chair: Shasha Zou Scribe: Barbara Giles
  1. Overview of Ionospheric Outflow & Ionospheric Boundary Goals
  2. Shasha Zou: Observations of Ion Upflows
  3. Poorya Hosseini: Ground-based Magnetospheric Wave Measurements in Ionosphere
  4. Jacob Bortnik: Modeling Plasmasphere Dynamics—A Neural Network Approach
  5. Jonathan Krall: Plasmasphere Modeling
  6. Ralluca Ilie: Observations of Nitrogen Ions in the Ionospheric Outflow
  7. Spencer Hatch: Stormtime Alfvénic Ion Outflow & Electron Precipitation
  8. Robert Allen: Polar O6+ observations
  9. Naritoshi Kitamura: Measurements from the March 4-8, 2016 Storm
  10. Lynn Kistler: The ESCAPE mission
  11. Session Summary and Open Discussion of Plans

1330-1500: Splinter Sessions

[FG] Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere

Location: Holley Ballroom

SESSION 2: Panel Discussion Continued (Audience participation encouraged!)

Andrei Runov
Shin Ohtani
Dick Wolf
Xinlin Li
Bob McPherron
Misha Sitnov
Joachim Birn

Panel Discussion Questions:
1. How do you define dipolarization?
2. Is there a difference between small- and large-scale dipolarization?
    a. If there is a difference, how do the two types compare/contrast?
    b. If there is a difference, do the two types impact the inner magnetosphere differently? (Or similarly?)  Specifically, on injections/particles?
3. How are current models doing at modeling dipolarizations (small and/or large scale)? Should they be modeled differently?
4. What key observations are required to constrain/test current models?

[FG] Modeling Methods and Validation

Location: Port VI-VIII

General Validation Session - model verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge - data verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge - resources for model-data comparison and validation - discussion of best practices for model-data comparison and validation

Howard Singer
Seth Claudepierre
Dan Weimer
Jason Shuster
Alexa Halford
Gabor Facsko
Yari Collado-Vega
Lutz Rastaetter

[FG] Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction

Location: Amphitheater

Dayside Kinetics Contributed Science Session

  • Review of FG goals
  • Contributed talks
  1. Sun Hee Lee: Comprehensive Case Study of Magnetosheath Pressure Pulses and Rapid Magnetopause/Bow shock Motion
  2. Boyi Wang: 2D optical observation of dayside diffuse aurora brightening associated with magnetosheath high-speed jets
  3. Miles Bengtson (Katariina Nykyri): Global Perspective on Substorm Onset and Trigger
  4. Daniel Graham: THOR mission
  5. David Mackler: Case study of plasma turbulence observed by MMS in the magnetosheath
  6. Seth Dorfman: First Satellite Measurement of the ULF Wave Growth Rate in the Ion Foreshock
  7. Terry Liu: Fermi acceleration of electrons inside foreshock transient cores
  8. Eunjin Choi: PIC simulation of the Velocity Shear Instability: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
  • Discuss plans for future FG activities

(transition to joint Magnetopause phenomena -session with the Reconnection FG)

1530-1700: Splinter Sessions

[FG] Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere

Location: Holley Ballroom

SESSION 3: Contributed Discussion Points
Workshop (Non-AGU) style
(Some talks may fall into Session 2)

1. Sheng Tian: “Poynting flux at the PSBL in conjunction with the ground aurora: dipolarization at L~6”
2. Grant Stephens: “Magnetotail thinning and dipolarization during substorms: Empirical picture”
3. Katie Garcia-Sage: "Global MHD Simulations in the Context of Magnetotail Stability Theory"
4. Don Mitchell: “Ion injections inside geosynchronous orbit: charge- (not mass) dependent (quasi-) adiabatic acceleration”
5. Kareem Sorathia: "Ion Transport and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: High-Resolution MHD - Test-Particle Simulations"
6. Tetsuo Motoba: “Response of energetic particles to dipolarization within GEO”
7. Andrei Runov: “Ion distributions within dipolarizing flux bundles (DFBs) in the near-Earth plasma sheet and the tail-dipole transition region”
8. Yiqun Yu: “Effects of bursty bulk flows on large-scale current systems”
9. Xiangning Chu: “Different temporal and spatial scales between fast flows, substorms, and substorm current wedge”
10. Bob McPherron: “Formation of the substorm current wedge as seen in simulation and data”

[FG] Modeling Methods and Validation

[FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction

Location: Amphitheater

This session will focus on discussing the following science topics: 1) Kinetic physics of dayside and/or magnetosheath reconnection - dissipation, energy conversion, particle acceleration, and comparisons between the two regions, 2) Do kinetic bow shock and magnetosheath transients impact magnetopause reconnection?, and 3) Does kinetic physics at the dayside impact the global reconnection process? Discussion on other topics related to the two focus groups is welcome.

We plan to have most of the time driven by discussion. Time permitting, we would like community members to pose a science question or challenge that they would like to see other people address (e.g., “is it possible to observe/simulate this feature I’ve simulated/observed?”). We would also like to have time to brainstorm on open questions. Please contact Paul Cassak <Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu> or Heli Hietala < heli at igpp.ucla.edu> with questions.

Friday, June 23

0815-1000: Plenary Session

Location: Portsmouth IV-V

  • 0815-0830: GEM student prizes
  • 0830-0915: Student tutorial by Eric Donovan
  • 0915-0930: GEM meeting conclusion, free time for meetings and collaboration

1000-1030: Plenary Session

Location: Amphitheater

  • SPEDAS tutorial / hands-on workshop