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2023 GEM COMP Sessions
COMP Session 1 (Monday at 10:30 am–12 pm)
Exploring the parameter space of magnetospheric physics
10:30 Overview of FG
10:40 Scene Setting Talk: magnetospheric dynamics and reconnection (Dan Gershman)
10:55 Grant Stephens: magnetic field modeling of Mercury, Earth, & Saturn
11:05 Ryan Dewey: Mercury's dawn-dusk magnetotail asymmetries and their relationship with magnetic activity
11:15 Xuanye Ma: Review of the KHI at the different planets
Open discussion: what are the big questions that can be addressed by exploring the vast physical parameter space within our solar system?  (Co-chairs, Fran Bagenal, Bob Lysak)
11:25 Some elements to consider: Modeling capabilities; maturity of topic & data sets; relevance to comparative planetary needs/topics
11:55 Summary and future endeavors 
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| Shannon Curry
| Shannon Curry
| University of California, Berkeley
| University of Colorado, Boulder
| smcurry at berkeley.edu
| shannon.curry at colorado.edu
| Ryan Dewey
| University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
| rmdewey at umich.edu
== Science Topic ==
The Solar System is gifted with a diverse array of magnetospheric systems, from the familiar
Dungey-cycle-driven system at Earth, to the extreme Vasyliunas-cycle-driven Gas Giants, to the
unmagnetized-solar wind interactions found at Mars and Venus. Together, this diverse set of
planetary magnetospheres makes it possible to probe fundamental physical processes by exploring
how and under what conditions they operate in and across the Solar System. Furthermore, if we
can make sense of this large parameter regime then not only will we improve our understanding of
the geospace environment, but we may be able to close the gap in our understanding of plasma
physics elsewhere in the cosmos, e.g., magnetospheres of pulsars and brown dwarfs. However, to
reach that goal, it requires the Earth and Planetary space physics communities to give serious
consideration to the physics behind the similarities and differences between these systems. That
brings us to the primary goal of this focus group (FG)—to assess the physical processes
within our Solar System that ultimately shape these planetary magnetospheric environments
with the aim of uncovering parameter regimes associated with distinct and universal
Studying all the processes is an overwhelming and unrealistic task, so we propose the
following key comparative topics that directly relate to the active GEM focus groups: 1)
comparative magnetotail dynamics and their effects on the transport of mass, momentum,
energy, and magnetic flux; 2) comparative planetary radiation belts and ring currents and
the processes that source and sustain them across drastically different magnetospheres; 3)
comparative magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling mechanisms, e.g., precipitation,
acceleration, outflow, and drivers across solar wind driven, internally driven, and induced
magnetospheres. Even still this list is quite broad relative to the typical GEM FGs; however, one
of the main objectives of this FG is to establish GEM as the leading forum where comparative
planetary magnetospheric processes are workshopped to foster interactions between
communities. In a way, this is similar to the original NSF initiative that led to the GEM program
where we are aiming to form a community consensus on the outstanding questions that can be
addressed on a few year time scale. Therefore, our expectation is that after we establish the big
open questions that are common across planetary magnetospheres, we can then workshop those by
making novel use of the datasets and modelling outputs available.
== Goals & Deliverables ==
*'''Primary Community Goal:''' Establish GEM as the leading forum where comparative planetary magnetospheric processes are workshopped to foster interactions between communities.
*'''Primary Science Goal:''' Assess the physical processes within our Solar System that ultimately shape the diverse planetary magnetospheric environments with the aim of uncovering parameter regimes associated with distinct and universal mechanisms.
'''Community Deliverables:''' 1) First and foremost, develop a forum where the GEM and planetary magnetospheric (a relatively small group) communities can come together to discuss the most
interesting and pressing synergistic problems; 2) develop tools and user guides (including a compendium of relevant papers) to facilitate in sharing of data and simulation outputs between the Earth and Planetary magnetospheric communities; 3) produce an event list across the various Planetary and Terrestrial missions for the community to focus on specific comparative aspects.
'''Science Deliverables:''' 1) evaluate the maturity of specific magnetospheric processes at different planets (e.g., importance of radial transport in supplying radiation belts, how material laden magnetospheres sculpt particle distributions, how ion outflow is modified between strongly and Figure 2: Images of Jupiter’s (panel A), and Earth’s (panel B) northern auroral regions. Right panel illustrates Jupiter’s modeled magnetic field based on its fast rotation and interaction with the solar wind. Credit: Zhang et al. (2021). weakly magnetized planets, etc.) and the robustness of corresponding datasets; 2) once objective 1 is complete, rank specific outstanding problems that can be addressed within current observations
and modelling capabilities; 3) strive to develop semi-empirical relationships associated with the outstanding problems in objective (2) to aid in future modelling efforts.
== Expected Activities ==
We will organize workshop-style sessions at GEM summer and mini-GEM workshops to foster interactions between these similar communities so we can address the comparative science topics. Specific activities include:
1) review current understanding of magnetospheric processes in different planets and identify key questions that can be investigated with current data sets & modeling capabilities (may vary from planet-to-planet);
2) identify specific events to analyze;
3) pursue data-model comparisons to identify physical mechanisms or perhaps the absence thereof;
4) assess under what conditions (e.g., internally driven vs. externally driven vs. induced interactions; material laden environments; moons sourcing local waves that may seed radiation belts, etc.) certain processes are dominant or no longer exist.
== 2024 mini-GEM Workshop ==
COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold two sessions.
'''1. COMP Standalone Session (12/08/2024 13:45–15:15 ET; Anacostia Salon E)'''
zoom: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1607074708?pwd%3DVLUiGsuT2c63RWo5wWGrO7A4cgeVLA.1&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1733516402606746&usg=AOvVaw1B8p6Oh11SSbDoTTYP-LNf
Chairs: Ryan Dewey
13:45 &nbsp; FG Chairs: Opening remarks
13:49 &nbsp; Alexander Drozdov: Phase Space Density Minima of keV and multi-MeV Electrons
13:57 &nbsp; Jamie Jasinski (Invited): Voyager 2/Uranus
14:07 &nbsp; Heli Hietalia: Magnetic overshoots at the bow shocks of Earth and Saturn as well as interplanetary shocks
14:15 &nbsp; Wenli Mo (presented by Robert Allen): A Comparison of Flow Shears at Earth and Saturn: Impacts
on the Magnetopause
14:23 &nbsp; Robert Allen: Ion Phase Space Density Profiles within the Magnetosphere of Saturn and Comparison to Other Magnetospheres
14:31 &nbsp; Joe Caggiano: Periodicity at Saturn
14:39 &nbsp; Austin Smith: Using Data-Model Comparisons to Understand Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling at Jupiter
14:47 &nbsp; Phil Valek: Recent Jovian ionospheric observations
14:55 &nbsp; Bob Lysak: Waves in Jupiter's polar cap
15:03 &nbsp; Harriet George: Recent PSP Venus gravity assist
'''2. COMP-KiTS Joint Session (12/08/2024 15:30–17:00 ET; Anacostia Salon E)'''
zoom: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1607074708?pwd%3DVLUiGsuT2c63RWo5wWGrO7A4cgeVLA.1&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1733516402606746&usg=AOvVaw1B8p6Oh11SSbDoTTYP-LNf
Chairs: George Clark & Harry Arnold
Discussion & Planning for future COMP sessions
Sample Planning questions:
*Which science themes are you most interested in pursuing in depth?
*Are there magnetosphere regions you would like to focus on?
*Which FG would you like to team up with?
*Decadal questions
*Head to head, which planet(s) would you like detailed focus on?
== 2024 GEM Summer Workshop ==
COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold four sessions in total, consisting of two stand-alone sessions and two joint sessions to cover specific comparative topics. These will include one session joint with the magnetic reconnection (RX) FG and one with the radiation belt dynamics (RB) FG.
== Science Topic ==
'''1. COMP Standalone Session (06/25/2024 10:30–12:00 MT; Room Legends)'''
Zoom: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1612750549?pwd=MmNYN0t0SXlHVGF5aTFUMlpxNXZoUT09
Chairs: George Clark & Peter Delamere; Student Rep: Erika Hathaway
10:30 &nbsp; FG Chairs: Opening remarks
10:35 &nbsp; Sarah Vines: MI-coupling at Earth
10:50 &nbsp; Bob Lysak: MI-coupling at Jupiter
11:05 &nbsp; Xiaochen Shen: Precipitating Proton Properties from Juno Observations
11:17 &nbsp; Harriet George: Mapping lightning-generated whistler waves through near-Uranus space
11:29 &nbsp; Ian Cohen: MI-coupling at Uranus
11:40 &nbsp; All: Event survey: folks to discuss their favorite events and the broader MI-coupling implications
'''2. COMP-RB Joint Session (06/25/2024 13:30–15:00 MT: Room S346)'''
Zoom: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/96574835809?pwd=bGlRYWI0YXlURytmSVRwRmxEcEp6QT09
Chairs: Wen Li, Bob Marshall, and Hong Zhao
13:30 &nbsp; FG chairs: Opening remarks
13:35–14:10 &nbsp; Panel Discussions: Review our current understanding and identify open questions regarding radiation belt dynamics in the comparative planetary magnetospheres
*Drew Turner: External vs. internal contribution (remote)
*Allison Jaynes: Seed & source particles
*Qianli Ma: Electron radiation belts (local vs. radial diffusion)
*Quentin Nenon: Loss process of radiation belt particles (remote)
*Peter Kollman: Effects of rings and moons (remote)
*George Clark: Ion radiation belts
14:10–14:40 &nbsp;  Open Discussions with Panelists
14:40–15:00 &nbsp;  Walk-in Presentations
*Ning Kang: Ray tracing of whistler mode waves in the Jupiter's magnetosphere
*Qianli Ma: Survey of Whistler-mode Chorus and Hiss Waves in Jupiter’s Magnetosphere
*Alec Daly: Statistical Survey of Interchange Events in the Jovian Magnetosphere Using Juno Observations
'''3. COMP-RX Joint Session (06/25/2024 15:30–17:00 MT: Room Legends)'''
Zoom: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1612029970?pwd=elA2YlBTQTZ0dFpOSE03c2lpb1Q4Zz09
Chairs: Yi Qi & Dan Gershman
15:30 &nbsp; FG chairs: Opening remarks
15:35 &nbsp; Tony Rogers: Identifying reconnection sites
15:42 &nbsp; Steven Heuer: Laboratory Studies of Reconnection in 3D Ion-Scale Magnetospheres and Plasma Flow Interactions with Magnetized Obstacles
15:47 &nbsp; Discussion
15:52 &nbsp; Shaosui Xu: Mars’s response to space weather events
15:59 &nbsp; Abby Azari: Magnetic field line draping in induced magnetospheres
16:04 &nbsp; Charlie Bowers: Local and global reconnection effects at Mars
16:09 &nbsp; Yuki Harada: Mars crustal field reconnection
16:14 &nbsp; Nii-Boi Quartey: Multispecies MHD Simulations of the Crustal Field Influence at the Mars Magnetotail Current Sheet
16:19 &nbsp; Murti Nauth: Mars magnetotail current system
16:24 &nbsp; Discussion
16:34 &nbsp; Caitriona Jackman: Reconnection signatures at Saturn
16:39 &nbsp; Abigail Rymer: Saturn's fizzy magnetosphere
16:44 &nbsp; Jaya Joseph: Reconnection in Ganymede’s magnetotail
16:49 &nbsp; Discussion
'''4. COMP Standalone Session (06/26/2024 10:30–12:00 MT; Room Legends)'''
Zoom: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1612750549?pwd=MmNYN0t0SXlHVGF5aTFUMlpxNXZoUT09
Chairs: Dan Gershman & Shannon Curry
10:30 &nbsp; FG Chairs: Opening remarks
10:35 &nbsp; Jason Beedle: Sub-Alfvenic upstream plasmas observations at Earth
10:45 &nbsp; George Clark: Sub-Alfvenic upstream plasmas at Jupiter-Io-Ganymede
10:55 &nbsp; Li-Jen Chen: Dayside flux circulation patterns with Alfven wings (remote)
11:05 &nbsp; Xuanye Ma: The Role of the KHI at Different Planets
11:15 &nbsp; Abhinav Prasad: Whistler-mode wave Generation During Interplanetary Shock Events in Lunar Plasma Environment
11:25 &nbsp; Student poster one min. summaries
11:40 &nbsp; Summary of COMP session and closing remarks
== 2023 mini-GEM Workshop ==
COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold 2 hybrid sessions in Holiday Inn San Francisco – Golden Gateway. Please note that in the agenda below, the exact presentation time may vary depending on the actual evolution of the meeting.
Zoom link to attend the sessions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1618726342?pwd%3DNEwwNmFhSVlqZVlSUzRncll2WitUZz09&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1702211542945455&usg=AOvVaw2GLbl7_gTAS5l9NSvIZu8w
'''1. COMP Session (12–13:30 Sunday, Dec 10, Washington+California Room)'''
12:00 &nbsp; FG Leads: Introduction and review of recent activities
12:30 &nbsp; All: Open Discussion
12:45 &nbsp; Bob Lysak: MI coupling
13:00 &nbsp; Grant Berland: Comparative X-rays
13:15 &nbsp; Ian Cohen: Uranus
13:30 &nbsp; Break
'''2. COMP Session (13:45–15:15 Sunday, Dec 10, Washington+California Room)'''
13:45 &nbsp; Joe Caggiano: Living with an Active Moon: An analysis of Southwood-Kivelson Interchange Instability in Saturn’s Magnetosphere
14:00 &nbsp; Alec Daly: Plasma Wave and Particle Dynamics during Interchange Events at Jupiter
14:15 &nbsp; Xiaochen Shen: Radial Phase Space Density Profile of Energetic Protons at Jupiter and Its Comparison to Earth
14:30 &nbsp; Qianli Ma: Electron Phase Space Density Distributions from Juno Observation
14:45 &nbsp; Wen Li: Diffuse aurora at Earth and Jupiter
15:00 &nbsp; Harriet George: Plasma wave activity in Venus's induced magnetosphere
15:15 &nbsp; Break
== 2023 GEM Summer Workshop ==
COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold 2 stand-alone sessions and 2 joint sessions. Please note that in the agenda below, the exact presentation time may vary depending on the actual evolution of the meeting.
In this inaugural FG, one of our main objectives is to gather community feedback on how to best pursue this topic to make meaningful progress in comparative magnetospheric processes. Therefore, we will have a series of scene setting talks followed by an open discussion session. In the open discussion part, we encourage participants to prepare 2-3 slides and be ready to share as the conversation evolves. One of our major goals is to unveil the wide range of questions that can be addressed by exploring the vast physical parameter space within our solar system. To achieve this goal, we need to access our modeling capabilities, evaluate the level of maturity of available data sets and theories, identify the community needs to facilitate future comparative studies, and establish effective strategies for coordinating efforts among different communities.
'''1. COMP Stand-alone Session (10:30–12:00 Monday, June 12, Room A)'''
Exploring the parameter space of magnetospheric physics
10:30 &nbsp; Overview of FG
10:40 &nbsp; Dan Gershman: magnetospheric dynamics and reconnection (Scene Setting Talk)
10:55 &nbsp; Grant Stephens: magnetic field modeling of Mercury, Earth, & Saturn
11:05 &nbsp; Ryan Dewey: Mercury's dawn-dusk magnetotail asymmetries and their relationship with magnetic activity
11:15 &nbsp; Xuanye Ma: Review of the KHI at the different planets
Open discussion: what are the big questions that can be addressed by exploring the vast physical parameter space within our solar system?  (Co-chairs, Fran Bagenal, Bob Lysak)
11:25 &nbsp; Some elements to consider: Modeling capabilities; maturity of topic & data sets; relevance to comparative planetary needs/topics
11:55 &nbsp; Summary and future endeavors 
'''2. MPEC-COMP Joint Session (10:30–12:00 Tuesday, June 13, Room A)'''
10:30 &nbsp; George Clark: Opening remarks
10:40 &nbsp; Bob Lysak: MI-coupling w/ emphasis on comparative processes between Earth & Jupiter
10:55 &nbsp; Shaosui Xu: Magnetic topology of Mars vs Venus
11:05 &nbsp; Jim Raines: Cusp precipitation at Mercury
11:15 &nbsp; Weijie Sun: Flux transfer events in planetary magnetospheres
11:23 &nbsp; Ryan Dewey: Characteristics of Mercury's energetic electron environment
11:31 &nbsp; Chuanfei Dong: Electrodynamic coupling of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere systems at Mars
11:39 &nbsp; Dibyendu Sur: Presence of Double Layers and Phase-Space Holes at Venus
11:55 &nbsp; Walk-in Presentations/Poster Advertisements
'''3. COMP Stand-alone Session (13:30–15:00 Tuesday, June 13, Room Coa)'''
13:30 &nbsp; Lisa Winter: NSF talk on comparative planetary magnetosphere funding opportunities
13:40 &nbsp; Harriet George: Non-lightning-generated whistler wave in near-Venus space
13:50  &nbsp; Yingjuan Ma: How Does the Planetary Magnetic Field Impact on Ion Escape Rate?
14:00 &nbsp; Nithin Sivadas: Solar wind driving of planetary magnetospheres
14:10 &nbsp; Chuanfei Dong: Using Mercury and Ganymede to Learn Earth’s Responses to Extreme Space Weather Events
14:20 &nbsp; Jaya Joseph:  ECH waves at Jupiter and some comparisons with Earth and Saturn
14:30–15:00 &nbsp; Open discussion on various topics (panel members: Co-chairs, Fran Bagenal, Bob Lysak)
*Ideas on how to best organize topics/goals to address the big questions
*Identify specific case events in various mission data sets & potential GEM challenges that will help enable the community to address the open questions
*Coordinating efforts and discussion of potential funding avenues for cross-divisional/disciplinary science
'''4. COMP-RB-DIP Joint Session (10:30–12:00 Wednesday, June 14, Room A)'''
10:30 &nbsp; Opening remarks from FG leads
10:40 &nbsp; Peter Kollmann: Radiation belt dynamics w/ emphasis on comparative source and acceleration processes (Scene Setting Talk) 
10:55 &nbsp; Sasha Drozdov: Modeling of Saturn’s radiation environment using the VERB code
11:05 &nbsp; Anthony Sciola: Comparing injections and interchange instability between Earth and Saturn
11:15 &nbsp; Anton Artemyev: Role of electron field-aligned streams in current sheet configuration in Jovian and Earth magnetotails 
11:25 &nbsp; Haobo Fu: Statistical characteristics of plasma properties in Jupiter's current sheet
11:35–12:00 &nbsp; Open Discussion + Walk-in talks

Latest revision as of 12:13, 6 December 2024


Focus Group Chairs
Name Affiliation Contact Details
George Clark John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab george.clark at jhuapl.edu
Wen Li Boston University wenli77 at bu.edu
Bob Marshall University of Colorado Boulder robert.marshall at colorado.edu
Dan Gershman NASA Goddard Space Flight Center daniel.j.gershman at nasa.gov
Peter Delamere University of Alaska Fairbanks padelamere at alaska.edu
Shannon Curry University of Colorado, Boulder shannon.curry at colorado.edu
Ryan Dewey University of Michigan, Ann Arbor rmdewey at umich.edu

Science Topic

The Solar System is gifted with a diverse array of magnetospheric systems, from the familiar Dungey-cycle-driven system at Earth, to the extreme Vasyliunas-cycle-driven Gas Giants, to the unmagnetized-solar wind interactions found at Mars and Venus. Together, this diverse set of planetary magnetospheres makes it possible to probe fundamental physical processes by exploring how and under what conditions they operate in and across the Solar System. Furthermore, if we can make sense of this large parameter regime then not only will we improve our understanding of the geospace environment, but we may be able to close the gap in our understanding of plasma physics elsewhere in the cosmos, e.g., magnetospheres of pulsars and brown dwarfs. However, to reach that goal, it requires the Earth and Planetary space physics communities to give serious consideration to the physics behind the similarities and differences between these systems. That brings us to the primary goal of this focus group (FG)—to assess the physical processes within our Solar System that ultimately shape these planetary magnetospheric environments with the aim of uncovering parameter regimes associated with distinct and universal mechanisms.

Studying all the processes is an overwhelming and unrealistic task, so we propose the following key comparative topics that directly relate to the active GEM focus groups: 1) comparative magnetotail dynamics and their effects on the transport of mass, momentum, energy, and magnetic flux; 2) comparative planetary radiation belts and ring currents and the processes that source and sustain them across drastically different magnetospheres; 3) comparative magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling mechanisms, e.g., precipitation, acceleration, outflow, and drivers across solar wind driven, internally driven, and induced magnetospheres. Even still this list is quite broad relative to the typical GEM FGs; however, one of the main objectives of this FG is to establish GEM as the leading forum where comparative planetary magnetospheric processes are workshopped to foster interactions between communities. In a way, this is similar to the original NSF initiative that led to the GEM program where we are aiming to form a community consensus on the outstanding questions that can be addressed on a few year time scale. Therefore, our expectation is that after we establish the big open questions that are common across planetary magnetospheres, we can then workshop those by making novel use of the datasets and modelling outputs available.

Goals & Deliverables

  • Primary Community Goal: Establish GEM as the leading forum where comparative planetary magnetospheric processes are workshopped to foster interactions between communities.
  • Primary Science Goal: Assess the physical processes within our Solar System that ultimately shape the diverse planetary magnetospheric environments with the aim of uncovering parameter regimes associated with distinct and universal mechanisms.

Community Deliverables: 1) First and foremost, develop a forum where the GEM and planetary magnetospheric (a relatively small group) communities can come together to discuss the most interesting and pressing synergistic problems; 2) develop tools and user guides (including a compendium of relevant papers) to facilitate in sharing of data and simulation outputs between the Earth and Planetary magnetospheric communities; 3) produce an event list across the various Planetary and Terrestrial missions for the community to focus on specific comparative aspects.
Science Deliverables: 1) evaluate the maturity of specific magnetospheric processes at different planets (e.g., importance of radial transport in supplying radiation belts, how material laden magnetospheres sculpt particle distributions, how ion outflow is modified between strongly and Figure 2: Images of Jupiter’s (panel A), and Earth’s (panel B) northern auroral regions. Right panel illustrates Jupiter’s modeled magnetic field based on its fast rotation and interaction with the solar wind. Credit: Zhang et al. (2021). weakly magnetized planets, etc.) and the robustness of corresponding datasets; 2) once objective 1 is complete, rank specific outstanding problems that can be addressed within current observations and modelling capabilities; 3) strive to develop semi-empirical relationships associated with the outstanding problems in objective (2) to aid in future modelling efforts.

Expected Activities

We will organize workshop-style sessions at GEM summer and mini-GEM workshops to foster interactions between these similar communities so we can address the comparative science topics. Specific activities include:
1) review current understanding of magnetospheric processes in different planets and identify key questions that can be investigated with current data sets & modeling capabilities (may vary from planet-to-planet);
2) identify specific events to analyze;
3) pursue data-model comparisons to identify physical mechanisms or perhaps the absence thereof;
4) assess under what conditions (e.g., internally driven vs. externally driven vs. induced interactions; material laden environments; moons sourcing local waves that may seed radiation belts, etc.) certain processes are dominant or no longer exist. <bk>

2024 mini-GEM Workshop

COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold two sessions.

1. COMP Standalone Session (12/08/2024 13:45–15:15 ET; Anacostia Salon E)
zoom: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1607074708?pwd%3DVLUiGsuT2c63RWo5wWGrO7A4cgeVLA.1&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1733516402606746&usg=AOvVaw1B8p6Oh11SSbDoTTYP-LNf
Chairs: Ryan Dewey
13:45   FG Chairs: Opening remarks
13:49   Alexander Drozdov: Phase Space Density Minima of keV and multi-MeV Electrons
13:57   Jamie Jasinski (Invited): Voyager 2/Uranus
14:07   Heli Hietalia: Magnetic overshoots at the bow shocks of Earth and Saturn as well as interplanetary shocks
14:15   Wenli Mo (presented by Robert Allen): A Comparison of Flow Shears at Earth and Saturn: Impacts on the Magnetopause
14:23   Robert Allen: Ion Phase Space Density Profiles within the Magnetosphere of Saturn and Comparison to Other Magnetospheres
14:31   Joe Caggiano: Periodicity at Saturn
14:39   Austin Smith: Using Data-Model Comparisons to Understand Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling at Jupiter
14:47   Phil Valek: Recent Jovian ionospheric observations
14:55   Bob Lysak: Waves in Jupiter's polar cap
15:03   Harriet George: Recent PSP Venus gravity assist

2. COMP-KiTS Joint Session (12/08/2024 15:30–17:00 ET; Anacostia Salon E)
zoom: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1607074708?pwd%3DVLUiGsuT2c63RWo5wWGrO7A4cgeVLA.1&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1733516402606746&usg=AOvVaw1B8p6Oh11SSbDoTTYP-LNf
Chairs: George Clark & Harry Arnold
Discussion & Planning for future COMP sessions
Sample Planning questions:

  • Which science themes are you most interested in pursuing in depth?
  • Are there magnetosphere regions you would like to focus on?
  • Which FG would you like to team up with?
  • Decadal questions
  • Head to head, which planet(s) would you like detailed focus on?

2024 GEM Summer Workshop

COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold four sessions in total, consisting of two stand-alone sessions and two joint sessions to cover specific comparative topics. These will include one session joint with the magnetic reconnection (RX) FG and one with the radiation belt dynamics (RB) FG.

1. COMP Standalone Session (06/25/2024 10:30–12:00 MT; Room Legends)
Zoom: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1612750549?pwd=MmNYN0t0SXlHVGF5aTFUMlpxNXZoUT09
Chairs: George Clark & Peter Delamere; Student Rep: Erika Hathaway

10:30   FG Chairs: Opening remarks
10:35   Sarah Vines: MI-coupling at Earth
10:50   Bob Lysak: MI-coupling at Jupiter
11:05   Xiaochen Shen: Precipitating Proton Properties from Juno Observations
11:17   Harriet George: Mapping lightning-generated whistler waves through near-Uranus space
11:29   Ian Cohen: MI-coupling at Uranus
11:40   All: Event survey: folks to discuss their favorite events and the broader MI-coupling implications

2. COMP-RB Joint Session (06/25/2024 13:30–15:00 MT: Room S346)
Zoom: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/96574835809?pwd=bGlRYWI0YXlURytmSVRwRmxEcEp6QT09
Chairs: Wen Li, Bob Marshall, and Hong Zhao

13:30   FG chairs: Opening remarks
13:35–14:10   Panel Discussions: Review our current understanding and identify open questions regarding radiation belt dynamics in the comparative planetary magnetospheres

  • Drew Turner: External vs. internal contribution (remote)
  • Allison Jaynes: Seed & source particles
  • Qianli Ma: Electron radiation belts (local vs. radial diffusion)
  • Quentin Nenon: Loss process of radiation belt particles (remote)
  • Peter Kollman: Effects of rings and moons (remote)
  • George Clark: Ion radiation belts

14:10–14:40   Open Discussions with Panelists
14:40–15:00   Walk-in Presentations

  • Ning Kang: Ray tracing of whistler mode waves in the Jupiter's magnetosphere
  • Qianli Ma: Survey of Whistler-mode Chorus and Hiss Waves in Jupiter’s Magnetosphere
  • Alec Daly: Statistical Survey of Interchange Events in the Jovian Magnetosphere Using Juno Observations

3. COMP-RX Joint Session (06/25/2024 15:30–17:00 MT: Room Legends)
Zoom: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1612029970?pwd=elA2YlBTQTZ0dFpOSE03c2lpb1Q4Zz09
Chairs: Yi Qi & Dan Gershman

15:30   FG chairs: Opening remarks
15:35   Tony Rogers: Identifying reconnection sites
15:42   Steven Heuer: Laboratory Studies of Reconnection in 3D Ion-Scale Magnetospheres and Plasma Flow Interactions with Magnetized Obstacles
15:47   Discussion
15:52   Shaosui Xu: Mars’s response to space weather events
15:59   Abby Azari: Magnetic field line draping in induced magnetospheres
16:04   Charlie Bowers: Local and global reconnection effects at Mars
16:09   Yuki Harada: Mars crustal field reconnection
16:14   Nii-Boi Quartey: Multispecies MHD Simulations of the Crustal Field Influence at the Mars Magnetotail Current Sheet
16:19   Murti Nauth: Mars magnetotail current system
16:24   Discussion
16:34   Caitriona Jackman: Reconnection signatures at Saturn
16:39   Abigail Rymer: Saturn's fizzy magnetosphere
16:44   Jaya Joseph: Reconnection in Ganymede’s magnetotail
16:49   Discussion
4. COMP Standalone Session (06/26/2024 10:30–12:00 MT; Room Legends)
Zoom: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1612750549?pwd=MmNYN0t0SXlHVGF5aTFUMlpxNXZoUT09
Chairs: Dan Gershman & Shannon Curry

10:30   FG Chairs: Opening remarks
10:35   Jason Beedle: Sub-Alfvenic upstream plasmas observations at Earth
10:45   George Clark: Sub-Alfvenic upstream plasmas at Jupiter-Io-Ganymede
10:55   Li-Jen Chen: Dayside flux circulation patterns with Alfven wings (remote)
11:05   Xuanye Ma: The Role of the KHI at Different Planets
11:15   Abhinav Prasad: Whistler-mode wave Generation During Interplanetary Shock Events in Lunar Plasma Environment
11:25   Student poster one min. summaries
11:40   Summary of COMP session and closing remarks

2023 mini-GEM Workshop

COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold 2 hybrid sessions in Holiday Inn San Francisco – Golden Gateway. Please note that in the agenda below, the exact presentation time may vary depending on the actual evolution of the meeting.

Zoom link to attend the sessions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1618726342?pwd%3DNEwwNmFhSVlqZVlSUzRncll2WitUZz09&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1702211542945455&usg=AOvVaw2GLbl7_gTAS5l9NSvIZu8w

1. COMP Session (12–13:30 Sunday, Dec 10, Washington+California Room)
12:00   FG Leads: Introduction and review of recent activities
12:30   All: Open Discussion
12:45   Bob Lysak: MI coupling
13:00   Grant Berland: Comparative X-rays
13:15   Ian Cohen: Uranus
13:30   Break

2. COMP Session (13:45–15:15 Sunday, Dec 10, Washington+California Room)
13:45   Joe Caggiano: Living with an Active Moon: An analysis of Southwood-Kivelson Interchange Instability in Saturn’s Magnetosphere
14:00   Alec Daly: Plasma Wave and Particle Dynamics during Interchange Events at Jupiter
14:15   Xiaochen Shen: Radial Phase Space Density Profile of Energetic Protons at Jupiter and Its Comparison to Earth
14:30   Qianli Ma: Electron Phase Space Density Distributions from Juno Observation
14:45   Wen Li: Diffuse aurora at Earth and Jupiter
15:00   Harriet George: Plasma wave activity in Venus's induced magnetosphere
15:15   Break

2023 GEM Summer Workshop

COmparative Planetary Magnetospheric Processes (COMP) focus group will hold 2 stand-alone sessions and 2 joint sessions. Please note that in the agenda below, the exact presentation time may vary depending on the actual evolution of the meeting.

In this inaugural FG, one of our main objectives is to gather community feedback on how to best pursue this topic to make meaningful progress in comparative magnetospheric processes. Therefore, we will have a series of scene setting talks followed by an open discussion session. In the open discussion part, we encourage participants to prepare 2-3 slides and be ready to share as the conversation evolves. One of our major goals is to unveil the wide range of questions that can be addressed by exploring the vast physical parameter space within our solar system. To achieve this goal, we need to access our modeling capabilities, evaluate the level of maturity of available data sets and theories, identify the community needs to facilitate future comparative studies, and establish effective strategies for coordinating efforts among different communities.

1. COMP Stand-alone Session (10:30–12:00 Monday, June 12, Room A)
Exploring the parameter space of magnetospheric physics
10:30   Overview of FG
10:40   Dan Gershman: magnetospheric dynamics and reconnection (Scene Setting Talk)
10:55   Grant Stephens: magnetic field modeling of Mercury, Earth, & Saturn
11:05   Ryan Dewey: Mercury's dawn-dusk magnetotail asymmetries and their relationship with magnetic activity
11:15   Xuanye Ma: Review of the KHI at the different planets

Open discussion: what are the big questions that can be addressed by exploring the vast physical parameter space within our solar system? (Co-chairs, Fran Bagenal, Bob Lysak)
11:25   Some elements to consider: Modeling capabilities; maturity of topic & data sets; relevance to comparative planetary needs/topics
11:55   Summary and future endeavors

2. MPEC-COMP Joint Session (10:30–12:00 Tuesday, June 13, Room A)
10:30   George Clark: Opening remarks
10:40   Bob Lysak: MI-coupling w/ emphasis on comparative processes between Earth & Jupiter
10:55   Shaosui Xu: Magnetic topology of Mars vs Venus
11:05   Jim Raines: Cusp precipitation at Mercury
11:15   Weijie Sun: Flux transfer events in planetary magnetospheres
11:23   Ryan Dewey: Characteristics of Mercury's energetic electron environment
11:31   Chuanfei Dong: Electrodynamic coupling of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere systems at Mars
11:39   Dibyendu Sur: Presence of Double Layers and Phase-Space Holes at Venus
11:55   Walk-in Presentations/Poster Advertisements

3. COMP Stand-alone Session (13:30–15:00 Tuesday, June 13, Room Coa)
13:30   Lisa Winter: NSF talk on comparative planetary magnetosphere funding opportunities
13:40   Harriet George: Non-lightning-generated whistler wave in near-Venus space
13:50   Yingjuan Ma: How Does the Planetary Magnetic Field Impact on Ion Escape Rate?
14:00   Nithin Sivadas: Solar wind driving of planetary magnetospheres
14:10   Chuanfei Dong: Using Mercury and Ganymede to Learn Earth’s Responses to Extreme Space Weather Events
14:20   Jaya Joseph: ECH waves at Jupiter and some comparisons with Earth and Saturn
14:30–15:00   Open discussion on various topics (panel members: Co-chairs, Fran Bagenal, Bob Lysak)

  • Ideas on how to best organize topics/goals to address the big questions
  • Identify specific case events in various mission data sets & potential GEM challenges that will help enable the community to address the open questions
  • Coordinating efforts and discussion of potential funding avenues for cross-divisional/disciplinary science

4. COMP-RB-DIP Joint Session (10:30–12:00 Wednesday, June 14, Room A)
10:30   Opening remarks from FG leads
10:40   Peter Kollmann: Radiation belt dynamics w/ emphasis on comparative source and acceleration processes (Scene Setting Talk)
10:55   Sasha Drozdov: Modeling of Saturn’s radiation environment using the VERB code
11:05   Anthony Sciola: Comparing injections and interchange instability between Earth and Saturn
11:15   Anton Artemyev: Role of electron field-aligned streams in current sheet configuration in Jovian and Earth magnetotails
11:25   Haobo Fu: Statistical characteristics of plasma properties in Jupiter's current sheet
11:35–12:00   Open Discussion + Walk-in talks