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# A Focus Group proposal on [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/Physical_Models_of_the_Radiation_Belts_2010-2014.pdf Physical Models of the Radiation Belts]
# A Focus Group proposal on [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/Physical_Models_of_the_Radiation_Belts_2010-2014.pdf Physical Models of the Radiation Belts]
# A Focus Group proposal on [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/Proposal_MetricsVV_2.pdf GGCM Metrics and Validation (2nd phase)]
# A Focus Group proposal on [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/Proposal_MetricsVV_2.pdf GGCM Metrics and Validation (2nd phase)]
# A Focus Group proposal on [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/ReconnectionFocusGroup2.pdf Magnetic Reconnection Modules in Global Modeling of the Magnetosphere]

Revision as of 13:13, 12 December 2009

  1. GGCM Metrics and Validation (2005 - 2010, RA: GGCM)
  2. GGCM Modules and Methods (2005 - 2010, RA: GGCM)
  3. Foreshock, Bowshock, Magnetosheath (2004 - 2009, RA: Dayside)
  4. Plasma Entry and Transport into and within the Magnetotail (2006 - 2011, RA: Tail)
  5. Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection (2004 - 2009, RA: Dayside)
  6. Cusp Physics (2006-2010, RA: Dayside)
  7. MIC Electrodynamics (2003 - 2008, RA: MIC)
  8. Near Earth Magnetosphere: plasma, fields, and coupling (2007 - 2012, RA: IMS, Tail)
  9. Space Radiation Climatology (2006 - 2011, RA: IMS, see also FG9 google email group)
  10. Diffuse Auroral Precipitation (2006 - 2011, RA: MIC, IMS)
  11. Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (2008 - 2013, RA: IMS)
  12. Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes (2008 - 2013, RA: Tail)
  13. Modes of Solar WInd-Magnetosphere Energy Transfer (2008 - 2013, RA: Tail)

(RA: Research Area)

GEM Planning Activities

  1. Geospace System - Proposal to initiate a new GGCM focus group
  2. A Focus Group proposal on The Magnetosheath
  3. A Focus Group proposal on Inner Magnetospheric Plasma Waves
  4. A Focus Group proposal on Dayside Field-Aligned Currents and Energy Deposition
  5. A Focus Group proposal on Physical Models of the Radiation Belts
  6. A Focus Group proposal on GGCM Metrics and Validation (2nd phase)
  7. A Focus Group proposal on Magnetic Reconnection Modules in Global Modeling of the Magnetosphere