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** Dixon and MacDonald et al. (2015), Multipoint observations of the open-closed field line boundary as observed by the Van Allen Probes and geostationary satellites during the November 14th 2012 geomagnetic storm, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014JA020883/full
** Dixon and MacDonald et al. (2015), Multipoint observations of the open-closed field line boundary as observed by the Van Allen Probes and geostationary satellites during the November 14th 2012 geomagnetic storm, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014JA020883/full
*'''OCB Challenge Summary'''
**Gather list of techniques, models, and data utilized:
***Techniques: AMPERE, SWMF, Penguin (Urban)
***Models: Tsyg.05, BATSRUS,
**Gather list of papers on this event in general: Dixon and MacDonald, Hwang, Valek, Chen
**Summarize mapping issues:3d visualization of dynamic edge case, cause
* '''2014 mini-GEM '''
* '''2014 mini-GEM '''

Revision as of 06:17, 12 June 2015

Short link to this page: http://bit.ly/gem_mapping

  • 2015 GEM, the final mapping sessions
    • We are having 3 final discussion-focused sessions at GEM; please join us and volunteer an update on your work or a brief perspective on the efforts of the last 5 years.
      • Tuesday at 10:30 we will begin with a Joint session: Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms & Scientific Magnetic Mapping & Techniques AKA “What is a streamer and how does it map?"
        • Speakers including Chao Yue '3D Substorm Growth Phase Force-Balanced Plasma and Magnetic Field Modeling Application: A Substorm Event Study', Eric Donovan, and more
      • Thursday at 10:30 (Challenge work in progress, OCB work especially welcome)
        • Speakers including Peter Porazik 'Modification of the loss cone for energetic particles', Raluca Ilie "mapping isotropic boundaries to the tail", Phil Valek "TWINS/RBSP comparison on Nov 14., 2012 storm, Liz MacDonald "OCB scenario Nov 14 2012", and more
      • Thursday at 1:30 (the final session, surveying progress and the path forward!)
        • Ideas to consider: EOS or review article, new focus group (and topics?), upcoming BARREL-SWEDEN campaign

If you would like to present something, please send a note to Liz, Eric, or Robyn. If you already sent one, it might not hurt to send it again—thanks! :)

  • Related papers:
    • Porazik, P., J. R. Johnson, I. Kaganovich, and E. Sanchez (2014), Modification of the loss cone for energetic particles, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 8107–8113, doi:10.1002/2014GL061869.
    • Dixon and MacDonald et al. (2015), Multipoint observations of the open-closed field line boundary as observed by the Van Allen Probes and geostationary satellites during the November 14th 2012 geomagnetic storm, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014JA020883/full
  • OCB Challenge Summary
    • Gather list of techniques, models, and data utilized:
      • Techniques: AMPERE, SWMF, Penguin (Urban)
      • Models: Tsyg.05, BATSRUS,
      • Data:LANL-GEO, RBSP, THEMIS, GOES, all-sky, AMPERE,
    • Gather list of papers on this event in general: Dixon and MacDonald, Hwang, Valek, Chen
    • Summarize mapping issues:3d visualization of dynamic edge case, cause
  • Science Topics
    • OCB Boundary Challenge
      • Liz MacDonald (Nov. 14, 2012 event)
      • Haje Korth - Ampere technique
      • Grant Stevens
      • Kevin Urban
      • Robert Rankin (ground, satellite, global-MHD comparisons)
    • Substorm growth phase
      • Chao Yue - mag. field configuration during substorm growth phase
    • BARREL
      • Alexa - SEP event
  • Products
    • Review Article
    •  ??

2014 Announcement

  • 'Wed. 3:30 - 5:00* The open-closed boundary mapping challenge, Primary event of interest Nov 14, 2012

Liz MacDonald, Shasha Zou, Joo Hwang, Misha Sitnov, Grant Stephens

  • Thur. 10:30 - 12:15* Tail mapping techniques

E. Donovan J. Birn Chao Yue for Jun Liang- Using energy-latitude dispersion of ion precipitations to test the accuracy of geomagnetic models Bea Gallardo-Lacourt - Ionospheric flow structures associated with beading at substorm auroral onset Ted Fritz - Energetic particle pitch angle distributions and magnetopause mappings Dmitri Kandrashov - Reconstruction of large gaps in solar wind parameters for empirical magnetic field modeling

  • Thurs. 1:30 - 3:00* A joint session with the Metrics and Validation focus group (led by Eric Donovan and Lutz Rastaetter)

We are soliciting input from researchers interested in developing quantitative tests of model-based magnetic mapping. Chao Yue - Empirical modeling the 3D force-balanced pressure and magnetic field structure during substorm growth phase Jo Baker (for Simon Shepard), Problems with ACGM Coordinates Alex Glocer, Data-model comparison technique Discussion

2013 GEM Tentative Agenda Lots of discussion is highly encouraged! If you want to speak please get in touch with Liz, Robyn, or Eric.

  • Session 1: RBSP Mapping Challenges, Monday 10:30, Salon D
    • Focus on events: Nov 14 (lobe crossings), Jan 17, Jan 26, Feb 2 (BARREL and RBSP wave conjunctions), Mar 17 (geomagnetic storm)
    • Alexa Halford, BARREL
    • Toshi Nishimura, RBSP pulsating aurora mapping
    • Liz MacDonald, HOPE Nov 14 lobes
    • Joe Fennell , Interesting MAGEIS observations
    • Mei-Ching Fok, modeling of Nov 14 lobe event
    • Jo Baker, SuperDARN observations of ionospheric electric fields conjugate to RBSP
    • Asher Pembroke, A CCMC LFM implementation of mapping coordinates
  • Session 2: Mapping Challenge Potpourri, Monday 1:30, Salon D
    • Lutz Rastaetter, CCMC FAST boundary crossings
    • Mike Henderson, PSD matching to test B-field models
    • Shasha Zou, Comprehensive Assessment of SWMF in Magnetic Mapping
    • Yue Chao, 3D force balance magnetic field mode
    • Mike Schultz, Source-Surface Modeling of Planetary Magnetospheres
    • Jone Peter Reistad, auroral non-conjugacy
  • Session 3: Joint with Substorm Expansion Onset FG, Tuesday 10:30, Salon D
    • Matina Gkioulidou, RBSP observations of injections
    • Xiangning Chu, UCLA, Magnetic perturbations of the substorm current wedge
    • Phil Erickson (given by Robyn Millan), Ground-based measurements during BARREL substorms and connection to in situ electric fields
    • Tetsuo Motoba, Conjugate observations of onset auroral dynamics
    • Eric Donovan, Identifying magnetic conjugacy between satellites and the ground during onset

2012 Mini GEM Sunday Dec 2, 2012 from 2:30 to 4:30 PM

  • Speakers included Bob McPherron and Howard Singer (super-substorm 4/5/10), Chao Yue (UCLA, 3d force balance modeling during substorm growth phase), James Weygand for Feifei Jiang, Eric Donovan (Statistics of boundary crossings), Allison Jaynes (pulsating aurora mapping), Robyn Millan (BARREL mapping preview), James Weygand for James Weygand (omega band mapping), Ruth Skoug (RBSP HOPE Lobe crossings), and Lutz Rastaetter (for CCMC).
  • Talks are posted here!

2012 GEM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday June 18 - 20, 2012 from 3:30 to 5:00 PM Goal/Overview Summary

  • Session 3: CHALLENGE! (Co-chairs: Larry Kepko, Eric, Liz, and Robyn) Salon C
    • We'll present a few ideas on challenge suggestions. CCMC folks are very interested in facilitating a challenge. Robyn will also present a few thoughts on RBSP-centric upcoming mapping opportunities.
    • Event Lists
      • From T. Nishimura, Pulsating Aurora-Chorus point to point examples listed (GRL, 2011).
      • From N. Ganjushkina (Event-based examples, coming soon)
      • From M. Kuznetsova (CCMC examples, coming soon)
      • From E. Spanswick (THEMIS omega band or proton aurora, coming soon)

2011 Mini-GEM Sunday Dec. 4, 2011 from 2:30 to 4:30 PM, in the Franciscan I room.

  • We would like to invite community participation in our session, by simply adding input to our survey forms on Mapping Science questions (http://bit.ly/vYuGc5) and Mapping Techniques (http://bit.ly/ucmMLQ). The survey results will be discussed at the mini-GEM and form the basis for planning of activities for the 2012 summer GEM Workshop. They will also be posted online (http://bit.ly/vPLlv9, http://bit.ly/uFw8Uz). We also welcome 1 slide presentations on specific questions or techniques if you wish. V. Papitashvili will give a brief intro to magnetic coordinate systems at the mini-GEM also.

We look forward to a productive discussion and thank you for your input in advance.

2011 GEM

Please send copies of presentations to Liz MacDonald (macdonald@lanl.gov)

2010 Mini-GEM

Mailing List: gem_mapping@lanl.gov

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Short link to this page: http://bit.ly/gem_mapping