2013 Summer Workshop
GEM will be holding its annual summer workshop June 16-21, 2013 at the Snowmass Conference Center in Snowmass, Colorado. Logistical information and workshop agenda can be found at the GEM Workshop Website.
Below are the calls for presentations by active GEM focus groups. Please note that in all e-mail addresses below the symbol @ is replaced by " [at] ". Information about the GEM Student Workshop on June 16, 2013 can be found at GEM Student Forum.
Poster submissions should be made online by Wednesday, June 5 at the GEM Workshop Website.
Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions
Conveners: Frank Toffoletto, John Lyon, Pontus Brandt, and Vassilis Angelopoulos
The GEM focus group on Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions will hold its breakout sessions on Monday - Tuesday, June 17-18, 2013. We invite presentations that specifically address one of the following topics:
- Origin and evolution of BBFs and related phenomena (bubbles, dipolarization fronts, etc.)
- The impact of BBFs et al on transport during different levels of activity (e.g., quiet times, SMCs, substorms, storm main phases).
- The impact of BBFs et al on the inner magnetosphere, including ring current and radiation belts; braking oscillations and micropulsations.
- Auroral streamers and other ionospheric signatures of BBFs et al.
More information on the focus group can be found at: http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawikiwiki/index.php/GEM_Focus_Groups
We kindly ask presentations to be limited to 2-3 slides/5 minutes. If you would like to be put on the schedule, please contact Frank Toffoletto (toffo @ rice dot edu).
We look forward to seeing everyone at GEM and to your contributions.
Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
Conveners: Paul Cassak, West Virginia University <Paul.Cassak [at] mail.wvu.edu>, Homa Karimabadi, University of California, San Diego, <homakar [at] gmail.com>, Andrei Runov, University of California, Los Angeles, <arunov [at] igpp.ucla.edu>
We would like to solicit contributions to the "Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere" Focus Group sessions at the upcoming GEM meeting in Snowmass, Colorado on June 16 - 21, 2013. The Focus Group goals description and other information is available at
Thus summer we plan four 1.5 hr-long sessions to discuss
- Dayside reconnection and its relation to transient phenomena at the magnetopause and bow shock (joint with Dayside Transient FG);
- Magnetotail reconnection and its role in substorms, pseudo breakups, PBIs and other substorm-related phenomena (joint with Substorm Onset FG);
- General problems of magnetospheric reconnection. Nominally, the session activities will address Signatures of Kinetic Scale Reconnection Physics (a prelude to the launch of MMS), but contributions on any topic including onset, evolution, and consequences are welcomed.
We welcome contributions based upon data analysis, simulations, and theory.
The tentative agenda of the workshop is available at http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/2013GEM_agenda.pdf.
To follow the GEM philosophy and the informal workshop format, your presentations need to be short and concise (without AGU-style introductions and conclusions) in order to engender discussions. We strongly suggest preparing 5 slides or less and 5 min-long presentations focused strictly on the topic. We encourage presentations by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
Please submit a tentative topic of your presentation (to help us plan the session) and address your questions, if any, to
Paul Cassak, West Virginia University, Paul.Cassak [at] mail.wvu.edu