2016 GEM-CEDAR Workshop
The "Fluid" Speaker List
Below is a fluid list of speakers in GEM-related sessions provided by Focus Group Leaders. The information here serves as a rough guide for those who wish to know the most updated session plans. Due to the dynamic nature of the Workshop, Focus Groups may continue to revise their agenda as needed.
All other information about the 2016 Joint GEM-CEDAR Workshop can be found at the GEM Meeting Coordinator Website and the CEDARwiki 2016 Workshop Page.
- 1 Monday, June 20
- 1.1 0815-1000: Plenary Session
- 1.2 1025-1200: Plenary Session
- 1.3 1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
- 1.3.1 [FG] M3-I2: Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
- 1.3.2 [FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- 1.3.3 [FG] (Joint) Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection + Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- 1.3.4 [GEM-CEDAR] GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge
- 1.3.5 [GEM-CEDAR] Optical Calibration and Data Analysis
- 1.3.6 [GEM-CEDAR] Particle Precipitation and the Effects on Earth's Atmosphere
- 1.3.7 [GEM-CEDAR] Data Integration in Geospace
- 1.3.8 [GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: The High-Latitude Geospace System
- 1.4 1600-1800: Splinter Sessions
- 1.4.1 [FG] M3-I2: Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
- 1.4.2 [FG] (Joint) Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
- 1.4.3 [FG] ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications
- 1.4.4 [GEM-CEDAR] GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge
- 1.4.5 [GEM-CEDAR] Community Input for new NASA missions
- 1.4.6 [GEM-CEDAR] Lidar workshop on AIM coupling
- 1.4.7 [GEM-CEDAR] Exosphere impacts on the plasmasphere
- 1.4.8 [GEM-CEDAR] Python in Space Science
- 1.4.9 [GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: The High-Latitude Geospace System
- 2 Tuesday, June 21
- 2.1 0815-1000: Plenary Session
- 2.2 1025-1200: Plenary Session
- 2.3 1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
- 2.3.1 [FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
- 2.3.2 [FG] (Joint) Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures + Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
- 2.3.3 [FG] Modeling Methods and Validation (Joint with CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge)
- 2.3.4 [GEM-CEDAR] GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge
- 2.3.5 [GEM-CEDAR] Crowd to Cloud: Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Data for Geospace Science
- 2.3.6 [GEM-CEDAR] MIT Coupling Drivers and Impacts
- 2.3.7 [GEM-CEDAR] Exploring the Geospace Frontier: Quo Vadis?
- 3 Wednesday, June 22
- 3.1 0815-1000: Plenary Session
- 3.2 1025-1200: Plenary Session
- 3.3 1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
- 3.3.1 [FG] (Joint) Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances + Modeling Methods and Validation
- 3.3.2 [FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
- 3.3.3 [FG] (Joint) Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures + ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
- 3.3.4 [GEM-CEDAR] MIT Coupling Drivers and Impacts
- 4 Thursday, June 23
- 4.1 0815-1000: Plenary Session
- 4.2 1025-1200: Plenary Session
- 4.3 1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
- 4.3.1 [FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
- 4.3.2 [FG] (Joint) M3-I2: Modeling Methods and Validation + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
- 4.3.3 [GEM-CEDAR] Origin and effects of suprathermal particles in the MI system
- 4.3.4 [GEM-CEDAR] Data Assimilation for Space Weather
- 4.3.5 [GEM-CEDAR] Geospace Empirical Models
- 4.3.6 [GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: Storms and Substorms Without Borders
- 4.4 1600-1800: Splinter Sessions
- 4.4.1 [FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
- 4.4.2 [FG] Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances
- 4.4.3 [FG] (Joint) ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications + Modeling Models and Validation
- 4.4.4 [GEM-CEDAR] Making sense of high-latitude geospace observations: modeling, data fusion and assimilation
- 4.4.5 [GEM-CEDAR] Coupling between the atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere through tropospheric and magnetospheric sources
- 4.4.6 [GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: Storms and Substorms Without Borders
- 5 Friday, June 24
- 5.1 0815-1000: Plenary Session
- 5.2 1025-1200: Plenary Session
- 5.3 1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
- 5.3.1 [FG] M3-I2: Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
- 5.3.2 [FG] (Joint) Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling + ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications
- 5.3.3 [FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- 5.3.4 [FG] Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions
- 5.3.5 [FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- 5.4 1600-1800: Splinter Sessions
- 5.4.1 [FG] Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
- 5.4.2 [FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
- 5.4.3 [FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- 5.4.4 [FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
- 5.4.5 [FG] (Joint) Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
Monday, June 20
0815-1000: Plenary Session
Location: SFCC Sweeney E/F
- Welcome by Josh Semeter, Mike Wiltberger, Students, Student Institutions, and Therese Moretto Jorgensen
- Tutorial GC#1 by Roger Varney -- Geospace electrodynamics
1025-1200: Plenary Session
Location: SFCC Sweeney E/F
- Tutorial GC#2 by Jesper Gjerloev -- Multiscale MI coupling
- Upcoming Session Info
1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
[FG] M3-I2: Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
Location: SFCC Sweeney A
- Topic: Effects of Ionospheric Ion Injections on the Magnetosphere
- Chair: Barbara Giles Scribe: Vince Eccles
- Charles R. Chappell (Invited) - Status of Injection of Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere
- Daniel Welling (Invited) - Status of Modeling the Effects of Ion Injection into the Magnetosphere
- Short contributed presentations with discussion
- Barbara Giles - MMS Observations
- Matina Gkioulidou - Van Allen Probe Ring Current Observations
- Naritoshi Kitamura - MMS FPI Observations
- Open Floor Discussion (bring a slide)
- Questions & methodology on magnetosphere effects of ion outflow.
- Ring current
- Plasmapause
- Tail and Substorms
[FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
Location: SFCC Sweeney C
This session will focus on kinetic physics in day- and night-side reconnection. With the recent launch of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) satellites, there is already a wealth of new data on kinetic scale physics. Scene setting talks to frame relevant questions and generate discussion will include particle acceleration in dayside reconnection (Allison Jaynes, CU-Boulder) and how global/non-local physics impacts kinetic reconnection physics (John Dorelli, NASA-GSFC), both of which will include discussion of MMS data. Other speakers on dayside reconnection are (in no particular order) Joo Hwang, Sun Hee Lee, Richard Denton, Jan Egedal, Rishi Mistry, Kris Maynard, and Cong Zhao. In addition, we will have a discussion of magnetotail stability, with a scene setting talk on recent progress (Slava Merkin, JHU-APL). Other speakers on magnetotail reconnection are (in no particular order) Yongliang Zhang, Stefan Kiehas, Haoming Liang, Misha Sitnov, Andrei Runov, Joachim Birn, Phil Pritchett, and Tony Lui.
[FG] (Joint) Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection + Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
Location: SFCC O'Keefe/Milagro/Kearny
- Topic: Impact of large-scale or transient electric fields on inner magnetosphere populations, and the role of particle precipitation of magnetospheric origin on the ionospheric electrodynamics
- Chairs: Stanislav Sazykin, Yiqun Yu
- Joe Huba : Storm-time electrodynamics of the ionosphere/plasmasphere system using SAMI3/RCM
- Richard Selesnick: Control of the inner electron radiation belt by large-scale electric fields
- Sam Califf: Van Allen Probes observations of subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) electric fields
- Scott Thaller: Van Allen Probes investing of the night/dusk asymmetries of the plasmapause and dawn-dusk electric field, a synoptic study
- Carlos Martinis: Coincident observations of all-sky images and Van Allen Probes
- Raluca Ilie: TBD
- Yiqun Yu: A new ionospheric precipitation module coupled with RAM-SCB in geospace general circulation model
[GEM-CEDAR] GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge
Location: SFCC Sweeney B
[GEM-CEDAR] Optical Calibration and Data Analysis
[GEM-CEDAR] Particle Precipitation and the Effects on Earth's Atmosphere
Location: SFCC Coronado/DeVargas
[GEM-CEDAR] Data Integration in Geospace
Location: Eldorado, Zia
[GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: The High-Latitude Geospace System
Location: SFCC Sweeney E/F
1600-1800: Splinter Sessions
[FG] M3-I2: Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
Location: SFCC Sweeney A
- Topic: Polar Wind Models and the Ionospheric Boundary Definition
- Chair: Shasha Zou Scribe: Barbara Giles
- Roger Varney (Invited) - Ion Energization in Polar Wind Models
- George Khazanov (Invited) - Polar Wind M-I-T Coupling: Kinetic Versus Hydrodynamic
- Short contributed presentations with discussion
- Shunrong Zhang - ISR Campaigns
- Doug Roland - Vision Sounding Rocket
- Bruce Fritz - Renu Sounding Rocket
- Bill Peterson - ePoP
- Open Floor Discussion (bring a slide)
- Questions & methodology on ionospheric boundary layer and ion energization.
- F-region/topside ionosphere processes as lower boundary
- Polar wind
- Model-measurement comparisons
[FG] (Joint) Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
[FG] ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications
- Topic: “Introducing the ULF wave modeling, effects, and applications focus group”
- Chairs: Michael Hartinger, Kazue Takahashi, and Brian Kress
- Michael Hartinger: Introduce UMEA FG, co-chairs
- Kazue Takahashi: ULF waves in the ring current: Source mechanisms and interaction with particles
- Mark Engebretson: EMIC waves
- Allison Jaynes: ULF wave modulation of VLF waves, precipitation, and the aurora
- Toshi Nishimura: ULF wave observation campaigns
- Seth Claudepierre: ULF wave interactions with the plasmasphere and modeling challenges
- Brian Kress: ULF wave modeling and radiation belt interactions
- Scot Elkington: ULF wave-particle interactions
- All: Discussion of open questions/challenges, 1-slide walk-ins
- Peter Chi: Global Poloidal modes
- Chih-Ping Wang: Pi2 waves
[GEM-CEDAR] GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge
Location: SFCC Sweeney B
[GEM-CEDAR] Community Input for new NASA missions
[GEM-CEDAR] Lidar workshop on AIM coupling
[GEM-CEDAR] Exosphere impacts on the plasmasphere
[GEM-CEDAR] Python in Space Science
[GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: The High-Latitude Geospace System
Tuesday, June 21
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- Agency Updates by Therese Moretto Jorgensen, Ruth Lieberman, Janet Kozyra, John Meriwether, Tom Berger, Dan Moses (NSF, NASA, NOAA)
- Science Highlight #1 by S. Ukhorskiy-- MI precursor to earthquakes
- Science Highlight #2a by Forbes -- Electrical Connections and Consequences Within the Earth System: Project Overview
- Science Highlight #2b by Thayer -- Electrical Connections and Consequences Within the Earth System: A quasi-static Global Electric Circuit (GEC) Model in WACCM
1025-1200: Plenary Session
- Portfolio Review by Bill Lotko, Dave Hysell, John Meriwether
- Upcoming Session Info
1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
- Topic: “Radiation Belt (RB) particles and modeling”
- Chairs: Weichao Tu and Steve Morley
- Hong Zhao: On the relation between radiation belt electron fluxes and solar wind parameters/geomagnetic indices
- Xinlin Li: Radiation belt electron intensity variations: Van Allen Probes era vs. previous two solar cycles
- Ashley Jones: Secular drift of the SAA from SAMPEX particle counts
- Drew Turner: The source of inner zone electrons by sudden injections
- Shri Kanekal: Near-Instantaneous energization of radiation belt electrons by IP shocks, including the March 17 2015 event
- Dan Baker: The March and June 2015 storms and their implications for radiation belt models
- Mary Hudson: Simulations of the March 2013 and March 2015 Storms
- Vania Jordanova: Modeling the seed population of the radiation belts with SHIELDS
- Adam Kellerman: Recent development and performance of the data-assimilative VERB code
- Lutz Rastaetter: CCMC results for challenge events
- Suk-bin Kang: Modeling of dropout and drift loss to the magnetopause using CIMI model for GEM challenge event on June 1 2013
- Alexander Drozdov: Response of radiation belt simulations to different radial diffusion coefficients
- Sasha Ukhorskiy (walk-in)
[FG] (Joint) Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures + Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
Dayside magnetopause processes and transport
Topics: Magnetopause reconnection, flux-transfer events, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, magnetopause waves, and other boundary layer processes
- Sanni Hoilijoki: Dayside magnetopause reconnection using a hybrid-Vlasov simulation code Vlasiator
- Sun-Hee Lee: Inverse Energy Dispersion of Energetic Ions Observed in the Magnetosheath: the Extent of the Reconnection Line
- Xuanya Ma: Magnetic Reconnection with a super-fast perpendicular shear flow (simulation)
- Sasha Ukhorskiy: The role of KH instability in the magnetopause losses of energetic particles: Hight-resolution MHD-test-particle simulations
- Andrey Samsonov: Magnetopause positions for northward and southward IMF: comparison between empirical and MHD models
- Naritoshi Kitamura: Part1: Current status of Geotail and use of the data. Part 2: Shift of the magnetopause reconnection line to the winter hemisphere under southward IMF conditions: Geotail and MMS observations
- Eunjin Choi: TBD
- Chih-Ping Wang: Magnetopause perturbations in the mid-tail during steady N IMF: ARTEMIS observations and global MHD simulations
[FG] Modeling Methods and Validation (Joint with CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge)
Dan Welling - Ionospheric Conductance in Global MHD
Ryan McGranaghan - High-latitude conductance observations and data assimilation
Contributed talks for conductance discussion
- Slava Merkin - Ionospheric turbulence contribution to conductivity and global effects
Followed by discussion of GEM Conductance Challenge
[GEM-CEDAR] GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge
[GEM-CEDAR] Crowd to Cloud: Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Data for Geospace Science
[GEM-CEDAR] MIT Coupling Drivers and Impacts
[GEM-CEDAR] Exploring the Geospace Frontier: Quo Vadis?
Wednesday, June 22
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- GEM Tutorial #1 by James Smith -- System science tutorial
- GEM Tutorial #2 by Marc Lessard -- Aurora and ionosphere/thermosphere coupling
1025-1200: Plenary Session
- GEM Tutorial #3 by Maria Usanova -- Student invited tutorial
1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
[FG] (Joint) Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances + Modeling Methods and Validation
Mid-Tail Modeling Challenge: A prolonged N IMF event from 13 to 14 Feb 2014
Chih-Ping Wang: Overview of the event
Joseph Jensen: OpenGGCM
Slava Merkin: LFM
Ilja Honkonen: GUMICS
Xueyi Wang: Auburn University Global Hybrid code
[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
- Topic: “Waves and local interactions”
- Chairs: Wen Li and Jay Albert
- Louis Ozeke: Quantifying the ULF wave radial diffusion coefficients using global ground based magnetometer measurements for each of the GEM challenge events
- Jean-Francois Ripoll: Reproducing the observed energy-dependent structure of Earth’s electron radiation belts during storm recovery with an event-specific diffusion model
- Irina Zhelavskaya: Automated determination of electron density from electric field measurements on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft using neural networks
- Xiangning Chu: Observation and neural network modeling of the refilling plasmasphere
- Dave Hartley: Quantifying the variable sheath impedance of the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument using whistler-mode waves
- Wen Li: New chorus wave properties near the equator from Van Allen Probes wave observations
- Homayon Aryan: Average chorus scale size
- Jinxing Li: Coherent Whistler Waves Simultaneously Observed in Unexpectedly Large Spatial Scale
- Jacob Bortnik: The observed and simulated saturation characteristics of chorus waves
- Lunjin Chen: Evaluation of electron pitch angle scattering rates based on observed EMIC waves
- Xiaojia Zhang: The statistical distribution of EMIC wave spectra using Van Allen Probes observations
- Xiangrong Fu: Modeling EMIC wave properties: linear theory and hybrid simulation
- Oleksiy Agapitov
[FG] (Joint) Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures + ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
Magnetospheric signatures of dayside transients
Heli Hietala- Impact rates of magnetosheath high speed jets (to discuss observational inputs required for magnetospheric models)
Hui Zhang – HFA generated ULF waves in the magnetosphere
Boyi Wang - Triggering of poleward moving auroral forms by satellite-imager coordinated observations
Boyi Wang - Response of dayside aurora on closed field lines to solar wind driving
Desheng Han - Throat aurora: the ionospheric signature of cold magnetospheric plasmas interaction with the dayside magnetopause reconnection
Alexa Halford - BARREL observations of the open closed boundary
Slava Merkin - Energetic particles losses through KHI at the magnetopause
Mike Hartinger- Inter-hemispheric (Antarctica/Greenland magnetometers) comparisons of the response to an interplanetary shock
Reserve time to brainstorm on how to connect the future activities of the new Dayside Kinetics and ULF Wave FGs
[GEM-CEDAR] MIT Coupling Drivers and Impacts
Thursday, June 23
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- Tutorial GC#3 by Phil Erickson -- Cold plasma effect
- Science Highlight GC#4 -- MI precursor to earthquakes
- Science Highlight GC#5 -- Ionospheric reconnection
- Science Highlight GC#6 -- LWS TR&T
1025-1200: Plenary Session
- Tutorial GC#4 by Shasha Zou -- Dynamic High-Latitude Ionospheric Convection: Drivers and Effects
1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
(Sweeney A)
Substorm event presentation & discussion
- Larry Lyons
- Larry Kepko
- Tony Lui
Short contributed talks
- Dick Wolf: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and interchange stability in a growth-phase arc
- Eric Donovan: Evolution and mapping of substorm onset arc
- Shin Ohtani: PBI-polar cap flow connection
- Misha Sitnov: Distinguish between roles as triggers of the substorm instability and drivers
- Larry Kepko: Statistical analysis of substorm onset and auroral streamers
- Liz MacDonald: Aurorasaurus--Auroral beads seen by citizen scientists
[FG] (Joint) M3-I2: Modeling Methods and Validation + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
Kick-off session of the first dayside modelling challenge
- Heli Hietala: Introduction to the focus group and overview of the challenge
- Yuxi Chen (student): MHD-EPIC and its application for Earth's magnetopause
- Sanni Hoilijoki (student): global hybrid-Vlasov simulation Vlasiator
- Naritoshi Kitamura: overview of two MMS-Geotail conjunctions
- Heli Hietala: list of THEMIS-Cluster-Geotail conjunctions
- Andrew Dimmock: THEMIS statistics of magnetosheath properties
Followed by open discussion on science priorities, specs and metrics
[GEM-CEDAR] Origin and effects of suprathermal particles in the MI system
[GEM-CEDAR] Data Assimilation for Space Weather
[GEM-CEDAR] Geospace Empirical Models
[GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: Storms and Substorms Without Borders
1600-1800: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
(Cont'd from the 13:30-15:30 session, Sweeney A)
Substorm event presentation & discussion
- Larry Lyons
- Larry Kepko
- Tony Lui
Short contributed talks
- Dick Wolf: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and interchange stability in a growth-phase arc
- Eric Donovan: Evolution and mapping of substorm onset arc
- Shin Ohtani: PBI-polar cap flow connection
- Misha Sitnov: Distinguish between roles as triggers of the substorm instability and drivers
- Larry Kepko: Statistical analysis of substorm onset and auroral streamers
- Liz MacDonald: Aurorasaurus--Auroral beads seen by citizen scientists
[FG] Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances
1. Gabor Facsko: Properties of the solar wind near the Moon in the magnetotail
2. Peter Chi: Waves at ion gyrofrequencies in the magnetotail: ARTEMIS observations near the Moon
3. Anton Artemyev: Conjugated observations of magnetotail by THEMIS, Geotail, and ARTEMIS spacecraft
4. Chih-Ping Wang: ARTEMIS-THEMIS tail conjunctions: initiating next modeling challenge for connection between mid-tail and near-Earth magnetosphere
5. Shin Ohtain: Poleward boundary intensification and polar-cap flows
6. Simon Wing: DMSP observations of polar-cap boundary during the 2014-02-13 N IMF event
7. Chih-Ping Wang: ULF waves at mid-tail and ground magnetic field during the 2014-02-13 N IMF event
[FG] (Joint) ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications + Modeling Models and Validation
- Topic: “ULF wave modeling”
- Chairs: Michael Hartinger and Lutz Rastaetter
- Bob Lysak: ULF waves at the terminator under solstice conditions
- Mike Hartinger: Magnetopause surface eigenmodes
- Colin Komar: Capturing the Drift Resonant Interaction in a Bounce-Averaged Kinetic Model
- Rualdo Soto: RBSPICE measurements of ring current ion modulations of pc5 waves
- Lutz Rastaetter: TBD
- All: discussion of the ongoing modeling challenge, open discussion of other challenges
[GEM-CEDAR] Making sense of high-latitude geospace observations: modeling, data fusion and assimilation
[GEM-CEDAR] Coupling between the atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere through tropospheric and magnetospheric sources
[GEM-CEDAR] Grand Challenge: Storms and Substorms Without Borders
Friday, June 24
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- GEM Tutorial #4 by Bob Lysak -- ULF wave modeling
- GEM Tutorial #5 by Mike Hartinger -- ULF wave observations
1025-1200: Plenary Session
- GEM Tutorial #6 by Hui Zhang -- SWMI
1330-1530: Splinter Sessions
[FG] M3-I2: Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
- FRIDAY PM1 13:30-15:30 SFCC SWEENEY A (CEDAR scientists invited)
- Topic: Planning for M3-I2 Focus Area: 5-Year Plan and 1-Year Plan (Must attend to influence plans!)
- Chair: Vince Eccles Scribe: Shasha Zou
- Bob Strangeway - What are the Questions of Ion Injection and Magnetospheric Response
- Short contributed presentations with discussion.
- Vince Eccles - Summary of Monday Sessions
- Naritoshi Kitamura - Model and Measurement Comparisons of Ion Outflow
- OPEN FLOOR for 5-year plan (bring a slide)
- Questions to address
- Methodologies to address questions (quiet time and storms)
- Specific collaborations (meetings, with other focus groups, challenges)
- Desired products (GGCM, reports, special sections)
- OPEN FLOOR for 1-year plan (bring a slide)
- AGU session Ion Upflow/Outflow Physics and Their Effects on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- Specific period studies for models and measurements
[FG] (Joint) Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling + ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications
- Topic: “ULF waves and nonlocal transport”
- Chairs: Jay Albert and Kazue Takahashi
- Greg Cunningham: Radial diffusion in non-dipolar background fields
- Theodore Sarris: Quantifying outer belt electron radial diffusion based on Van Allen Probes data and test particle simulation
- Wen Li (walk-in): The potential importance of pitch angle dependence in DLL
- Anthony Chan: Evaluation of Drift-Shell-Splitting Effects using 3D Diffusion Modeling
- Qianli Ma: Radial intrusion of energetic electrons in the slot region
- Solene Lejosne: Modulations of the electric drift below L~3 due to the ionosphere dynamo
- Yan Song: The role of ULF waves in the particle acceleration
- Mike Hartinger: Globally coherent ULF waves: azimuthal wave numbers and other properties
[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- Topics: wave-particle interactions
- Mark Engebretson: Location of EMIC Wave Events Relative to the Plasmapause: Van Allen Probes Observations
- Delong Wang: Geomagnetic Storms and EMIC waves: Van Allen Probe Observations and Related Calculations.
- Anthony Saikin: Testing Linear Theory on EMIC waves observed by Van Allen Probes
- Jichun Zhang: EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 25-26 January 2013
- Kaijun Liu: Ion Bernstein instability dependence on the proton-to-electron mass ratio: linear dispersion theory
[FG] Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions
Location: Sweeney D
1. Slava Merkin
2. Misha Sitnov
3. Dan Baker: “Van Allen Probes and MMS combined studies of substorm injections"
4. Christine Gabrielse
5. W. Douglas Cramer: “Importance of Ring Current Plasma Transport Mechanisms in the Magnetotail”
[FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
This session will begin by completing any presentations that were not finished during the Monday 1:30pm session. There will be presentations by Kai Germaschewski and Amitava Bhattacharjee on incorporating multi-fluid and kinetic effects into global models and an update by Yi-Hsin Liu on efforts to incorporate kinetic modeling into NASA’s CCMC. In the remaining time, there will be an open forum for discussion of topics about reconnection in the magnetosphere and a discussion on topics of interest for next year and the potential future of the reconnection focus group beyond when the current version ends next year.
1600-1800: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Merged Modeling & Measurement of Injection Ionospheric Plasma into the Magnetosphere and Its Effects
- Topic: Planning for M3-I2 Focus Area
- Chair: Vince Eccles Scribe: Shasha Zou
- Continued discussion if necessary
[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
- Topic: “RB "dropout" and "buildup" challenges and future plans”
- Chairs: Steve Morley and Wen Li
- Hui Zhu: Long-term relativistic radiation belt simulation with VERB code: using various parameterizations
- Nikita Aseev: Understanding the dynamics of electrons at GEO
- Yi-Jiun Su: Formation of the inner electron radiation belt by enhanced large-scale electric fields during the March 2013 storm
- Qianli Ma: Magnetosonic waves during the challenge events
- Weichao Tu: Low-altitude electron distributions during the challenge events
- Jay Albert: LCDS calculations for the challenge events
- Ashar Ali (by Scot Elkington): DLL quantification using Van Allen Probes Data
- Steve Morley on behalf of FG: Summary of challenge event resources
[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- Topics: interactions between plasma and electric/magnetic fields in the mid-tail to inner magnetosphere/ionosphere region
- Jiang Liu: Depolarization flux boudle’s (DFB) role in exciting inner magnetospheric injections
- Yiqun Yu: The effect of ionospheric conductance on magnetotail dynamics
- Thiago Brito: Ion fluxes at geosynchronous orbit from backwards tracing simulations
- Colby Lemon: TBD
- Bing Yang: Storm-time convection dynamics viewed from optical aurora: from Streamers to Patch Pulsating Aurora
- Cristian Ferradas: Temporal evolution of ion spectral structures during a geomagnetic storm: observations and modeling
- Jichun Zhang : Electron spectral features: observations and simulations
[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
Xiangning Chu and Bob McPherron: Association of substorm onset lists with each other and with fast flow in the plasma sheet
Banafhseh (Bashi) Ferdousi: Mapping plasma sheet flows from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere
Nadine Kalmoni: Dynamics of the onset arc
Eric Grono and Eric Donovan: Analysis of the motion of aurora in the red line (REGO) imagers
Bob Lysak: Plasma bubbles and M-I coupling
Kyle Murphy: Statistical analysis of auroral motion during the growth and expansion phase
Jiang Lui: Plasma sheet--a source of both R1 and R2 Birkeland currents
Toshi Nishimura: Similarities and differences between auroral streamers during isolated, active and non substorm times
Katie Garcia-Sage: Magnetotail modeling and plasma sheet flows
Jian Yang: RCM perspective of growth phase bubbles and streamers
[FG] (Joint) Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures + Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
Kinetic and transient processes in the foreshock, bow shock, and magnetosheath
Terry Liu - Observations of a new foreshock region upstream of a foreshock bubble's shock
Sanni Hoilijoki - Magnetopause-foreshock interactions induced by dayside reconnection
Heli Hietala - Growth rate and properties of ion beam generated foreshock ULF waves - ARTEMIS observations
Andrey Samsonov - Can we predict magnetospheric expansion for radial IMF using MHD codes?
Hui Zhang - A statistical study on Hot Flow Anomaly Current Sheets