2015 Summer Workshop
June 14-19 2015
Viceroy Hotels, Resorts & Residences, Snowmass, Colorado
Below is a fluid list of speakers provided by the GEM Workshop Coordinator and Focus Groups. The information here serves as a rough guide for those who wish to know the most updated session plans. Due to the nature of the GEM Workshop, Focus Groups may continue to revise their agenda as needed.
All other information about the 2015 Summer Workshop can be found at the GEM Meeting Coordinator Website.
- 1 Monday, June 15
- 2 Tuesday, June 16
- 2.1 0815-1000: Plenary Session
- 2.2 1030-1215: Splinter Sessions
- 2.2.1 [FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
- 2.2.2 [FG] The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma--Measuring, Modeling and Merging into the GEM GGCM
- 2.2.3 [FG] (Joint) Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms + Scientific Magnetic Mapping & Techniques
- 2.3 1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
- 2.4 1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
- 3 Wednesday, June 17
- 4 Thursday, June 18
- 5 Friday, June 19
Monday, June 15
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- MPS tutorial by Toshi Nishimura -- Fast flow channels in the magnetotail and auroral oval: Reconnection, substorm and beyond
- GSM tutorial by Alex Glocer -- Global modeling of the space environment system
1030-1215: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances
- Hui Zhang: Transient phenomena at tail Bow shock and magnetopause
- Sheng-Hsien Chen: K-H at the magnetopause and waves at LLBL
- Denny Oliveria: Tail response to interplanetary shocks
- Tim Stubbs (presented by David Sibeck): Mid-tail structure
- Rob Fear: Magnetotail structure associated with transpolar arcs
- Peter Chi: Ion cyclotron waves at the Moon and their connection to the plasma sheet and the lunar exosphere
- Ivan Vasko:Geotail observations in mid and distant tail
- Andrei Runov: Reconnection in the mid-tail
- John Lyon: LFM simulation of bubble formation in mid-tail during growth phase
- Joe Borovsky: The role of mid-tail in Geospace Systems Science
[FG] The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma--Measuring, Modeling and Merging into the GEM GGCM
Merged Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Models
- Bob Schunk: Generalized Polar Wind Models of GEM Storms, 1 (15 min)
- Vince Eccles: Generalized Polar Wind Models of GEM Storms, 2 (15 min)
- Abdallah Barakat: Generalized Polar Wind Models of GEM Storms, 3 (15 min)
- Dan Welling: Merged Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Models (20 min)
- Katie Garcia-Sage: MFLFM Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Simulation Results (20 min)
- Bill Lotko: Overview of Recent LFM Modeling and Thoughts for the Future (20 min)
[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
- Larry Lyons: Review--Hybrid scenario
- Mike Henderson: Review--Inside-out scenario
- Larry Kepko: Review--Outside-in scenario
- Ohtani/Motoba: Event presentation
- Yukinaga Miyashita: Event presentation
- Murphy/Mann/Rae: Event presentation
- Nishimura/Lyons: Event presentation
- Phil Pritchett: Comments from modeler
- Joachim Birn: Comments from modeler
- Misha Sitnov: Comments from modeler
- Mostafa El-Alaoui: Comments from modeler
- Walk-ins welcome.
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
Session 1 (Mon, 01:30-03:00 PM): “Radiation Belt (RB) observations and modeling results”
Chairs: Weichao Tu and Steve Morley
- 1. Mary Hudson: Recent simulation of the 'St Patrick's Day storm'
- 2. Alexander Drozdov: The VERB code modeling of the St. Patrick’s day Storm
- 3. Dan Baker: Impenetrable Barrier during March 17 2015 storm
- 4. Allison Jaynes: Fast diffusion of ultra-relativistic electrons: 17 March 2015 storm event
- 5. Thiago Brito: Simulations on Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation Response to ULF Waves
- 6. Drew Turner: Storm-time analysis of RB
- 7. Xinlin Li: Deep Injections of 10s – 100s of keV electrons (RBSP observations)
- 8. Jay Albert: Modeling “peculiar” pitch angle distributions with MS waves
[FG] The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma--Measuring, Modeling and Merging into the GEM GGCM
Merged Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Models Compared to Observations
- Dan Welling: Merged Ionos-Magnetosphere Models for GEM Storms (15 min)
- Lynn Kistler: Cluster Measurement/Model Comparisons During GEM Storms (20 min)
- Joe Borovsky: LANL Measurement/Model Comparisons During GEM Storms (20 min)
- Stein Haaland: The Estimation of Cold Plasma Outflow During Storms (20 min)
- Discussion
[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
- Robert McPherron: Point Processes: Association of Lists
- Nadine Kalmoni: Auroral dispersion relation
- Kyle Murphy: tools and methods
- Eric Donovan: Circle grams
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
Session 2 (Mon, 03:30-05:00 PM): “Various magnetospheric wave characteristics and their global distribution required in RB modeling”
Chairs: Wen Li and Jay Albert
- 1. Ashar Ali: Radial Diffusion Coefficients Using E and B Field Data from the Van Allen Probes
- 2. Seth Claudepierre: Advertisement for the GEM ULF Wave Challenge
- 3. Xinlin Li: Relation between ULF and radial diffusion of RB electrons
- 4. Lauren Blum: The relationship between EMIC waves and radiation belt electron precipitation
- 5. Wen Li: Global distribution of chorus wave intensity using the statistical model and POES technique
- 6. Jay Albert: Nonlinear wave-particle interaction
- 7. Qianli Ma: Evaluation of electron scattering due to typical magnetosonic waves using analytical formula
- 8. Lunjin Chen: The effect of bounce resonance with magnetosonic waves on the radiation belt electrons
- 9. Oleksiy Agapitov: Storm-induced energization and losses of radiation belt electrons: Effects of wave obliquity
[FG] The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma--Measuring, Modeling and Merging into the GEM GGCM
Inter-Model Comparison for GEM Storm Periods and New Measurements
- Continued Discussion of Merged Models and Measurements Comparison
- Naritoshi Kitamura: Ion Outflow Topics (20 min)
- Roger Varney: Hysteresis Effects in Coupled MFLFM-IPWM Models (15 min)
- Barbara Giles: Initial Plasma Measurements from MMS (20 min)
- Jonathan Krall: Ion Fluxes Into and Out of a Model Plasmasphere During Storm and Plasmasphere Refilling During Quiet Time (20 min)
[FG] Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms
- Ohtani/Motoba: Event presentation
- Miyashita: Event presentation
- Murphy/Mann/Rae: Event presentation
- Nishimura/Lyons: Event presentation
- Vassilis Angelopoulos: HSO
- FG learders: Future planning
Tuesday, June 16
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- IMAG tutorial by Weichao Tu -- Quantitative Modeling of Radiation Belt Dynamics: Overview and Challenges
- IMAG tutorial by Seth Claudepierre -- Van Allen Probes: Where We've Been and Where We're Going
1030-1215: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
Session 3 (Tue, 10:30-12:15 PM): “Seed populations, plasma density, and magnetic field configuration required in RB modeling”
Chairs: Jay Albert and Weichao Tu
- 1. Natalia Ganushkina: Low energy electrons in the inner magnetosphere
- 2. Mick Denton: An empirical model of electron and ion fluxes derived from observations at geosynchronous orbit
- 3. Alex Boyd: Quantifying the Radiation Belt Seed Population During the Van Allen Probes Era
- 4. Jian Yang: RCM-E simulation of energetic electron injections during an idealized storm
- 5. Oleksiy Agapitov: Time Domain Structures: generation mechanisms and effects for electrons
- 6. Xiangrong Fu: Double layers associated with electron/ion acoustic waves
- 7. James McCollough: DSX is still happening
- 8. Alex Crew: New results from FIREBIRD II
- 9. Quintin Schiller: A novel technique to apply electron lifetimes to radial diffusion models
[FG] The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma--Measuring, Modeling and Merging into the GEM GGCM
General Discussion of Modeling and Observations and Focus Group Planning
- Yuri Omelchenko: Global Multiscale Magnetospheric Simulations: HYPERS (15 min)
- John Wygant: The Powering of Highly Efficient Poynting Flux-Driven Wind Using Polar Spacecraft Measurements (15 min)
- Bruce Fritz: Ion Upflow Dependence on Ionospheric Density and Solar Photoionization (15 min)
- Bill Peterson: A New Look at DE-1 Escaping Ion Observations at Non-Storm Times (10 min) -- Accompanying poster by Kristina Lu
[FG] (Joint) Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms + Scientific Magnetic Mapping & Techniques
- Shin Ohtani - Morphological mapping based on the stability of the magnetotail
- Emma Spanswick - Riometer injection
- Elizabeth Roy - Open-closed boundary
- Jiang Liu - Current wedge structuring
- Chao Yue - 3-D magnetic field modeling
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling
Session 4 (Tue, 01:30-03:00 PM): “RB "dropout" and "buildup" challenges and Planning for future activities”
Chairs: Steve Morley and Wen Li
General short presentations (01:30-02:15 PM)
- 1. Yuri Shprits: Recent results of the reanalysis
- 2. Brian Kress: Observations and modeling of rebuilding during storms
- 3. Zhao Li: 3D test-particle simulation of the 17-18 March, 2013 CME-shock driven storm
- 4. Shri Kanekal and Dan Baker: Electron bursts during 17 March 2015 storm
"Dropout" and "Buildup" Challenges (02:15-03:00 PM)
- 5. Drew Turner: Candidate “Dropout” and “Buildup” challenge events
- 6. QARBM FG leaders: Discussion of “Dropout” and “Buildup” challenge events
- 7. Open discussions and plan for future FG activities
[FG] Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection
The two SIMIC sessions on Tuesday afternoon will focus mainly on the chosen events: 2013-03-17 and 2012-11-01 storms
A tentative list of presenters: <Presentation titles omitted>
- Shin Ohtani (JHU/APL)
- Lyons/Nishimura/Gallardo (UCLA)
- Bea Gallardo (UCLA)
- Rick Wilder (LASP)
- Margaret Chen (Aerospace)
- Gang Lu (NCAR)
- Jonathan Krall (NRL)
- Lois Smith (Michigan)
- Peter Chi (UCLA)
- Alex Glocer for Mei-Ching Fok (NASA)
- Mike Liemohn and Roxanne Katus (Michigan)
- Yiqun Yu and Vania Jordanova (LANL)
- Elizabeth MacDonald (GSFC)
- Bob Lysak (Univ. Minnesota)
- Mike Schulz
- James Weygand (UCLA)
- Phil Valek (SwRI)
- Doug Cramer (UNH)
- Brian Anderson (JHU/APL)
[FG] (Joint) Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions + Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
Chairs: Vassilis Angelopoulos (TIMI), Pontus Brandt (TIMI), John Lyon (TIMI), Frank Toffoletto (TIMI), Paul Cassak (Reconnection), Yi-Hsin Liu (Reconnection), Andrei Runov (Reconnection), Brian Walsh (Reconnection)
Scene Setting talks
- 1. Joachim Birn
- 2. Jim Drake
Contributed talks
- 1. Slava Merkin - magnetotail stability in the presence of B_z minimum
- 2. Misha Sitnov - new class of equilibria taking into account dipole field and B_z hump
- 3. Misha Sitnov - temperature increase at dipolarization fronts
- 4. Haoming Liang (w/Ashour-Abdalla and Walker) - oxygen effects on dipolarization fronts
- 5. Ying Zou - imager observations of PBI triggering by polar cap structures
- 6. Toshi Nishimura - MHD simulation of nightside localized reconnection triggering by lobe flow channels
- 7. Yu Lin - global hybrid simulation of the storm-time magnetotail and reconnection flux ropes
- 8. Phil Pritchett - instability of current sheets with a localized accumulation of magnetic flux
- 9. Phil Pritchett - structure of reconnection flow jets
- 10. Joo Hwang (by David Sibeck) - recent MMS observations of dipolarization fronts
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
[FG] (Joint) Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling + Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
Session 5 (Tue, 03:30-05:00 PM): “Joint session with “Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions” FG”
Chairs: Jichun Zhang and Weichao Tu
- 1. Wen Li: Quantitative simulation of radiation belt electron dynamics using 3D diffusion code
- 2. Yuri Shprits: Combined Convective and Diffusive Simulation: VERB-4D Results
- 3. Xiangrong Fu: Modeling EMIC wave generation from ring current ions
- 4. Anthony Saikin: The geomagnetic condition dependence of the spatial distributions of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
- 5. Jacob Bortnik: Generation of chorus waves in a lab plasma
- 6. Xin An: Linear excitation of whistler waves
- 7. Shuo Wu: Hybrid Code Simulations of Whistler Waves in Compressed Dipole Field
- 8. Chih-ping Wang: Multi-point observation of ULF waves
[FG] Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection
Continuing the SIMIC session at 1330-1500.
[FG] Geospace Systems Science
“Time Lags in Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions”
speakers will include
Mick Denton: mass transport
Bob McPherron: physical interpretation of time lags
Roger Varney: ionospheric outflow
Shin Ohtani: circuit timescales
Bob Clauer: ionospheric convection
Audience Discussion
Wednesday, June 17
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- Agency report by Vladimir Papitashvili -- Introduction
- Agency report by Janet Kozyra -- NSF GEM Program
- Agency report by Howard Singer -- NOAA Agency Report
- Bill Lotko -- Overview of NSF AGS Portfolio Review and Discussion
1030-1215: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- Topic: "wave-particle interactions"
June 17, Wednesday 10:30-12:15pm
- Mark Engebretson (Challenge event) - Van Allen probes, NOAA, and ground observations of an intense Pc 1 wave event extending 12 hours in MLT and its resulting depletion of the outer radiation belt
- Justin Lee (Challenge event) - Discussion of Wave-Particle Interactions during the 18-22 Feb 2014 Storm
- Michael Hartinger -The effect of azimuthal wave number on ULF wave-particle interactions
- Chen Zhou - Excitation of Dayside Chorus Waves due to Magnetic Field Line Compression in Response to Interplanetary Shocks
- Homayon Aryan - The distribution of plasmaspheric Hiss and Chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere as functions of geomagnetic activity and solar wind parameters
- Robert Allen - Statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster
- Konstantin Gamayunov - Multiscale nature of electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave development in Earth’s magnetosphere
- Vania Jordanova - RAM-SCB simulations of plasma wave dynamics
- Adam Kellerman - Forecasting the Earth’s radiation environment with GREEP and VERB: a synthesis of empirical- and physics-based modeling across multiple energies and spatial regions
[FG] Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures
Topic: Foreshock Phenomena
1. Zixu Liu "THEMIS observations of tangential discontinuity-driven foreshock bubbles"
2. Nick Omidi (presented by Jean Berchem) “Impacts of SHFAs on the Magnetosheath & Magnetopause”
3. Hui Zhang "Evolution of HFAs: Cluster Observations"
4. Olga Gutynska “Density enhancements in the magnetosheath: comparison with simulations”
5. Narges Ahmadi “Effects of Electron Anisotropy in Mirror Instability Evolution in the Magnetosheath”
6. David Sibeck “The Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) Mission”
[FG] Metrics and Validation
Session #1: Magnetopause crossing challenge and additional M&V contributions
- Lutz Rastaetter: Overview and initial results from the Magnetopause Crossing Challenge
- Mike Wiltberger: Magnetopause dynamics during the March 17th, 2013 event
- Rob Redmon: The future of GOES: Magnetic field and particle observation and modeling to determine magnetopause crossings
- Mike Liemohn: Assessment of the CCMC Experimental Real-time SWMF-Geospace Results
- Dan Welling: Model skill as a function of solar wind driving.
- Ilja Honkonen: Data / Model comparisons with GUMICS
M&V Wrap up: Recent highlights and future plans for Metrics & Validation at GEM
- Howard Singer dicussion lead
[Special] HSO coordination
Discussions on science and campaigns for the upcoming HSO satellite-ground coordination.
- Vassilis Angelopoulos (Intro, an overview and THEMIS-MMS coordination, THEMIS plans)
- Toshi Nishimura (a PPT on coordination: times, geometry, tentative assets)
- Marilia Samara (on MMS and ground based?)
- Brian Anderson (AMPERE)
- Eric Donovan (TREx)
- Stephen Mende (AGOs)
- Jo Baker (SuperDARN)
- Yukinaga Miyashita (ERG)
- Naritoshi Kitamura (Geotail)
- Sasha Ukhorsky (Van Allen Probes)
- Marc Lessard (WAIS)
- Peter Chi (ULTIMA)
- Drew Turner, Seth Claudepierre, Jacob Bortnik, Mike Hartinger, Shin Ohtani, Jimmy Raeder, Wen Li, Bill Lotko, Rick Chappell, Liz McDonald, Frank Toffoletto, Paul Cassak (Science comments)
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- Topic: "plasma-field coupling"
June 17 Wednesday 1:30-3:00pm
- Lois Smith - Plasmaspheric Suprathermal Heating from Cyclotron Resonance with Equatorial Noise
- Raluca Ilie - Calculating the Inductive electric fields in the terrestrial magnetosphere
- Samuel Califf - Van Allen Probes observations of SAPS during the 28 June 2013 geomagnetic storm
- Hong Zhao - The evolution of ring current ion energy density and energy content during geomagnetic storms based on Van Allen Probes measurements
- Jichun Zhang - “Trunk-like” heavy ion structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Cristian Ferradas - Ion nose spectral structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
[FG] Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures
Topic: Magnetopause Phenomena
1. Hyunju Connor “Thermospheric heating in the high-latitude dayside regions after the sudden enhancement of solar wind dynamic pressure: OpenGGCM-CTIM results”
2. Denny Oliveira <dennymauricio@gmail.com> “Impact angle control of IP shock geoeffectiveness: results of simulations and observations"
3. Michael Hartinger “The global structure and time evolution of dayside magnetopause surface eigenmodes”
4. Brian Walsh “KH waves at the dayside magnetopause”
5. Chih-Ping Wang “The hot electron enhancement in mid-tail magnetosheath and its dawn-dusk asymmetry”
6. Sun-Hee Lee (Presented by Hui Zhang) “Cold dense plasma observed at the Dayside Magnetopause and their dependence on solar wind and geomagnetic conditions”
[FG] Metrics and Validation
Session #2: ULF Wave Challenge
- Seth Claudepierre: ULF Wave Challenge overview and addressable science questions
- Ian Mann: Preliminary challenge time periods based on ground magnetometers
- Peter Chi: Global distribution of ULF power from ULTIMA, and in-situ observations of poloidal waves
- Lutz Rastaetter: Newly developed CCMC analysis tools supporting the ULF Challenge, and initial results
- Colin Komar: ULF power in the BATSRUS model and resonance conditions with electrons
- Scot Elkington: Mode structure calculations
- Seth Claudepierre: a few walk on slides
- Ashar Ali: From Van Allen Probes E & B measurements to radial diffusion coefficients.
- Slava Merkin: ULF waves in the LFM.
- Chih-Ping Wang: Observations (RBSP, THEMIS, Geotail) and simulations (LFM) of a 2-hour ULF wave interval.
[Special] SPEDAS Software
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions
- Topic: "magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling"
June 17 Wednesday 3:30-5:00pm
- Dan Welling - Relationship between ionospheric outflow and the ring current
- George Khazanov - Superthermal Electrons Magnetosphere – Ionosphere Coupling in the Regions of Diffuse Aurora
- Megan Gillies - Investigating pulsating aurora at low electron energies
- Ryan Mcgranaghan - Modes of high-latitude conductance variability derived from DMSP F6-F8 and F16-F18 energetic electron precipitation observations: Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis
- Alexa Halford (challenge event) - BARREL Observations of long period precipitation on Jan 26th 2013
- Jichun Zhang (challenge event) - EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 25-26 January 2013
- Yiqun Yu (challenge event) - Modeling ionospheric electron precipitation due to wave particle interactions in the ring current during the 25-26 January 2013 event
- Yi-Jiun Su (challenge event) -RBSP/MagEIS observations: Local electron acceleration in the inner radiation belt?
[FG] Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures
Topic: Ground Signatures
1. Michael Hartinger “The effect of northern-southern hemisphere conductivity asymmetries on ground magnetic responses during a large solar wind transient”
2. Christina Chu “Hot Flow Anomalies at the Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures”
[FG] (Joint) Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere + Metrics and Validation
Chairs: Paul Cassak (Reconnection), Yi-Hsin Liu (Reconnection), Andrei Runov (Reconnection), Brian Walsh (Reconnection), Tim Guild (Metrics), Masha Kuznetsova (Metrics), Lutz Rastaetter (Metrics), Aaron Ridley (Metrics), Howard Singer (Metrics)
- 1. Discussion of finding the electron diffusion region (with MMS)
- 2. Discussion of PIC simulations into CCMC
- 3. Liang Wang - Integrating a multi-fluid moment code into OpenGGCM
[Special] TDAS demo
Thursday, June 18
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- SWMI tutorial by Robert Fear -- Flux transfer events: Looking ahead to MMS
- Student-invited tutorial by Barbara Giles -- title
1030-1215: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Geospace Systems Science
“Analysis of Extreme Events”
Surja Sharma: overview talk
Jeff Love: Dst statistics
Slava Merkin: ionospheric turbulence
Audience Discussion
[FG] Scientific Magnetic Mapping & Techniques
[FG] (Joint) Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions + Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection
Topics include overlap with TIMI (role of entropy bubbles in the inner magnetosphere), as well as other topics relevant to both focus groups.
Presenters: <presentation titles omitted>
- Mike Wiltberger
- Mike Henderson(LANL)
- George Khazanov (GSFC)
- Natalia Ganushkina and Stepan Dubyagin
- Sheng-Hsien (Sean) Chen (GSFC)
- Bob Schunk (USU)
- Matina Gkioulidou (JHU/APL)
- Shin Ohtani (JHU/APL)
- Xueling Shi (VTech)
- Jian Yang (Rice U.)
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
[FG] (Joint) Geospace Systems Science + Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
Chairs: Joe Borovsky (Systems), Bill Lotko (Systems), Vadim Uritsky (Systems), Juan Valdivia (Systems), Paul Cassak (Reconnection), Yi-Hsin Liu (Reconnection), Andrei Runov (Reconnection), Brian Walsh (Reconnection)
Scene setting talks
- 1. Binzheng Zhang
- 2. Colin Komar
Contributed talks
- 1. Misha Sitnov - tearing stability criterion'
- 2. Bill Lotko - effects of auroral (low-altitude) field-aligned potential drops on nightside reconnection and energy flow in MI coupling
[FG] Scientific Magnetic Mapping & Techniques
[FG] Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions
1. Drew Turner, (Aerospace)
2. Sasha Ukhorskiy, (JHU/APL), “Proton Acceleration at Injection Fronts in the Inner Magnetosphere”
3. Chih-Ping Wang, (UCLA)
4. Christine Gabrielse, (UCLA)
5. Larry Lyons (UCLA)
6. Jian Yang, (Rice)
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Geospace Systems Science
“Systems-Science Tools, Methodologies, and Results”
Jacob Bortnik: Machine learning
Konstantin Gamayunov: System-based approach to EMIC waves
Delores Knipp: Estimating uncertainty in DMSP Poynting
Lutz Rastatter: Modeling joule heat in the ionosphere
Audience Discussion
[FG] Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
Chairs: Paul Cassak (Reconnection), Yi-Hsin Liu (Reconnection), Andrei Runov (Reconnection), Brian Walsh (Reconnection)
- 1. Colby Haggerty, heating during reconnection
- 2. Shan Wang - Electron heating during magnetotail reconnection: deriving the heating coefficient and effects of unloading
- 3. Rick Wilder, moving X-line in cusp
- 4. Paul Cassak, asymmetric reconnection with flow shear
[FG] Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions
1. Jodie Barker Ream (UCLA), “Pi2 propagation in global MHD simulations”
2. Aaron Schutza, (Rice), "Thin filament simulations"
3. Roxanne Katus, (Univ. Michigan), “Magnetospheric ion temperature derived from TWINS flux data”
4. John Wygant, (Univ. Minnesota)
5. Zhengwei Cheng, (UNH), , “A case study of the particle carriers of field-aligned currents in the magnetotail during a substorm: Cluster observation.”
Friday, June 19
0815-1000: Plenary Session
- MIC tutorial by Stein Haaland -- Cold ion outflow from the polar cap
1030-1215: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Geospace Systems Science
“Behavior of the Geospace System”
Jonathan Krall: SAMI3 simulations of M-I-T coupling
Wen Li: solar wind and the radiation belts
Vania Jordanova: multiple connections in the magnetosphere in the SHIELDS project
Joe Borovsky: behavior modes from global correlation analysis
Audience Discussion