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Merged Modeling & Measurement of Ionospheric Plasma Injection into the Magnetosphere (M3I2) and Its Effects: Plasma Sheet, Ring Current, and Substorm Dynamics

GEM and GEM/CEDAR Joint Sessions Announcement CO-CHAIRS (reverse alphabetical): Shasha Zou, University of Michigan, shashaz@umich.edu Barbara Giles, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, barbara.giles@nasa.gov Vince Eccles, Utah State University, vince.eccles@aggiemail.usu.edu

Our goal for this GEM Focus Area is to understand the role of the ionosphere in populating the magnetosphere with plasma and the magnetospheric dynamics that are influenced by this process. The key results of addressing this goal will include (1) refined outflow models through comparison to measurements and inter-model comparisons, (2) merge GGCMs with coupled ion-outflow models, (3) quantitative and qualitative understanding of the ion upflow and the effects of ion outflow on plasma sheet, ring current, substorm dynamics, (4) recommendations for M-I studies and the planned Decadal Survey satellite missions.

The intention for these sessions at the June GEM/CEDAR meeting are to initiate this new 5-year focus area and receive input from the GEM/CEDAR community on questions, measurement opportunities, and organization to address this important topic of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere system. Breakout Sessions 1 and 2 are particularly targeted for GEM-CEDAR collaboration. CEDAR scientists are encouraged to participate in the Friday science planning sessions as well.

We invite GEM and CEDAR scientists to bring a slide or two to express thoughts on how the community can best move forward in addressing the questions of ion upflow, ion outflow, and the effect in the magnetosphere. Please contact us to let us know in which session you wish to speak.


Session 1: Status, Questions, & Opportunities—Introduction and Review of Effects of Ionospheric Ion Injections on the Magnetosphere Monday PM1, Sweeney A (108) (Draft schedule) It has become apparent to the magnetospheric and inner magnetospheric modeling community that model results are dramatically altered by the presence and placement of ionospheric ions throughout the magnetosphere. Both quiet time and storm time ionospheric upflow and outflow must be correctly established to advance a better understanding of the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (M-I-T) coupled system. This must truly be a GEM-CEDAR joint effort to address the ionosphere boundary layer, the ion energization region of the polar wind, the magnetospheric response to solar wind drivers and the ionospheric outflow, and, finally, the feedback into the lower ionosphere-thermosphere. Invited speakers will review the status of current understanding and modeling of the effects of ionospheric ion injections on the magnetosphere. The GEM Focus Group Chairs will present goals-overview of plans and moderate a discussion on new in situ observational opportunities for metric studies to direct improvements in the current Geospace General Circulation Models (GGCMs). Special focus in the session discussion will be placed on the effects of the outflow on the particular regions of the magnetosphere (plasma sheet, ring current, substorm dynamics) and the necessary investigations towards improving GGCMs and the M-I-T feedback loops. It is important for the GEM and CEDAR community to provide input for the planning of this new 5-year Focus Area effort.

Session 2: Status, Questions, & Opportunities—Shortcomings of Polar Wind Models and the Ionospheric Boundary Definition (GEM-CEDAR Collaboration Session) Monday PM2, Sweeney A (108) Invited speakers (TBA) will review the status of current understanding and modeling of ion upflow initiated in the ionospheric boundary. This is key for proper M-I-T coupling. There are many open questions on ion energization for the ionospheric polar wind that the community still must address. In order to address this question properly, the spatial and temporal variations of the ionospheric boundary (<600 km) must be defined accurately in the polar and sub-auroral regions for appropriate comparison of PW model results to satellite data. The GEM Focus Group Chairs will then present goals and moderate a discussion on the open questions of ion upflow/outflow. This effort should strive to marshal new in situ and ground-based observational abilities with current modeling capabilities to addressing these open issues. CEDAR scientists are strongly encouraged to participate in this session as a collaborative GEM-CEDAR Session on M-I-T coupling.

Session 3: Recap and Organize—Strategic Planning for Model Runs, and Model-Measurement Comparisons (GEM Session with CEDAR Invitations) Friday PM1, Sweeney A (108) Invited speakers (TBA) will review big picture possibilities of the Focus Area for advancing community capabilities and GGCMs. The Chairs will summarize results of the previous two breakout sessions, then moderate a discussion about the development of realistic plans for the current year and long term efforts. These include campaigns, specific storms/substorms, model-measurement comparisons, and other activities.

Session 4: Open Planning Friday PM2, Sweeney A (108) Face to face and sub-group circles will meet to finalize plans and share information to establish momentum for this year's efforts.