M3-I2 Community Storm Study #1
Storm #1: 2016 Mar 4-9 (64-68) KDst = -98, Kp=6.3, F10.7=96, F107A=90
We propose modeling and measuring the two quiet days prior to the storm (4,5), the day of the storm main phase (6), and two recovery days (7,8).
The choice of this storm is based on the excellent measurement support of ground-based instrumentation and the reasonable support of magnetospheric satellites (MMS, Van Allen Probes). I choosing these two recent storms to encourage other validation focus groups within NSF-GEM and NSF-CEDAR communities to join in these model-measurement studies. This invitation includes magnetosphere, inner magnetosphere, ring current, polar wind outflow, high-latitude ionosphere & electrodynamics, and the full coupled system.
The M3-I2 focus group leaders are committed to helping the GEM/CEDAR community in the collection of reduced data sets including ground-based and space-based data sets:
- Magnetometers
- Incoherent Scatter Radar Ne, Te, Ti profiles
- SuperDARN line-of-sight
- AMPERE currents
- DMSP j/4 electron precipitation & cross-track drifts
- Van Allen Probes
- Other satellites as available (Geotail, ...)
The M3-I2 focus group leaders are also committed to helping the GEM/CEDAR community in the merging of models and sharing of results. We anticipate several nominal output fields but are open to new suggestions of important shared fields and benchmark results.
N/S high-latitude ionosphere fields:
- Topside ion upflow
- Ionospheric convection potential
- Electron precipitation
- Vertical TEC Structuring
- Temperature structure
- Penetration electric fields
N/S Polar Wind fields:
- 2D Ion outflow flux at 2.5 Re
- 2D Ion N, V, T at 2.5 Re
Inner Magnetosphere:
- Calculated Dst and Ring Current
- 2D Ne, [O+], [H+], [He+] densities in equatorial plane
- Van Allen Probe predictions of HOPE instrument
- MMS predictions