GEM M3-I2 Sessions June 18-23, 2017 

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2017 GEM Workshop June 18-23, 2017

Co-Chairs for M3-I2 Sessions

Barbara Giles, NASA/GSFC/GPL
Shasha Zou, U. of Michigan/CLaSP
Vince Eccles, USU/CASS

We want to begin collaborative efforts for examining the storm period chosen for community study -- 2016 Mar 4-8 (DOY 64-68). This will be the encouraged focus for M3I2 GEM Mini-Workshop at 2017 Fall AGU.

Session 1: Wednesday 10:30AM - Port VI-VIII - Main Focus: Ion Outflow Effects on the Magnetosphere and Ring Current
Merged Modeling & Measurement

The focus group leaders for Merged Modeling and Measurements for the Magnetosphere with Ionospheric Ion Outflow (M3-I2) invite speakers to discuss model-measurement of ion outflow on the magnetosphere and ring current during quiet, storm, and recovery times. We are open to any study of ion outflow effects in the magnetosphere and ring current. We encourage the integration of the observations from MMS and Van Allen probes with support from additional magnetospheric satellites (THEMIS, GEOTAIL, etc) when available. The intention is to move towards second-generation ion-outflow/magnetosphere modeling and understanding of the eventual distribution and history of the ionospheric ion component of magnetospheric plasma.

  1. Overview of the Working Group Goals
  2. Barbara Giles: MMS Measurements/Opportunities for Ionospheric Outflow into the Plasma Sheet
  3. Rick Chappell: MMS Measurements of Lobal and Polar Wind outflow into the Plasma Sheet
  4. Naritoshi Kitamura: Measurements from the March 4-8, 2016 Storm
  5. Lynn Kistler: When do we need to consider the solar wind as a source for oxygen in the magnetosphere?
  6. Dan Welling: Magnetospheric Modeling including Ionospheric Outflow
  7. Jichun Zhang: Ionospheric outflow variations observed by MMS during the 23 June 2015 intense storm
  8. Matina Gkioulidou: Low-energy (<keV) O+ ion outflow into the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations
  9. Andrew Menz: The role of convection in the buildup of the ring current pressure during the 17 March 2013 storm

Session 2: Thursday AM - Amphitheater -- Main Focus on Ion Outflow and the Ionospheric Boundary
Merged Modeling & Measurement

The focus group leaders for Merged Modeling and Measurements for the Magnetosphere with Ionospheric Ion Outflow (M3-I2) invite speakers to discuss the physics, modeling, and measurements of ion outflow into the magnetosphere and inner magnetosphere during quiet, storm, and recovery times. We are striving to address the physics and modeling efficacy of ion outflow modeling into magnetospheric models. What is the ion outflow structure product from underlying ionosphere boundary conditions in subauroral, cusp, auroral, polar cap, dayside/nightside? How important are kinetic electron effects? Where are the regions and altitudes of wave-particle interactions for ion energization? How does the structure and timing relate to Magnetospheric Effects within Mag. Models and observations. Measurement and Model comparisons are encouraged.

  • Chair: Shasha Zou Scribe: Barbara Giles
  1. Overview of Ionospheric Outflow & Ionospheric Boundary Goals
  2. Shasha Zou: High Latitude Ionospheric Boundary
  3. Poorya Hosseini: Ground-based Wave Measurements in Ionosphere
  4. Jacob Bortnik: Modeling Plasmasphere Dynamics—A Neural Network Approach
  5. Jonathan Krall: Plasmasphere Modeling
  6. Ralluca Ilie: Observations of Nitrogen Ions in the Ionospheric Outflow
  7. Spencer Hatch: Ionospheric Mass Outflow & Electron Precipitation
  8. Session Summary and Open Discussion of Plans