FG11. Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions
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Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI)
How Are Magnetospheric Processes Regulated By Plasmaspheric Dynamics (and Vice Versa)?
Conveners: Jerry Goldstein, Maria Spasojevic, Joe Borovsky
Topic Chairs: Maria Spasojevic (Wave-Particle Interactions)
Joe Borovsky (Plume Dynamics & Recirculation)
Join The GEM PMI E-Mail List: Just send e-mail to Jerry Goldstein. (See below.)
Something to Share? If you have something you want to share with the PMI E-Mail List, send it to Jerry Goldstein to pass along to the group. (To fight spam, the E-mail list itself won't be shared or posted, and requests will be carefully screened at JG's discretion.)
GEM 2009 Summer Workshop
- PMI Tutorial from the 2008 GEM Meeting
- PMI Focus Group Report from the 2008 GEM Meeting
- PMI Science Questions from the 2008 GEM Meeting: last modified 4 July 2008
- Miscellaneous Notes from PMI Sessions:
- Jerry Goldstein's notes from all sessions
- Mick Denton's notes from the PMI 2 Session
- PMI Sessions at the 2008 GEM Meeting
- Original Focus Group Proposal
- Want to Join the GEM PMI E-Mail List? Just send e-mail to Jerry Goldstein with your (1) Name, (2) E-mail address, and (3) What you will be doing during the coming year (#3 is optional, but useful for planning). (Note from JG: My e-mail is not posted here, to protect against spammers. My e-mail string can be constructed as: [first initial] + [last name] + ["at" symbol] + [my affiliation, SwRI] + ["dot edu"].)
- A. How does the evolving global distribution of cold plasma govern the growth and propagation of waves, specifically those that control energetic particle distributions & dynamics?
- B. How do ambient plasma properties such as temperature, density, and composition influence wave particle interactions?
- A. How is eroded plasmaspheric material transported throughout the magnetosphere, and how does it evolve?
- B. How do plumes influence the reconnection process, and what are the implications for solar-wind-magnetosphere coupling?