GEM M3-I2 Sessions June 17-23, 2018

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2018 GEM Workshop June 17-23, 2018

Co-Chairs for M3-I2 Sessions

Barbara Giles, NASA/GSFC/GPL
Shasha Zou, U. of Michigan/CLaSP
Vince Eccles, USU/CASS

We want to continue collaborative efforts for examining the storm periods chosen for community study:

  • Storm 1: 2016 Mar 4-8 (DOY 64-68)
  • Storm 2: 2016 Oct 11-15 (285-289)
  • Possibly: 2016 May 6-10 (127-131)
    • Especially including new and newly-restored data sets
    • Other specialized events/studies are welcome, especially those speaking to statistical states. It is important to study not only storm times, but also non-storm times in which the ionosphere is feeding the plasma sheet and building it up steadily prior to any reconnection or storm activity.

This will also be the encouraged focus for M3I2 GEM Mini-Workshop at 2018 Fall AGU.

Session 1: Thursday 10:30AM - Room tbd - Main Focus: Observations/Physical Processes of Upflow/Outflow

  • Chair: Rick Chappell -- Scribe: Barbara Giles
  1. Rick Chappell, Focus Group co-Chair emeritus: Overview of the Working Group Goals
  2. Invited: Lynn Kistler of UNH: Recent Outflow Observations using MMS, Cluster, and also ARASE!
  3. Invited: Matina Gkioulidou: Van Allen Probe observations of ion outflow
  4. Marc Lessard of UNH: Rocket observations of N2+ upwelling in the cusp region
  5. Chih-Ping Wang of UCLA: Contribution of tail mantle and LLBL to ionospheric upflow
  6. Jun Liang of UCalgary: REGO and ePOP observations of Alfvenic Aurora
  7. Shasha Zou of UMichigan: PFISR observations of ion upflow and downflow
  8. additional workshop contributors to be listed soon

Session 2: Thursday 1:30 PM - Room tbd -- Observations/Physical Processes of the Coupled Ionosphere-Magnetosphere System as a Consequence to Upflow/Outflow

  • Chair: Shasha Zou -- Scribe: Rick Chappell
  1. Invited: Joe Borovsky of SSI in Boulder: Title to be provided soon
  2. Invited: George Khazanov of NASA Goddard: Formation of the Potential Drop Over Geomagnetically Quiet Polar Cap
  3. John Wygant: Observations of Strong Field-aligned Poynting Flux in the Earth's Magnetosphere and Its Role in the Efficient Driving of Intense Outflowing Ion Energy Fluxes in the Cusp and Tail : Examples of "Alfvenic" Poynting Flux Driven Winds
  4. TBD, perhaps, Shen Tian
  5. Barbara Giles of NASA Goddard and Focus Group co-Chair: Overview of MMS FPI Observations for the two Focus Group Storms
  6. Barbara Giles of NASA Goddard, poster contribution: Additional access to Polar TIDE outflow data base, new tools, new data products
  7. additional workshop contributors to be listed soon

Session 3: Thursday 3:30 PM - Room tbd -- Advances/Issues in Modeling of the Coupled Ionosphere-Magnetosphere System and Model-Data Comparisons

  • Chair: Barbara Giles -- Scribe: Shasha Zou
  1. Invited: Alex Glocer of NASA Goddard: Ionospheric Contributions to the Magnetosphere - blue H+ vs red H+!
  2. Invited: Roger Varney of SRI: title is forthcoming
  3. Jonathan Krall: SAMI3 simulations suggest a connection between the tongue of ionization and the plasmasphere plume.
  4. additional contributors to be listed soon

Session 4: Friday 10:30 AM - Room tbd -- Focus Group Planning Session — Further work on the Community Storm Studies for Upflow/Outflow

  • Chair: Rick Chappell -- Scribe: Barbara Giles
  1. Rick Chappell, Focus Group co-Chair emeritus: Summary of Progess, thoughts for the next year
  2. Open Discussion of Storm Studies
  3. Open Discussion of Plans

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