2019 Summer Workshop : Session schedule
Here you will find the schedule for our sessions at the upcoming summer GEM workshop in Santa Fe. Approximate times of presentations are provided as a guide, but note these may change throughout the week or during the sessions.
Wednesday 26/06/2019 - UMEA/DAYS/IHMIC 10:30 - 12:00
Room: Santa Fe
Chair: Thomas Elsden
Theme: To consider the ULF wave response to dayside transients with different temporal/spatial scales and asymmetries.
- How are ULF wave properties affected by asymmetries in the upstream driver? What modelling/observational work is required to answer this?
- Further, how then do the resulting ULF wave asymmetries impact the M-I system?
- How does the 3D structure of dayside kinetic phenomena (e.g., spatial scale of magnetopause disturbance, location relative to magnetic equator) affect the ULF response in different hemispheres/LT sectors?
- Can we use magnetospheric observations to determine the size (localized vs global) of a dayside transient? Is the response well-enough understood?
10:30-10:35 - Tom Elsden - Session introduction and goals
10:35-10:50 - Ferdinand Plaschke - An overview of dayside transients causing ULF waves
10:50-11:00 - Tom Elsden - 3D ULF wave modeling with MHD
11:00-11:10 - Boyi Wang - The role of magnetosheath high-speed jets in triggering magnetospheric Pc5 ULF waves
11:10-11:20 - Bob Lysak - Modeling ionospheric conductance and ground magnetic fields
11:20-11:30 - Xueling Shi - Conjugate Observations of ULF Waves during an Extended Period of Radial IMF
11:30-11:40 - Michael Hartinger - Localized magnetopause surface wave activity and modeling challenges
11:40-12:00 - Discussion - Tackle questions arising from talks as well as current and future science goals
Wednesday 26/06/2019 - DAYS/BSH 13:30 - 15:00
Room: Lumpkins Ballroom South
Chair: Andrew Dimmock
Theme: Discuss new studies of key kinetic processes which are important to both the bow shock and dayside region.
- transmission of transients/waves through the shock,
- impact of shock processes on the downstream region,
- formation of shock-like structures in different dayside regions.
13:30-13:35 - Andrew Dimmock - Introduction
13:36-13:49 - Ian Cohen - High-resolution measurements of the cross-shock potential, ion reflection, and electron heating at an interplanetary shock by MMS
13:50-14:03 - Xin An - Formation of foreshock transients and associated secondary shocks
14:04-14:17 - Yann Pfau-Kempf - Transmission of foreshock ULF waves to the magnetosheath
14:18-14:31 - Misha Balikhin - Nonstationarity of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock
14:32-14:45 - Heli Hietala - Global 3D hybrid simulations of magnetosheath jets
14:46-14:49 - Terry Liu - Statistical study of magnetosheath jet-driven bow waves
Thursday 27/06/2019 - RX/DAYS 13:30 - 15:00
Room: Lumpkins Ballroom South
Chairs: Rick Wilder and Ying Zou
Theme: Magnetic reconnection itself is one important dayside kinetic process and it is closely related to other kinetic processes, including waves and turbulence. This session tries to understand fundamentals of dayside reconnection.
- What are the characteristics of magnetic reconnection on the dayside?
- What role does reconnection play in forming various dayside transients?
- What are the new approaches/opportunities of studying magnetic reconnection?
13:30-13:45 - Katariina Nykyri - MMS observations of the formation and properties of high-latitude diamagnetic cavities
13:45-14:00 - Andrew Dimmock - The SMILE SXI instrument: a global imager for solar wind - dayside interactions
14:00-14:15 - Brian Walsh - Cubesat mission to study magnetic reconnection
14:15-14:30 - Xuanye Ma - Comparison between fluid simulation with test particles and hybrid simulation for the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
14:30-14:45 - Karlheinz Trattner - Elongated Dayside X-lines
14:45-15:00 - Marcos Sylveira - Flux transfer events observed in the dayside magnetopause by MMS mission
Thursday 27/06/2019 - DAYS/MMV 15:30 - 17:00
Room: Santa Fe
Chair: Heli Hietala
Theme: Dayside Kinetics Southward IMF Challenge. We discuss the progress in comparing observations and modelling results for the event on 2015-11-18 01:50-03:00 UT, featuring an MMS-Geotail magnetopause conjunction with SuperDARN radar observations.
- Progress of the Challenge so far
- New observation-modelling comparisons, in particular X-line location and magnetopause transients
- Discussion on wrapping up the Challenge, including Special Issue manuscript coordination
15:30-15:40 - Heli Hietala - Challenge progress summary
15:40-15:50 - Sarah Vines - MMS observations during southward IMF: recap and update
15:50-16:00 - Karlheinz Trattner - Maximum shear model results
16:00-16:20 - Zhifang Guo - Global 3D hybrid simulation results
16:20-16:35 - Marcos Silveira - Magnetopause transients seen in the challenge event: MMS vs MHD-EPIC comparison
16:35-17:00 - Discussion - Discussion, including Special Issue manuscript coordination