2016 Mini GEM , San Francisco, Ca

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The Dayside Kinetics FG held a session at the pre-AGU mini-GEM on Sunday December 11. We had ~35 participants. The session consisted of two ~45 minute parts.

Part 1: Contributed presentations

We had six short presentations on observations and modeling of kinetic processes at the magnetopause, magnetosheath, bow shock and foreshock as well as their global connections:

  1. Primoz Kajdic: Upstream transients and their influence on the bow shock and magnetosheath - preliminary results from the Cluster Guest-Investigator campaign
  2. Heli Hietala: Advances on geoeffectiveness of magnetosheath high-speed jets
  3. Tomas Karlsson: Do magnetosheath plasmoids exist at Mercury?
  4. Tori Wilder: MMS observations of cold plasma-driven waves at the reconnecting magnetopause
  5. Yu Lin: Magnetopause transients under different IMF directions - global hybrid simulations
  6. Yuxi Chen: Validation of MHD with embedded PIC (MHD-EPIC) simulations against MMS observations

Part 2: Dayside modeling challenge

The southward IMF event from 2015-11-18 around 02:00 UT (MMS-Geotail magnetopause conjunction with SuperDARN radar observations) presented at the Summer Workshop had been selected as the primary challenge event. Heli Hietala gave an update on the available observations on behalf of the co-chairs. The update was followed by lively discussion (moderated by Gabor Toth) on the set of metrics to be used to make observation-observation, observation-model, and model-model comparisons. The detailed specs of the primary and secondary/follow-up challenge events and the list of metrics will be posted on the CCMC and the FG websites at the beginning of 2017. After the session 10+ observers organized themselves in order to address the various observational analysis tasks related to the challenge event during spring 2017.

You can download the slides to the challenge update presentation here