2019 GEM-CEDAR Joint Workshop and GEM Workshop
Detailed Schedule
Below is a detailed session schedule for the 2019 GEM Summer Workshop. The schedule of the Joint GEM-CEDAR Workshop on June 22 can be found in the Google Doc.
In this page, the tentative speakers and titles in Focus Group sessions are provided by Focus Group Leaders, and other information is taken from the Workshop Coordinator Website. Due to the dynamic nature of the Workshop, Focus Groups may continue to revise their session agenda as needed.
Poster Sessions will be held during 17:00 - 20:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. Poster titles can be found in the Poster Information page at the Workshop Coordinator website.
All other information about the 2019 GEM Summer Workshop can be found at the GEM Workshop Coordinator website.
- 1 Monday, June 24
- 2 Tuesday, June 25
- 3 Wednesday, June 26
- 4 Thursday, June 27
- 5 Friday, June 28
Monday, June 24
0830-1000: Plenary Session
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom
- Welcome/Intro: J. Bortnik, P. Cassak, R. Millan
- RA MIC Tutorial: W. Li
- RAC SWMI Tutorial: K. Goodrich
- NSF REU Program: D. Baker
1030-1200: Splinter Sessions
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom
- Olga Verkhoglyadova: Summary of CEDAR MIT coupling efforts
- Hyunju Connor: Relation between reconnection and cross polar cap potential during the sudden enhancement of solar wind pressure; SMILE mission for the MIT coupling study.
- Doga Ozturk: What is the role of meso-scale electric fields in M-I-T Coupling?
- Kevin Pham: CMIT model
- Dong Wei: The magnetospheric driving source of double-peak subauroral ion drifts (DSAIDs): Double ring current pressure peak
- Qianli Ma: diffusion coefficients due to chorus waves and electron precipitation features
- Dmytro Sydorenko: Development of a photoelectron effects module for a comprehensive model of coupled ionosphere and magnetosphere
- Zihan Wang: SED segmentation due to boundary flows
Location: New Mexico
Natalia Ganjushkina - Metrics for Minute-Scale Variations of keV Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere
Adam Kellerman - Validation of 3D electron radiation belt modeling using in situ measurements: Implemented at the CCMC
Lutz Rastaetter - CCMC update + 2D validation and 2D to 1D timeline validation
Katherine Garcia-Sage - Focus group update and planning
Location: Santa Fe
- Steve Schwartz (Tutorial on quasi-potential fields in shocks)
- Li-Jen Chen (Quasi-potential fields or not: MMS perspectives)
- Jonathan Ng (Simulations of microinstabilities leading to electron heating at the bow shock)
- Shan Wang (Reconnection in the shock transition region)
1200 - 1230: LWS Discussion
Location: New Mexico
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
- Christine Garbrielse: Storm Time Mesoscale Plasma Flows in the Nightside High‐Latitude Ionosphere
- Jiang Liu: SWARM & DMSP observations of the eastward plasma flows in the dawnside ionosphere and their comparison with THEMIS ASI observations.
- Ying Zou: effects of substorms in high-latitude upper thermospheric winds
- Sebastijan Mrak : Storm-time MI-coupling at mid-latitudes: Highly structured plasmapause boundary layer
- Brian Anderson: Observed GIC Events in the Pacific Northwest and Corresponding Ionospheric Electrodynamics: Beyond Substorms as the Dominant Cause of GICs
- Denny Oliveira: A historical finding of a sporadic aurora sighting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 15 Feb 1875
- Colby Lemon: Role of ion precipitation in plasmasphere erosion
- Naomi Maruyama: Cold plume plasma coupling between the magnetosphere, plasmasphere and ionosphere
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
- Naoki Bessho (PIC simulations of shocks and reconnection)
- Ilya Kuzichev (PIC simulation of the whistler heat flux instability in the interplanetary shocks)
- Anton Artemyev (Nonlinear wave-particle interaction in application to bow shock physics)
- Terry Liu (Particle acceleration by magnetosheath jet-driven bow waves)
[Joint] TAIL/MMV
Location: New Mexico room
1. Natalia Ganjushkina, "Magnetotail structure inferred from observations of isotropic boundaries at NOAA satellites and global MHD modeling"
2. Modeling challenge: An event (06-11 UT of 2017-07-09) will be presented and dicussed to understand the global response of the tail, from near-Earth to mid-tail, and the ionosphere to an IMF southward turning, and an IMF northward turning. This is an midnight conjunction of ERG (r < 5), GOES, Geotail (X = -11), MMS (X = -23), and ARTEMIS (X = -63). The observations will be compared with the BATS-R-US, OpenGGCM, and LFM runs conducted on NASA CCMC. The global models will be compared with ionosphere observations/empirical models, including SuperDARN, Ovation Prime, AMPERE, equivalent current, and ground magnetometers.
Tail (Chih-Ping Wang)
SuperDARN (Xueling Shi)
Ovation Prime (Betsey Mitchell)
AMPERE (Brian Anderson, Sarah Vines)
Spheric elementary current (James Weygand)
Location: Santa Fe
- Mike Hartinger - Updates on ground magnetometer advisory board activities
- Mark Engebretson - Summary of information gathering report
- Lisa Winter - NSF updates
- Hyomin Kim - DRUM/DASI updates and future plans, discussion
- Jesper Gjerloev - SuperMAG updates
- Josh Rigler - USGS updates, updates from other magnetometer arrays
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
- Denny Oliveira: Asymmetric satellite orbital drag effects during magnetic storms
- Zhonghua Xu: Inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ground magnetic response to interplanetary shocks: The role of shock impact angle
- Brian Anderson: Update on simultaneous northern and southern hemisphere measures of latitudes and intensities of Birkeland currents from AMPERE
- Shini Ohtani: Dependence of the auroral electrojet intensity on the solar illumination and dipole tilt
- Christine Gabrielse: The difference between meso-scale flow speeds between summer and winter hemispheres
- Tetsuo Motoba: Asymmetric SC/Pc5 amplitudes at the Syowa–Iceland conjugate pair
- Discussion on asymmetry issues and community input (campaign(s), future Antarctic project(s), etc)
Local and Kinetic Physics of Reconnection
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
1. Binbin Tang – Crescent shaped electron distributions at the non-reconnecting magnetopause
2. Jason Shuster – MMS measurements of the Vlasov Equation
3. Yi-Hsin Liu – The Dawn-Dusk asymmetry at Earth vs. Mercury
4. Lijen Chen – Electron dynamics driven by nonlinear waves in a guide-field reconnection layer
5. Jonathan Ng – Three dimensional instabilities in the symmetric reconnection layer with a moderate guide field.
6. Tori Wilder - Open discussion on potential challenges!
[Joint] UMEA/MMV
Location: New Mexico
Recent advances in ULF wave research: Modeling
- Mike Hartinger, FG updates
- Jesper Gjerloev, SuperMAG ULF updates
- Tetsuo Motoba, High-time resolution SuperMAG ULF data products
- Lutz Rastaetter, ULF wave modeling challenge
- Maulik Patel, MHD test particle simulations of the 16 July 2017 shock compression of the dayside magnetopause
- Bob McPherron, Pi 2 pulsations during the storm of May 27-29 2017, The Statistics of Pi 2 Pulsation Occurrence during a Major Magnetic Storm
- Dong Lin, LFM simulations of surface waves during challenge event
Location: Santa Fe
1700-1800: Town Hall - Decadal midterm assessment
Tuesday, June 25
0830-1000: Plenary Session
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom
Agency Talks
- NSF GS: M. Wiltberger
- NSF GEO: L. Winter
- NASA: M. Kessel
- NOAA: H. Singer
- Air Force: J. McCollough
- CSSP: H. Singer, T. Pulkkinen
1030-1200: Splinter Sessions
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
- Toshi Nishimura: Magnetospheric source and inter-hemispheric conjugacy of STEVE arc
- Larry Lyons: Outstanding questions on the role of meso-scale flow channels in the coupled M-I system
- Anders Ohma: How asymmetries in geospace evolve during increased tail reconnection
- Mike Hartinger: Possible experiments/observational campaigns to explore IH asymmetries during the upcoming 2020/2021 southern hemisphere solar eclipses
- Shane Coyle: An experimental approach to inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ground magnetic response of magnetospheric ULF waves
- Discussion on asymmetry issues and community input (campaign(s), future Antarctic project(s), etc)
Location: New Mexico
1. Chairs: Introduction of New Focus Group
2. Seth Claudepierre: Recent Advances and Open Questions in Radiation Belt Studies
3. Wen Li: Review and Challenges of Multi-Point Measurements to Radiation Belt Modeling
4. Open Discussions
Local and Kinetic Physics of Reconnection
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
1. Misha Sitnov – Kinetic dissipation in magnetotail reconnection
2. Stefan Eriksson – Nascent flux rope observations at the earth’s dayside magnetopause
3. Marty Goldman – Multibeam energy transport
4. David Newman – Kinetic Current Sheet Equilibria with Agyrotropic Electron Crescent Populations
5. Sanni Hoilijoki – Electron-scale Magnetic Structure Observed Adjacent to the EDR at the Dayside Magnetopause
6. Daniel Graham - Lower hybrid waves and reconnection
1200 - 1230: CCMC Report
Location: New Mexico
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
[FG] M3-I2
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
in collaboration with DIPS and MMV groups
- Chair: Rick Chappell -- Scribe: Barbara Giles
- Rick Chappell, Focus Group co-Chair: Overview and Updates
- Invited: Daniel Welling: A Three Fluid Approach to Comprehensive Outflow Modeling
- Invited: George Khazanov: The Electrostatic Potential Jumps Over the Sunlit Polar Cap Region
- Invited: Matina Gkioulidou: O+ circulation within the M-I coupled system
- Chih-Ping Wang:Magnetospheric Drivers for Ion Upflow and Outflow within Quiet-time Plasma Sheet: MMS and DMSP Observation
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
1. Precipitation Conjunction Events
Mykhaylo Shumko and Ashley Greeley: Precipitation Conjunction Events Overview
Nithin Sivadas: Optical Signatures of the Radiation Belt Boundary
Wen Li: Direct Observation of Sub-Relativistic Electron Precipitation Driven by EMIC Waves
Questions and Discussions
2. Close Conjunction Events
Drew Turner and Ian Cohen: Close Conjunction Events between Van Allen Probes, MMS, and ARASE
Justin Lee: EMIC wave activity during MMS-RBSP Close Conjunctions
Questions and Discussions
3. General Contributions: Radiation Belt Particles
Geoff Reeves: Identifying the Magnitude and Occurrence Frequency of Radiation Belt Enhancement Events
Maulik Patel: Simulations using LFM and Test Particle Code to Reproduce Drift Echoes
Seth Claudiepierre: Electron Lifetimes from RBSP Observations and Comparison with Theoretical Estimates due to Pitch Angle Diffusion by Various Wave Modes
Sasha Drozdov: Depletion of Multi-MeV Electrons
Questions and Discussions
Local and Kinetic Physics of Reconnection
Location: New Mexico Room
1. Tori Wilder – A survey of plasma waves associated with asymmetric EDR events
2. Wenya Li (Presented by Daniel Graham) – Electron Bernstein waves driven by electron crescents near the electron diffusion region.
3. San Lu – Turbulence and particle acceleration in magnetic reconnection obtained from PIC simulations.
4. Pryash Sharma Pyakurel – 3D electron-only reconnection
5. Matt Argall – Observations of kinetic entropy in the diffusion region of magnetic reconnection.
6. Blake Wetherton – Scaling of electron-scale heating in the exhausts of guide-field reconnection events.
[Joint] MMS: Turbulence
Location: Santa Fe
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
[FG] M3-I2
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
- Chair: Barbara Giles -- Scribe: Rick Chappell
- Invited: Roger Varney: Mid-Latitude to High-Latitude Coupling and Ion Outflow
- Invited: Naritoshi Kitamura: Solar Zenith Angle Dependence of Relationship Between Energy Inputs to the Ionosphere and Ion Outflow Fluxes
- Jonathan Krall: SAMI2 simulation of counterstreaming H+ outflows during refilling
- Meghan Burleigh: Transient ionospheric upflow driven by PMAFs observed during the RENU2 sounding rocket campaign
- Chao Yue (UCLA): Unexpected field-aligned PAD of energetic ions in the ring current region
- Mei-Yun Lin: Nitrogen Outflow in the Polar Wind Outflow Model (PWOM)
- Chu Xiangning:'Identifying the Magnetospheric Driver of STEVE'
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
- Overview from the CEDAR conductance challenge on the 17 Mar 2013 storm
- Shin Ohtani: Solar zenith angle dependence of the auroral electrojets and its impact on conductance.
- Toshi Nishimura: Ionospheric conductance observations of the 17 March 2013 event
- Doga Ozturk: GTIM empirical results.
- Gang Lu: AMIE results on the 17 Mar 2013 storm
- Bob Robinson: The 17 Mar 2013 storm results from a new empirical ionospheric electrodynamics model
- Hyunju Connor: OpenGGCM results on the 17 Mar 2013 storm
- Kevin Pham: CMIT-IPWM results on the 17 Mar 2013 storm
- Agnit Mukhopadhya: BATSRUS results on the 17 Mar 2013 storm
- Magaret Chen: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Electron Precipitation Dynamics and Conductance during the 17 March 2013 Storm
See session description at the FG page.
Location: New Mexico
Point-of-contact: Christine Gabrielse (cgabrielse@ucla.edu)
Co-chairs: Matina Gkioulidou, David Malaspina
Topic: Particle Energization/Injection
- Raluca Ilie - The role of inductive electric fields on particle energization
- Jianghuai Liu - The role of inductive electric fields on particle energization (con'd)
- Sam Bingham - Adiabatic Particle Energization using MMS
- Wonde Eshetu - Simulations of electron energization and injection by BBFs using High-Resolution LFM MHD fields
- Christine Gabrielse - Heliophysics System Observatory observations of small and large-scale injections: DFBs vs. large-scale dipolarization
- Bob McPherron - MHD simulation of substorm including progressive approach of X-lines, flow channels, and flow penetration to the inner plasma sheet
- Tetsuo Motoba - Azimuthally localized dispersionless injections inside GEO
- Discussion on Particle Energization/Injection
- Role of different fields?
- Large vs. Small-scale?
- This discussion will be inspired by the main points and questions presented.
[Joint] MMS: Turbulence
Location: Santa Fe
1700-2000: Poster Session
Please visit the Poster Information page for details.
Wednesday, June 26
0830-1000: Plenary Session
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom
- RA GSM Tutorial: J. Burch
- MMV Tutorial: K. Garcia-Sage
1030-1200: Splinter Sessions
[FG] M3-I2
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
Joint with the MMS Science Working Team
- Chair: Barbara Giles -- Scribe: Rick Chappell
- Invited: Lynn Kistler: Investigating Sources of Plasma Sheet Plasma
- Invited: Stephen Fuselier: O+ in the Outer Magnetosphere: Effect on Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Naritoshi Kitamura: O+ Measurements by MMS Around the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Boundary
- Li-Jen Chen: Can energetic O+ outflows preceding superstorms participate in the ring current directly?
- Justin Lee: MMS Measurements of Low-energy Plasma Composition and its Effects on EMIC Waves
- Andrei Runov: THEMIS observations of ionospheric oxygen outflow during the substorm growth phase
Location: New Mexico
General substorm session
- Kyle Murphy Tracking pre-onset aurora
- Toshi Nishimura Tracking pre-onset aurora
- Bea Gallardo-Lacourt (by Murphy) Tracking pre-onset aurora
- Jiang Liu Ionosphere flows during substorms
- Larry Lyons Substorm precursors and expansion phase activity
- Nithin Sivadas Energetic electron precipitation
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
The ULF response to dayside transients with different temporal/spatial scales and asymmetries
- Tom Elsden - Session introduction and goals
- Ferdinand Plaschke - An overview of dayside transients causing ULF waves
- Tom Elsden - 3D ULF wave modeling with MHD
- Boyi Wang - The role of magnetosheath high-speed jets in triggering magnetospheric Pc5 ULF waves
- Bob Lysak - Ionospheric asymmetries and quarter-wave modes
- Xueling Shi - Conjugate Observations of ULF Waves during an Extended Period of Radial IMF
- Michael Hartinger - Localized magnetopause surface wave activity and modeling challenges
- Discussion
1200 - 1230: URM Event
Location: New Mexico
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
[FG] M3-I2
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
- Chair: Rick Chappell -- Scribe: Barbara Giles
- Invited: Andrew Yau: e-POP Ion Composition Observations of Topside Ion Upflows: Storm Challenge Events 1 and 2 and Statistical Study of Other Storms in 2014-2017
- Invited: Katie Garcia-Sage: Outflow Validation and Challenges
- Matthew Huddleston: Ion Trajectories Connecting the Ionosphere to the Magnetosphere
- Barbara Giles: Access to Polar TIDE outflow data base, new tools, new data products
- Rick Chappell: Summary of Progess:
- Discussion on the Storm Challenges
- Additional participants welcome! Email barbara.giles@nasa.gov and rick.chappell@vanderbilt.edu
[Joint] DAYS/BSH
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
- Andrew Dimmock - Introduction
- Ian Cohen - High-resolution measurements of the cross-shock potential, ion reflection, and electron heating at an interplanetary shock by MMS
- Xin An - Formation of foreshock transients and associated secondary shocks
- Yann Pfau-Kempf - Transmission of foreshock ULF waves to the magnetosheath
- Misha Balikhin - Nonstationarity of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock
- Heli Hietala - Global 3D hybrid simulations of magnetosheath jets
- Terry Liu - Statistical study of magnetosheath jet-driven bow waves
Location: New Mexico
Point-of-contact: Christine Gabrielse (cgabrielse@ucla.edu)
Co-chairs: Matina Gkioulidou, David Malaspina
Topic: Energy Transfer and Dissipation
- Misha Sitnov - Kinetic dissipation in dipolarization fronts and magnetic reconnection
- Rumi Nakamura - MMS observations of multi-scale field-aligned currents during dipolarization in the near-Earth plasma sheet
- Olivier Le Contel - Multiscale kinetic processes associated with fast flows and dipolarization fronts
- Amy Keesee - Concurrent enhancements in ion temperatures and auroral brightenings seen by TWINS and ASIs
- Joachim Birn - Energy release and conversion and dynamo action in the tail on the basis of MHD simulation
- San Lu - Strong energy dissipation at the transition region
- Shin Ohtani - Dissipation and the ionosphere
- Discussion on energy dissipation
- Can we estimate a percentage that energy is dissipated into waves, direct ion heating, etc.?
- Can we determine if and to what extent a dynamo in the transition region (driven by pressure gradients or vorticity) converts energy dissipated from the tail into field aligned currents to drive dissipation in the ionosphere?
- What are the ways to estimate these values (simulation or theory or observational)?
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
Point-of-contact: Christine Gabrielse (cgabrielse@ucla.edu)
Co-chairs: Matina Gkioulidou, David Malaspina
Topic: Currents and Focus Group Discussion
- Continue discussion from previous session (limit to 30 min)
- Xiangning Chu - The generation of STEVE and penetration of fast flows to the plasmapause
- Misha Sitnov - Dipolarizations and their connection to the ring current buildup and magnetic reconnection
- Shin Ohtani - Double-wedge current system based on the GOES-RBSP comparison of dipolarization signatures
- Yi-Hsin Liu - An explanation of the opposite dawn-dusk asymmetry at magnetotails of Earth vs. Mercury
- Continue discussion from previous sessions
- Updates from mini-GEM discussion?
- Future planning: Community Input
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
ULF wave modeling challenges associated with M-I-T Coupling
- (Invited) Boyi Wang: Ionospheric modulation by Pc5 ULF waves and wave structure detected by PFISR
- (Invited) Xiaojia Zhang / Anton Artemyev: ULF modulation of VLF waves and precipitation
- Doga Ozturk: Update from GEM/CEDAR joint session, PFISR E/ground magnetometer comparisons
- Anatoly Streltsov: ULF waves generated by the MI interactions near the plasmapause
- Mergen Alimaganbetov: ULF waves observed in space and on the ground at high and low latitudes
- Mark Engebretson: Multi-Instrument Observations of Nighttime Impulsive Magnetic Events
- Bob Lysak: Modeling ionospheric conductance and ground magnetic fields
- Yan Song: ULF wave, M-I coupling and Auroral formation.
[Joint] MMS: Bowshock
Location: New Mexico
[Joint] MMS: Inner M'sphere
Location: Santa Fe
Thursday, June 27
0830-1000: Plenary Session
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom
- RA MPS Tutorial: A. Runov
- RA IMAG Tutorial: H. Zhao
- Mission/Modeling: M. Gkioulidou, T. Nishimura
1030-1200: Splinter Sessions
[FG] Rx
Local and Kinetic Physics of Reconnection
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
1. Anton Artemyev – MMS, Artemis and optic observations of the magnetotail reconnection
2. Misha Sitnov – Global context of magnetotail reconnection and the global topology of the magnetic field during the July 11 2017 EDR event.
3. Narges Ahmadi – Turbulence in magnetotail reconnection
4. Chih-Ping Wang – Simultaneous earthward and tailward busty flows observed by the two ARTEMIS in mid-tail (60 Re) and comparisons with PIC simulations.
5. Chris Bard - Hall MHD effects on tail reconnection for a Earth-like, miniature magnetosphere.
6. Olivier Le Contel - Electron holes in the plasma sheet - related to reconnection?
[Joint] UMEA/RB
Location: New Mexico
EMIC waves
- Robert Allen, Outer magnetospheric EMIC wave source regions characterized by Cluster
- Sarah Vines, EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere: Observations of an off-equator source region
- Justin Lee, EMIC wave observations by MMS
- Chao Yue, The relationship between EMIC wave properties and proton distributions based on Van Allen Probes observations
- Kristine Sigsbee, Simultaneous EMIC Wave Observations During a Van Allen Probes Conjunction
- Hyomin Kim, Observations of Particle Loss due to Injection-Associated EMIC Waves
- Yuri Shprits, Dips in PSD and how they are related to EMIC wave scattering
- Richard Denton, Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the dipole magnetosphere and pitch angle scattering of sub-MeV relativistic electrons by those waves
- Qianli Ma, Pitch angle scattering of radiation belt electrons due to statistical EMIC wave spectra
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
1330-1500: Splinter Sessions
[Joint] MAPS/DIP
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
Amy Keese - Twins observations of the inner magnetosphere during storms
Allison Jaynes - The effects of substorms on the inner magnetosphere
Andrei Runov - Do dipolarization contribute to ring current formation during storms?
Sam Bingham - Evolution of inner magnetospheric plasma during CME and CIR driven storms
Grant Stephens (by Misha Sitnov) - Emperical modelling of tail current systems
John Dorelli - Reconnection onset and bursty bulk flow (SWMF)
Anna DeJong - Defining intervals of steady magnetospheric convection
[Joint] RX/DAYS
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
1. Katariina Nykyri – High latitude diamagnetic cavities
2. Andrew Dimmock – The SMILE SXI instrument: a global imager for solar wind – dayside interactions
3. Brian Walsh – Cubesat mission to study magnetic reconnection
4. Xuanye Ma – Compairson between fluid simulations with test particles and hybrid simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
5. Karlheinz Trattner – Elongated Dayside X-lines
6. Marcos Sylveira - Flux transfer events observed in the dayside magnetopause by MMS mission.
Location: New Mexico
Recent advances in ULF wave research: Observations
- Matina Gkioulidou/Seth Claudepierre, RBSP HGSO coordination
- Tetsuo Motoba, SuperMAG ULF wave tools
- Sarah Vines, Determining EMIC wave vector properties through multi-point measurements: The wave curl analysis
- Aaron Breneman, BARREL precipitation during solar wind driven ULF wave events
- Anatoly Streltsov, Effect of the Hall Conductivity on the generation of ULF waves
- Mohammad Barani, Estimating the Azimuthal Mode Structure of ULF Waves Based on Multiple GOES Satellite Observations
- Kazue Takahashi, L versus time structures of ground magnetic pulsations
- Chih-Ping Wang, Earthward propagation of Pi2 waves
1530-1700: Splinter Sessions
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom North
1.Anton Artemyev, Multicomponent ion population in the magnetotail
2. Sasha Lukin (presented by Anton), Plasma populations around the distant equatorial magnetopause: indication on selective mechanism of ion and electron transport
2. Olivier Le Contel, MMS/cluster joint observations during PSBL crossings
3. Jiang Liu, Field-aligned current carriers in the magnetotail
4. Steve Xu, Statistics of current sheets at lunar distance
5. San Lu, Reconnection in polarized thin current sheet
6. Chih-Ping Wang, Firehose instability within the reconnection exhaust observed in mid-tail
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom South
ULF waves driven by wave-particle interactions and instabilities
- Xuzhi Zhou (invited), Acceleration of relativistic electrons by global-scale ULF waves
- Tomotsugu Yamakawa (invited), Simulation of the excitation of storm-time Pc5 ULF waves by ring current ions based on the drift-kinetic model
- Frank Toffoletto, Normal Mode Analysis of Buoyancy Waves
- Peter Chi, Observations of High-m Poloidal Waves along Magnetospheric Field Lines
- Mike Hartinger, Observations of wave-particle interactions using MagEIS ultra-high resolution energy channels
- Jiang Liu, Ultralow Frequency Waves Deep Inside the Inner Magnetosphere Driven by Dipolarizing Flux Bundles, and their interaction with electrons
- Kyle Murphy, TBD
Location: New Mexico
[Joint] DAYS/MMV
Location: Santa Fe
- Heli Hietala - Challenge progress summary
- Sarah Vines - MMS observations during southward IMF: recap and update
- Karlheinz Trattner - Maximum shear model results
- Zhifang Guo - Global 3D hybrid simulation results
- Marcos Silveira - Magnetopause transients seen in the challenge event: MMS vs MHD-EPIC comparison
- Discussion - including Special Issue manuscript coordination
1700-2000: Poster Session
Please visit the Poster Information page for details.
Friday, June 28
0830-1000: Plenary Session
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom
- Students Awards, Student Invited Tutorial: M. Argall
- Mission/Modeling: J. Sample
1030-1200: Splinter Sessions
Location: Lumpkins Ballroom
This is the final year for Tail Environment FG, we will summary the major findings from this FG. We will discuss how we will proceed to maintain the discussion platform for the magnetotail physics in GEM community, including a proposal for a new FG.
Location: New Mexico
1. General Contributions: Inner Belt and Slot Region
Xinlin Li: Source and Loss of Inner Belt Protons (10s of MeV) and Their Solar Cycle Variations Based on Multi-Point Measurements and Analysis
Zheng Xiang: On Trapped Electron Dynamics in Earth's Inner Radiation Belt due to Atmospheric Scattering Loss and Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay (CRAND) as the Source
Man Hua: Modeling Electron Acceleration and Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt and Slot Region
Questions and Discussions
2. General Contributions: Radiation Belt Waves
Dave Hartley: The Angular Distribution of Chorus Waves and the Role of Plumes in the Chorus-to-Hiss Mechanism
Xin An: Nonlinear Wave Structures Driven by Whistler Waves
Shangchun Teng: Typical Characteristics of Whistler Mode Waves Categorized by Their Spectral Properties Using Van Allen Probes Observations
Ivan Vasko: Electrostatic Steepening of Whistler Waves in the Radiation Belts
Jinxing Li: Origin of two-band chorus waves in the Earth’s outer radiation belt
Homayon Aryan: Discrete Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves Observed by Cluster
Oleksiy Agapitov: TBD
Questions and Discussions
3. General Contributions: Radiation Belt Modeling
Anthony Chan: A New Technique for Radiation Belt Modeling: Theory
Scot Elkington: A New Technique for Radiation Belt Modeling: Results
Yihua Zheng: Model Validation
Liheng Zheng: Drift shell bifurcation effects on radiation belt electrons modeled by Markov chain
Questions and Discussions