FG: ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications
Focus Group Leaders:
- Michael Hartinger, Virginia Tech (mdhartin@vt.edu)
- Kazue Takahashi, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Brian Kress, University of Colorado and NOAA
Focus Group term: 2016-2020
Science Questions
Our group aims to address the following broad science questions: What mechanisms excite ULF waves? How do ULF waves couple to the plasmasphere/ring current/radiation belt populations? What is the role of ULF waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling?
Focus Group Proposal
ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications (UMEA) (December 2015)
ULF wave modeling challenge
ULF wave modeling challenge at CCMC
Summary Report for 2016 GEM workshop
2016 Mini-GEM
UMEA will hold one session at the mini-GEM workshop: ULF wave modeling, effects and applications updates
Time: 12:00-13:30, Sunday, December 11, 2016
Location: Oregon Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
First Half (12:00 – 12:45): 3 talks (~15 min each):
- 1. Mike Hartinger -- Overview of UMEA current activities, discussion of future plans
- 2. Lutz Rastaetter -- ULF wave modeling challenge at CCMC
- 3. Robert Rankin -- Modeling the global properties and ground-based signatures of ULF waves and wave-particle interactions
Second Half (12:45 – 13:30): (5 minutes each, 1-2 slides, order of talks may change):
- 1. Xueling Shi -- SuperDARN THEMIS Mode Data Tracker & ULF Wave Detection
- 2. Richard Denton -- Mass density inferred from Alfven wave frequencies measured by RBSP
- 3. Lars Daldorff -- ULF waves, particle transport and energization in global MHD simulations with plasmasphere
- 4. Alexander Drozdov -- Dependence of radiation belt simulations to assumed radial diffusion rates tested for two empirical models of radial transport
- 5. Walk-ins