FG: ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications
Focus Group Leaders:
- Michael Hartinger, Virginia Tech (mdhartin@vt.edu)
- Kazue Takahashi, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Brian Kress, University of Colorado and NOAA
Focus Group term: 2016-2020
Science Questions
Our group aims to address the following broad science questions: What mechanisms excite ULF waves? How do ULF waves couple to the plasmasphere/ring current/radiation belt populations? What is the role of ULF waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling?
Focus Group Proposal
ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications (UMEA) (December 2015)
ULF wave modeling challenge
ULF wave modeling challenge at CCMC
At the 2017 GEM meeting several challenge events were proposed for the next part of the ULF wave modeling challenge.
ULF wave HGSO event coordination
Our group is helping coordinate analysis of conjunction events for ULF wave studies, including requesting instrument operation modes favorable for ULF wave analysis.
The 2 May 2017 0400-0800 UT conjunction event includes several satellites (THEMIS, Cluster, Van Allen Probes, GOES, Geotail, FIREBIRD, METOP, POES, DMSP) in the pre-midnight sector during a conjunction with the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar and several SuperDARN radars. PFISR was operating throughout the conjunction, several SuperDARN radars were in high resolution sampling modes, and several satellites were operating in fast survey/burst mode. The conjunction is favorable for modeling and observation studies of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via ULF waves, wave-particle interactions, global ULF wave properties, and many other topics. This pdf summarizes preliminary results
Summary Report for 2016 GEM workshop
2016 Mini-GEM
UMEA will hold one session at the mini-GEM workshop: ULF wave modeling, effects and applications updates
Time: 12:00-13:30, Sunday, December 11, 2016
Location: Oregon Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
First Half (12:00 – 12:45): 3 talks (~15 min each):
- 1. Mike Hartinger -- Overview of UMEA current activities, discussion of future plans
- 2. Lutz Rastaetter -- ULF wave modeling challenge at CCMC
- 3. Robert Rankin -- Modeling the global properties and ground-based signatures of ULF waves and wave-particle interactions
Second Half (12:45 – 13:30): (5 minutes each, 1-2 slides, order of talks may change):
- 1. Xueling Shi -- SuperDARN THEMIS Mode Data Tracker & ULF Wave Detection
- 2. Richard Denton -- Mass density inferred from Alfven wave frequencies measured by RBSP
- 3. Lars Daldorff -- ULF waves, particle transport and energization in global MHD simulations with plasmasphere
- 4. Alexander Drozdov -- Dependence of radiation belt simulations to assumed radial diffusion rates tested for two empirical models of radial transport
- 5. Bob Lysak -- Quarter Wavelength Modes
- 6. Walk-ins
2017 GEM meeting
UMEA will hold four sessions session at the 2017 GEM meeting
UMEA Update and plans, general discussion of ULF wave modeling and observations: 10:30-12:15, Monday, June 19, Port VI-VIII
- 1. Michael Hartinger -- UMEA update
- 2. Toshi Nishimura -- PFISR measurements during the 2 May 2017 HGSO event
- 3. Xueling Shi -- A Survey of Ionospheric ULF Wave Signatures in SuperDARN Data: Occurrence Statistics and Driving Mechanisms
- 4. Tetsuo Motoba -- Dayside Auroral Pulsations
- 5. Brian Kress and Rob Redmon -- Newly Available GOES 8-16 Particle and Magnetic Field Measurements
- 6. Dick Wolf -- Theory of magnetospheric buoyancy waves
ULF wave interactions with the radiation belt and ring current populations: 1:30-3:00, Monday, June 19, Port VI-VIII
- 1. Rualdo Soto-Chavez -- Generation of Pc5-ULF wave by the drift-mirror instability
- 2. Zhiyang Xia -- Eigenmode analysis of compressional poloidal modes in a self-consistent magnetic field
- 3. Mark Engebretson -- Statistical study of the upper frequency cutoff of helium band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
- 4. Alexander Drozdov -- Radial diffusion and EMIC waves in the long-term simulation and in the case study
- 5. Seth Claudepierre -- Global MHD simulations driven by idealized Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind
- 6. Michael Hartinger -- Radiation belt response to large scale, monochromatic ULF waves: LANL-GEO observations
ULF wave modeling, including CCMC modeling challenge, Joint with MMV: 3:30-5:00, Monday, June 19, Port VI-VIII
- 1. Lutz Rastaetter -- CCMC ULF wave modeling challenge update and challenge events
- 2. Scot Elkington -- ULF wave activity and diffusion coefficients during QARBM challenge events
- 3. Katariina Nykyri -- KHI challenge events
- 4. All -- Open Discussion of Challenge Events
- 5. Doga Ozturk -- Effects of Increased Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure on the Coupled M-I system under different IMF By
- 6. Kazue Takahashi -- Cavity mode Van Allen Probe observations
- 7. Bob Lysak -- Cavity mode models
- 8. Tom Elsden -- The Theoretical Foundation of 3D Alfven Resonances: Time Dependent Solutions
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling processes associated with localized disturbances caused by dayside kinetic phenomena: Joint with “Dayside Kinetic Processes…” and “Testing proposed links…”: 3:30-5:00, Tuesday, June 20, Port VI-VIII
- 1. Peter Chi -- Magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to a localized disturbance: The macroscopic view
- 2. Hui Zhang -- Magnetospheric ULF waves generated by foreshock transients
- 3. Hui Zhang -- Modeling challenges in simulating HFA geoeffects
- 4. Boyi Wang -- Optical signatures of dayside ULF waves during magnetosheath high-speed jets
- 5. Katariina Nykyri -- The effect of magnetosheath seed spectrum on KH evolution and associated mass transport
- 6. Kyle Murphy -- A statistical study of discrete ULF wave power observed by GOES