FG: Interhemispheric Approaches to Understand M-I Coupling (IHMIC)

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Focus Group Leaders

  • Hyomin Kim, New Jersey Institute of Technology (hmkim@njit.edu)
  • Robert Lysak, University of Minnesota
  • Tomoko Matsuo, University of Colorado at Boulder

Focus Group Term

  • 2018 - 2022

Focus Group Topic Description and Science Questions

The main goal of this focus group proposal is to understand the interhemispheric symmetry/asymmetry in geomagnetic fields and its effects on M-I coupling. Observational and modeling studies have shown the interhemispheric differences which are manifested in various signatures, e.g., large-scale current systems, auroral forms, waves, ion upflow, outflow, particle precipitation, high-latitude convection and thermospheric winds. The focus group addresses questions as to how to incorporate interhemispheric differences and their effects on M-I coupling in observations and modeling/simulations. The overarching science questions that this focus group will be addressing are:

  1. In what aspect does the asymmetry in geomagnetic fields play a role in M-I coupling?
  2. How are the interhemispheric differences related to solar wind and geomagnetic activities?
  3. What are interhemispheric differences in storm and substorm signatures, wave activity and particle precipitation? What controls these differences?
  4. How do interhemispheric differences in ionospheric conductivity affect solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere?
  5. What are effects of the neutral wind dynamo in the application of Ohm's law to ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling? Does the neutral wind dynamo contribute to the interhemispheric asymmetry in M-I coupling?

2018 GEM Meeting Schedule

Summary Reports for GEM workshops