FG: Interhemispheric Approaches to Understand M-I Coupling (IHMIC)
Focus Group Leaders
- Hyomin Kim, New Jersey Institute of Technology (hmkim@njit.edu)
- Robert Lysak, University of Minnesota
- Tomoko Matsuo, University of Colorado at Boulder
Focus Group Term
- 2018 - 2022
Focus Group Topic Description and Science Questions
The main goal of this focus group proposal is to understand the interhemispheric symmetry/asymmetry in geomagnetic fields and its effects on M-I coupling. Observational and modeling studies have shown the interhemispheric differences which are manifested in various signatures, e.g., large-scale current systems, auroral forms, waves, ion upflow, outflow, particle precipitation, high-latitude convection and thermospheric winds. The focus group addresses questions as to how to incorporate interhemispheric differences and their effects on M-I coupling in observations and modeling/simulations. The overarching science questions that this focus group will be addressing are:
- In what aspect does the asymmetry in geomagnetic fields play a role in M-I coupling?
- How are the interhemispheric differences related to solar wind and geomagnetic activities?
- What are interhemispheric differences in storm and substorm signatures, wave activity and particle precipitation? What controls these differences?
- How do interhemispheric differences in ionospheric conductivity affect solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere?
- What are effects of the neutral wind dynamo in the application of Ohm's law to ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling? Does the neutral wind dynamo contribute to the interhemispheric asymmetry in M-I coupling?
2018 GEM Meeting Schedule
There will be two sessions on Friday (June 22). Please note that the afternoon session is a joint session with the focus group “3D Ionospheric Electrodynamics and its impact on MIT coupling (IEMIT)”.
- Friday, June 22, 10:30-12:00
- Friday, June 22, 13:30-15:00 (IEMIT-IHMIC Joint FG Session)
This year, we are encouraging more discussion and discouraging AGU-style presentations, limiting each talk to 3-4 slides focused on results and outstanding questions. If you are interested in presenting interhemispheric studies, please use this signup form: https://goo.gl/forms/YFCcZi1Qxi74fRi93
Please also note that there will be GEM-CEDAR joint sessions on Saturday (June 23). The second session from 10:30 to 12:00 will cover “Interhemispheric Processes/Symmetries/Asymmetries”.