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# Janet Kozyra: [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/tutorial/2008/Kozyra_student_tutorial_2008 Space Weather: Observational evidence for coupling and feedbacks involving the ITM]
# Janet Kozyra: [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/tutorial/2008/Kozyra_student_tutorial_2008 Space Weather: Observational evidence for coupling and feedbacks involving the ITM]
#Joe Huba: [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/tutorial/2007/2007_huba_ITM.pdf Ionosphere/Thermosphere/Magnetosphere:ITM Electrodynamic Coupling]
#Joe Huba: [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/tutorial/2007/2007_huba_ITM.pdf Ionosphere/Thermosphere/Magnetosphere:ITM Electrodynamic Coupling]
# Eric Donovan
# Eric Donovan: [http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/tutorial/2007/2007_ED_diffuse_aurora.pdf Diffuse Aurora]
# John Lyons
# John Lyons

Revision as of 14:43, 11 August 2011

This Section devotes to the tutorials given at GEM Summer Workshops.

By courtesy of IAGA Division III (Magnetospheric Phenomena) GemWiki also has a Section providing the reporter reviews online. See details on the "IAGA Div III Reviews" on the left panel.

2010 Summer Workshop

  1. David Sibeck: Don't go with the flow An Invitation to research on the Foreshock and magnetosheath (pdf) (Monday, June 21)
  2. Josh Semeter: The NSF AMISR Project: New Eyes on M-I Coupling (pdf)(Monday, June 21)
  3. Antonius Otto: The geomagnetic cusps: Magnetic topology and physical processes (pptx)[(pdf) (Tuesday, June 22)
  4. Margaret Kivelson Learning about Earth's plasma processes from studies of other magnetospheres (pdf(Tuesday, June 22)
  5. Jacob Bortnik Current challenges and opportunities in radiation belt and wave research (ppt) (pdf) (Wednesday, June 23)
  6. Jim Slavin (tail WG) Reconnection in Planetary Magnetic Tails (pdf) Thursday June 24)
  7. Jeffrey Hughes: Quo Vadis? (ppt)(pdf) (Thursday June 24)
  8. Gabor Toth Space Weather Modeling Framework: past, present and future (pdf) (Friday June 25)
  9. Antti Pulkkinen: Geomagnetically induced currents -- physics and applications (ppt) (pdf) (Friday June 25)

2009 Summer Workshop

  1. Steve Petrinec: The magnetosheath (ppt) (pdf) (Monday, June 22)
  2. Mei-Ching Fok: Ring current modeling - approaches, status and outstanding questions (ppt) (pdf) (Monday, June 22)
  3. Alec Glocer: Modeling ionospheric outflows and their effect on the magnetosphere (Tuesday, June 23)
  4. Jay Johnson: Challenges in understanding plasma entry and transport (ppt) (pdf) (Tuesday, June 23)
  5. George Siscoe: From the Chapman-Ferraro Magnetosphee to the Dungey-Alfven Magnetosphere(ppt) (pdf) (Students-sponsored tutorial, Wednesday, June 24)
  6. Bill Lotko: Does geospace exercise self control? (ppt)(pdf) (Thursday, June 24)
  7. Aaron Ridley: Climatological modeling using the AMIE code (ppt)(pdf) (Thursday, June 24)
  8. Brian Anderson: Near-term new observational capabilities in M-I coupling: AMPERE and the mid-latitude SuperDARN chain(ppt) (pdf)(Friday, June 25)
  9. Dick Wolf: Entropy and earthward transport in the plasma sheet (ppt) (pdf)(Friday, June 25)

2008 GEM-SHINE Workshop

  1. Robert L. McPherron: What Do Magnetospheric Physicists Need from a Solar Wind Model?
  2. Maria Spasojevic: Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions
  3. Larry Kepko: Modes and Timescales of Magnetotail Transport
  4. Nigel Meredith: Local Acceleration and Loss of Relativistic Electrons in the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt
  5. Janet Kozyra: Space Weather: Observational evidence for coupling and feedbacks involving the ITM
  6. Joe Huba: Ionosphere/Thermosphere/Magnetosphere:ITM Electrodynamic Coupling
  7. Eric Donovan: Diffuse Aurora
  8. John Lyons

2007 Summer Workshop

  1. Jimmy Raeder: Quo vadis, GGCM?
  2. Nick Omidi: Use of Hybrid & MHD Models in Addressing TADMAC's Objectives
  3. Vassilis Angelopoulos
  4. Paul O'Brien Space Radiation Climatology: A New Paradigm for Inner Magnetosphere Simulation and Data Analysis
  5. Eric Donovan
  6. Harlan Spence
  7. Antonius Otto
  8. Joachim Birn

2006 Summer Workshop

  1. R. J. Strangeway: Using the CCMC – Tutorial
  2. M. Liemohn: Ring Current and Plasmasphere Accomplishments During the GEM IM/S Campaign
  3. P. M. Kintner, Jr. et al. Magnetosphere - Ionosphere Coupling Below 3000 km: Conversion of Upwelling Ions to Escaping Ions or If O+ is important in the magnetosphere, how does it get out of the ionosphere?
  4. K. J. Trattner: Using the Cusp to Study Magnetic Reconnection
  5. T. E. Moore: Ionospheric Plasma in the Earth’s Magnetotail
  6. Kazue Takahashi: Magnetoseismology for the inner magnetosphere
  7. Tuija Pulkkinen: Energy as a global-scale diagnostic for MI coupling processes
  8. R. M. Thorne: Physical Processes in the Radiation Belts:10 Years of GEM IMS Accomplishments
  9. A. N.. Wright: The Physics of Field-Aligned Currents
  10. M. Hesse: Kinetic Processes and MHD Models:Can they work together?
  11. C. T. Russell: Time-Varying Reconnection
  12. R. Fear: FTE motion:Comparison with the Cooling model
  13. T. E. Moore: Reconnection

2005 GEM-CEDAR Workshop

  1. Gang Lu: Auroral Boundaries:Finding Them in Data and Models
  2. Tim Killeen: CEDAR 1983-2005
  3. C. T. Russell: GeospaceEnvironment Modeling GEM): Not Business as Usual
  4. Bob Spiro: Sub-AuroralElectric Fields:An Inner Magnetosphere Perspective
  5. John Foster: DASI - Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments
  6. Vladimir Papitashvili: e-Science for Geoscience:Virtual Observatories in the Framework of “Electronic Geophysical Year”
  7. Michael Wiltberger: Modeling Interactions between the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere & Thermosphere
  8. Tomoko Matsuo: Understanding data assimilation:how observations and a model are weaved into the analysis via statistics
  9. Robert L McPherron: MI Coupling from a Magnetospheric Point of View
  10. Rod Heelis: Magnetosphere Ionosphere Coupling: IonosphericPerspective
  11. Aaron Ridley: The tribulations and exaltations in coupling models of the magnetosphere with ionosphere-thermosphere models
  12. Hudson et al.: ULF Wave Modelling With A Motive: Effects on Energetic Particles
  13. Mike Kelley
  14. Janet Kozyra
  15. Masaki Fujimoto
  16. Vahe Peroomian

2004 Summer Workshop

  1. Joe Borovsky: The Dependence of the Plasma Sheet on the Solar Wind
  2. Cecilia DeLuca: Architecture of the Earth System Modeling Framework
  3. G. Siscoe: The Cusp and Its Role In Magnetosphere Dynamics
  4. Bob Schunk: The 3-D Extended Ionosphere
  5. Jerry Goldstein
  6. Stan Sazykin
  7. Geoff Reeves
  8. Stephen Fuselier
  9. Chris Chanton

2003 Summer Workshop

  1. Michele F. Thomsen: Storm-Time Dynamics of the Inner Magnetosphere: Observations of Sources and Transport
  2. Robert M. Wingleee: Multi-Fluid/Particle Treatment of Magnetospheric-Ionospheric Coupling During Substorms and Storms
  3. Jeff Thayer: M-I Coupling from the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Perspective: Melting the Frozen-In Flux
  4. Bob Lysak: Electrodynamic Coupling of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere
  5. X. Blanco-Cano: Formation of Planetary Magnetospheres. What can we learn from global hybrid simulations?
  6. Vania K.Jordanova: Modeling Geomagnetic Storm Dynamics
  7. Scot R. Elkington: Transport in the Radiation Belts and the role of Magnetospheric ULF Waves
  8. Terry Onsger: Mass Transport: To the Plasma Sheet – and Beyond!
  9. Ludger Scherliess: Data Assimilation for the Space Environment
  10. R. G. Roble: The Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)

2002 Summer Workshop

  1. Sorin Zaharia: Electrodynamics of M-I Coupling
  2. Yongli Wang: Global MHD Simulation in Geospace
  3. Jerry Goldstein: Inner Magnetospheric Shielding, Penetration Electric Field, and the Plasmasphere
  4. H. Karimabadi: Latest Advances in “Hybrid” Codes & their Application to Global Magnetospheric Simulations A New Approach to Simulations of Complex Systems
  5. R. A. Wolf: Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields
  6. Richard Horne: Electron Acceleration and Loss in the Earth’s Radiation Belts: The Contribution of waveparticle Interactions
  7. Andrew Yau
  8. Jim McFadden
  9. Geoff Reeves

2001 GEM-SHINE Workshop

  1. Umran Inan
  2. Jim Burch
  3. Ennio Sanchez
  4. Bill White
  5. Kiyoshi Maezawa
  6. Harlan Spence
  7. Ian Mann

2000 Summer Workshop

  1. George Siscoe: 70 Years of Magnetospheric Modeling: A Tutorial
  2. C. T. Russell: Geoeffectiveness of Solar Wind Transients
  3. Thomas E. Moore: The Magnetosphere as a Sink of Ionospheric Plasma
  4. Eftyhia Zesta: Tail Auroral Current Responses to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements
  5. Robert J. Strangeway: Outstanding Issues in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: The Three-Dimensional Ionosphere
  6. Mike Norman
  7. Pat Reiff
  8. Joe Borovsky

1999 Summer Workshop

  1. Anthony Chan: Theory and Modeling of the Radiation Belts
  2. Robert L. McPherron: GEM WORKSHOP 1999 STUDENT COMMISSIONED TUTORIAL:“What are they arguing about?”SUBSTORMS!
  3. V.Angelopoulos: Plasma Sheet Flows And Relationship To Substorms
  4. Jim Drake: The emerging Physics of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
  5. Axel Korth
  6. Bill Lotko
  7. K. Palaniappan
  8. Gary Heckmann